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Section 4: Maintain professional knowledge In this section you will…

Section 4: Maintain professional knowledge

In this section you will demonstrate that you can maintain your knowledge of current and emerging legal requirements and ethical issues.

Your assessor will provide you with a timeframe within which you will need to complete this section.

Over this period of time you will need to show that you can identify and use opportunities to improve your knowledge of current and emerging legal requirements and ethical issues within the community services sector. You will need to focus on the areas that were covered in the scenarios at Section 3.

You should do this by identifying at least three professional development opportunities suitable for you in the role of a manager/supervisor of a community services organisation.

You should engage in at least one of these – this could be a free webinar, watching a video online, researching industry information etc. The opportunity must be free – you do not need to pay for anything. You will need to submit evidence that you completed this activity (you may also do this in the presence of your assessor).   

Fill out the table below once you have identified these opportunities.  

List the three opportunities you have identified. 

Make sure you include the following:

name/description of the opportunity
how it is accessed
why this opportunity would be suitable for you as the manager/supervisor
what you would expect to get out of this opportunity.


Develop fact sheet/s that cover what you have learned from the specific opportunity you engaged in. You can develop one fact sheet or multiple – it simply depends on how much information you learned and the topics! The fact sheet/s should be developed keeping in mind that you would give these to your staff and/or clients. 

Attach your fact sheet/s to this Portfolio and also share them with your classmates after you have submitted your Portfolio.  




Evidence of undertaking one opportunity 


Your fact sheet/s


Scenario 1

Student information

One day you are in the reception area, having returned from your lunch break. You are chatting with the receptionist and observe Ariana, one of the support workers, walking out to the foyer with Marco. Marco and his wife have been clients of your service for some time now. His wife, Annie, was diagnosed with dementia several years ago and has been receiving home support while Marco was at work. However, her condition has deteriorated and she has recently been placed into full-time care. 

Marco has been receiving counselling (one of the many services offered at your organisation) for several months as he has been struggling with Annie being moved to full-time care and how her diagnosis and deterioration has significantly changed his life and the lives of his adult children. 

Ariana was the support worker for Annie – Marco and his children have known Ariana for about 18 months.

You watch them as they continue to chat. Ariana is not aware of your presence and she has her back to you. You hear them talking about something that Marco has shared with Ariana on social media and they are discussing it with great interest. Marco then asks Ariana what she has planned for the weekend and she mentions that she is going to the garden and flower show up in the city. Marco says he was thinking of going himself and says perhaps they could go together – it would save on parking fees. Ariana hesitates with her answer and Marco says that Annie loved the garden and flower show and it would be nice for him to experience it again with someone. He still remembers all the lovely flower arrangements that Ariana and Annie would make after they had worked in the garden. He says he misses those days when Annie was still herself. 

Ariana tries to brush off the invitation by saying she has a new partner and they may be going with her. Marco says he will message her on social media later in the week to make arrangements – he would love to meet her new partner. He gives her a hug, says it has been great to see her and heads out the door.


Scenario 2

Student information

One of your staff members, Lionel, is a caseworker with an exceptional track record and strong rapport with clients. During a discussion with another case worker, concerns are raised about Lionel’s involvement with a particular client, Andre. Andre has been a client at your service for about four months. The case worker has learned that Andre is a friend of Lionel’s from their high school days.





Scenario 3

Student information

You receive a formal complaint from one of your caseworkers, Gina. She alleges that she has been a discriminated against by Lindsay, who is also a caseworker in the same team. Gina claims that Lindsay has been making derogatory jokes comments about her ethnicity. She has confronted him about it and he laughs it off, saying he is just joking and doesn’t mean any harm. Gina has explained to Lindsay that it upsets her but he has continued to make the jokes. 

Lindsay has also been treating Gina differently compared to other colleagues – he does not engage in conversation with her very often and disregards or ignores her, particularly in group settings where she is made to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. 


Section 3: Respond to legal and ethical breaches

Read each scenario provided in the CHCLEG003 Simulation Pack. 

There is a template below for each scenario. Read the questions and provide as much detail as you can in your answers. Many of your questions will require you to review the policies and procedures in the Simulation Pack so that you can form appropriate responses. 

  Scenario 1: Ariana and Marco

Briefly outline the legal or ethical issue/s that are occurring in this case study.

The legal and ethical issues in this case study involve potential breaches of professional boundaries, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest. There is a risk that Ariana’s relationship with Marco might compromise her objectivity and professionalism as a support worker. Moreover, the discussion of Marco’s personal matters on social media and their casual conversation outside of work could potentially breach the organization’s policies and ethical standards.

Based on the work practices you have observed as part of the scenario, identify the non-compliances occurring with the organisation’s policies and procedures.

Provide specific examples in the relevant procedure/s and outline how they were being breached (or close to being breached). 

Several non-compliances with the organization’s policies and procedures are evident:

Professional Boundaries: Ariana’s relationship with Marco seems to cross professional boundaries, potentially compromising her neutrality and professionalism.
Confidentiality: The casual discussion of Marco’s personal matters on social media and outside of work could breach the confidentiality of client information.
Conflict of Interest: There’s a potential conflict of interest due to Ariana’s personal connection with Marco, which might affect her ability to provide unbiased support.



Assume you schedule a meeting with Ariana for the following day. She accepts the meeting via email.

Later in the day you are in the conference room, which is next to the staff room/kitchen. You hear Ariana talking to the receptionist.

‘I’ve got to meet with the boss,’ she says. ‘They want to talk about my relationship with Marco. Seriously, there’s nothing in it. Since his wife Annie went into full-time care he has been a bit needy. He’s getting counselling here and he said his case worker is pretty good but he is still very fragile and blaming himself for so many things. Annie is down the road at Palm Tree Residential Care. I go and visit her on the weekend when I can and let Marco know how she is going.’

The receptionist says to Annie, ‘Well, if you aren’t in any type of intimate relationship with Marco there shouldn’t be a problem, right? You’re just supporting him and also helping keep him informed about Annie.’

Ariana agrees emphatically. 

Outline the additional issues you foresee from this very short discussion. 

The discussion between Ariana and the receptionist highlights the possibility of misunderstandings and misconceptions about professional boundaries among staff members. This might lead to blurred boundaries and a lack of clarity in maintaining appropriate relationships with clients.

Considering the issues in this scenario, outline how you would role model appropriate behaviour as a manager in your day-to-day work activities. 

As a manager, you should:

Clearly communicate and reinforce the organization’s policies on professional boundaries, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest.
Lead by example in maintaining professionalism and ethical conduct.
Encourage open communication among staff about the importance of maintaining boundaries and the potential consequences of their breach.



Document what you would say, as Ariana’s manager, during the meeting. 

List one thing that you will suggest for Ariana to ensure that she is able to uphold her responsibilities in future. You are to assume that this is the first occurrence of a problem with Ariana – she is an excellent employee otherwise. 

Identify what you will need to do in regards to the situation with Marco and Ariana. 

During the meeting, you should address the concerns, focusing on:

The importance of upholding professional boundaries to ensure the best interests of clients and maintain the organization’s reputation.
Reminding her of the policies and procedures regarding confidentiality and conflicts of interest.
Emphasizing the need to maintain objectivity and professionalism when interacting with clients, regardless of personal connections.
Suggesting that she engage in self-reflection to manage her feelings and disconnect appropriately.

One Suggestion for Ariana: Advise Ariana to engage in regular supervision sessions or peer support to discuss challenges and receive guidance on maintaining professional boundaries and managing personal feelings while interacting with clients.


Situation with Marco and Ariana: It is crucial to address the situation promptly to prevent any potential breaches of ethical standards and maintain the well-being of both clients and staff. You might need to reinforce the policies with both Ariana and Marco, reminding them of the importance of maintaining a professional relationship.


During the meeting, Ariana indicates that the Professional Boundaries Policy is not clear about what happens when a client leaves the service – she assumed it would be okay to see Annie and discuss with Marco her condition. 

She agrees that she is struggling with her feelings since Annie’s departure from the service and how to disconnect. 

She also said that she has heard many staff talk to the reception team about clients – she thinks it is because the reception team see the clients come and go (greeting and farewelling) and making appointments for them, that the boundaries have blurred somewhat. 

Review the Professional Boundaries Policy and the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and make appropriate changes based on this feedback.

Attach these to your Portfolio.

Policy Review and Changes: In response to Ariana’s feedback, the Professional Boundaries Policy and the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy should be updated to clarify the organization’s stance on interactions with clients after their departure. The policies should explicitly state the expectations for maintaining confidentiality, appropriate relationships, and avoiding conflicts of interest, even after a client leaves the service. Additionally, staff members should be educated about the policies to ensure better understanding and compliance.






Scenario 2: Lionel and Andre 

Briefly outline the legal or ethical issue/s that are occurring in this case study.

The legal and ethical issue in this case study revolves around a potential conflict of interest. Lionel’s pre-existing friendship with Andre from their high school days could affect his ability to provide unbiased and objective services to Andre as a caseworker. This situation might compromise the client’s best interests.

Based on the information you received from your case worker, identify the non-compliances occurring with the organisation’s policies and procedures.

Provide specific examples in the relevant procedure/s and outline how they were being breached. 

The non-compliance with the organization’s policies and procedures involves:

Conflict of Interest: Lionel’s personal relationship with Andre raises concerns about a conflict of interest and impartiality in providing services. This could potentially compromise the organization’s commitment to providing unbiased support.



Considering the issues in this scenario, outline how you would role model appropriate behaviour as a manager in your day-to-day work activities. 

As a manager, you should:

Emphasize the significance of objectivity and professionalism in delivering client services.
Regularly communicate and reiterate the organization’s policies on conflicts of interest and maintaining impartiality.
Encourage all staff members to disclose personal relationships with clients promptly to address potential conflicts of interest.



Document what you would say, as Lionel’s manager, during a meeting with him.

List one thing that you will suggest for Lionel to ensure that he is able to uphold his responsibilities in future. Like Ariana, Lionel is an excellent employee with an unblemished record. 

During the meeting, you should address the concerns and suggest the following to Lionel:

Transparency: Encourage Lionel to disclose his pre-existing relationship with Andre to the appropriate channels within the organization. This step is vital to address the conflict of interest and ensure transparency.
Clarify Boundaries: Remind Lionel of the importance of maintaining professional boundaries and providing unbiased support to all clients, regardless of personal relationships.
Alternate Caseworker: Consider assigning another caseworker to Andre to eliminate any perceived or actual conflicts of interest and ensure that the client receives impartial support.

One Suggestion for Lionel: Advise Lionel to attend training or workshops on maintaining professional boundaries and managing conflicts of interest. This would equip him with the skills to navigate such situations while upholding his responsibilities.


In this scenario, the focus should be on ensuring that the client’s best interests are upheld and that the services provided are free from any potential biases or conflicts arising from personal relationships.




Scenario 3: Gina and Lindsay

Briefly outline the legal or ethical issue/s that are occurring in this case study.

The legal and ethical issues in this case study include workplace harassment, discrimination, and a hostile work environment. Lindsay’s derogatory comments and mistreatment of Gina based on her ethnicity, as well as his physical blocking of her attempt to leave the room, constitute severe breaches of workplace ethics and potentially legal requirements.



Based on the information you received from the complaint, identify the non-compliances occurring with the organisation’s policies and procedures.

Provide specific examples in the relevant procedure/s and outline how they were being breached. 

The non-compliances involve:

Workplace Harassment and Discrimination: Lindsay’s derogatory comments and abusive behaviour towards Gina breach the organization’s policies on workplace harassment and discrimination.
Workplace Violence: Lindsay’s physical blocking of Gina and causing injury to another staff member while attempting to intervene breach the organization’s policies on workplace violence.



This is not the first time that Lindsay has had complaints brought against him. You know that one client raised a complaint about his conduct and indicated they felt very uncomfortable around him. Another employee was rumoured to have left the organisation due to his conduct – this occurred before you were moved into a management role and was never confirmed. 

Outline how you will follow procedures now that you have received Gina’s complaint.  

Given Lindsay’s history of complaints and the severity of the current situation, the following steps should be taken:

Initiate an immediate investigation into the incident, including interviewing witnesses and collecting evidence.
Separate Lindsay from the workplace during the investigation to ensure the safety and well-being of employees.
Provide support and resources for Gina, ensuring her well-being and addressing her trauma.
Follow the organization’s formal procedures for addressing workplace misconduct, which may involve suspension, disciplinary action, or termination for Lindsay.



Assume that procedures have been implemented and Lindsay has decided that Gina must have put in a complaint. There was no breach of her privacy – the identity of the complainant was never disclosed by anyone involved. Lindsay has figured this out for himself.

A serious incident occurs on your day off where Lindsay blocks Gina in one of the meeting rooms and subjects her to horrific verbal abuse. He uses derogatory language and raises his voice significantly. Witnesses say that Gina tried to leave the room and he physically blocked her. Lindsay lashed out at one of the staff who tried to intervene and defuse the situation and this person was injured as a result. 

Gina is understandably traumatised by the event and has gone on leave. 

Assess this scenario and identify the potential consequences. Determine the specialist legal advice your organisation may need to employ. 

The consequences of Lindsay’s behaviour are severe and may include legal actions from Gina and the injured staff member. The organization may need to seek specialist legal advice in employment law and workplace harassment to navigate potential legal proceedings and ensure proper procedures are followed during the investigation and disciplinary process.

Considering the issues in this scenario, outline how you would role model appropriate behaviour as a manager in your day-to-day work activities. 

As a manager, you should:

Emphasize zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination, and workplace violence.
Lead by example in maintaining respectful and inclusive behavior.
Regularly communicate the importance of reporting any incidents of misconduct and ensuring that all employees feel safe and supported.



As part of this process you review the relevant procedure and determine that is lacking in information. 

Use your knowledge of the relevant requirements and update the policy so that it provides more information to staff about their obligations and responsibilities. 

Also consider what has been happening during this scenario and use this to guide you. 

Attach your new policy to your Portfolio. 

To address the gaps in the existing policy, the updated policy should include:

Clear definitions of workplace harassment, discrimination, and violence.
A comprehensive reporting process for employees to follow in case of any incidents.
Detailed procedures for handling complaints, including immediate steps to ensure safety and well-being of all parties involved.
Guidelines for conducting investigations and the disciplinary process.
Information about employees’ rights, support mechanisms, and the organization’s commitment to a safe and respectful workplace.