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: Create a Culturally Diverse Lesson Plan   Africans American  …

: Create a Culturally Diverse Lesson Plan   Africans American             grade second grade 

The purpose of this lesson is to incorporate cultural diversity into a lesson. Go back to your cultural assessment piece. 

The lesson should explore a diverse culture in depth on an age-appropriate level.
The lesson can represent the cultures in the classroom as well as diverse cultures.
It should not involve a holiday or food


In your lesson Consider the following:

The nature of the learner. What do you know about the students’; attitudes, values, and beliefs; learning styles; need for structure; family/peer support groups; a sense of ethnic identity, motivation, self-image,.
The teacher’s scholarly knowledge. What are the key concepts, skills, and understandings to be taught? What are the key questions and issues? What fact and generalizations are most important? What are the important connections between the subject matter and goals of global and multicultural education?
How will you communicate with the family, community? What resources will you need?

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion.  Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them well enough to use them.  Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Include a few key time guidelines. The lesson plan should be entered into the Diverse Lesson Plan Template. This template will give you suggestions to add into your lesson plan. Follow the template as closely as possible. The template is located in the session 6 folder.  


Diverse Lesson Plan Template
This lesson should focus on an element of a culture you explored in your cultural self-assessmentage-appropriate. 
The lesson should explore a diverse culture in depth on an age appropriate level. The lesson can represent the cultures in the classroom as well as diverse cultures. . 
It should not involve a holiday or food.

Grade Level:        second    grade     Number of Students:   Instructional Location:  Date:    

Lesson Goals
Central Focus of Lesson:
What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?

Standard(s) Addressed: 
What IL Learning Standards (Common Core, NGSS, etc.) will be addressed during the lesson?

Lesson Objectives and Demands
Lesson Objectives:
What will the students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? (use observable language)


Lesson Considerations

Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills:
List the prior knowledge that students will need to use and build upon to be successful in this lesson

Misconceptions: Identify common misconceptions regarding the concepts addressed in this lesson




Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion.  Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them well enough to use them.  Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Include a few key time guidelines. Note: The italicized statements and scaffolding questions are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete them before typing your lesson outline.

Lesson Introduction – “Before”: Setting the stage, activate and build background knowledge, introduce and explain

How will you set a purpose and help students learn why today’s lesson is important to them as readers/writers/learners?

How will you pique interest and/or curiosity regarding today’s topic?

How will you activate and build on prior knowledge and experiences related to the topic?

How will you introduce and explain this strategy/skill so that students will understand the how and why?

How will you integrate the diversity into the lesson?

Learning Activities – “During”: Active engagement in meaning making, explicit instruction, and practice (you should be checking for understanding throughout the lesson)

How will you engage students in active meaning making of key concepts and ideas?

How will you model this strategy/skill for your students (exemplars and/or demonstrations)?

How will you provide opportunities for guided practice?

How will students independently practice using the strategy and the skill it targets?

What planned supports will you use for the whole class, individuals, and/or students with specific learning needs?

Closure – “After”: Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding

How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?

How will you restate the teaching point and clarify key concepts?

How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as readers/writers/learners?

How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?

Extension:  How could you extend this lesson if time permits?

What specific extension activity might the students do to continue practicing and building meaning?



Lesson Plan Appendix and Commentary Section

Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning: How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s) and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and justify at least 2 formal or informal assessment strategies that occur in your detailed plan above.
Assessment Strategy #1:


Describe assessment strategy here.

Alignment with Objectives:
Describe how this assessment is aligned to your stated objectives. Which objective(s) is it assessing?

 Evidence of Student Understanding:
Describe how this assessment strategy provides evidence of student understanding of the concepts being taught.

 Student Feedback:
Describe how you will provide feedback to students on this assessment.



Utilizing Knowledge about Students to Plan and Implement Effective Instruction

Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning

Grouping Strategies: 
Describe how and why students will be divided into groups, if applicable (random, ability, interest, social purposes, etc.).

Planned Supports:
Describe the instructional supports during your lesson that address diverse learning needs in order for all students to successfully meet lesson objectives. This can include possible accommodations and differentiation strategies.





Community , Family Outreach and Communication

Information regarding the culture you chose, cultural assets. 
What is the cultural you have decided to explore? Why? What is the cultural value you are trying to convey? Why did you pick this element of a cultural to explore?

How will you communicate with the families in your class regarding this until?
Email? Paper communication word of mouth and why?

What Supports you will need to communicate to the family and community, i.e. translators,


Personal, family, community, and cultural community supports or resources for this lesson
Will you use community speakers? Go on local trips? Have parents come in to help?

How you will communicate the goals and lesson to the students families, include any handouts or letters you would distribute



If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here



Lesson Plan rubic


Criteria Ratings Pts  

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating content knowledge and planning for instruction: Central focus/learning goal aligned to NYS learning standard(s)


4 pts

Highly Effective

Central focus/Learning Goal includes basic knowledge and conceptual understanding and higher order thinking skills of subject area and aligns with the learning objective(s). Includes all standards that are central to the learning objective(s) and incorporates cultural diversity.



3 pts


Central focus/Learning Goal includes basic knowledge and conceptual understanding of subject area and aligns with the learning objective(s). Includes standards that are central to the learning objective(s).



2 pts


Central focus/Learning Goal includes basic knowledge of subject area and aligns with the learning objective(s). Includes standards.



1 pts


Central focus/Learning Goal includes only basic knowledge of subject area. Does not include standards.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating planning for instruction and assessment: Lesson objective(s)


4 pts

Highly Effective

Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn at what level of knowledge or practice and the observable and measurable behavior that demonstrates learning and includes criteria to indicate how or when the behavior will be observable.



3 pts


Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn at what level of knowledge or practice and the observable and measurable behavior that demonstrates learning.



2 pts


Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn and the observable and measurable behavior that demonstrates learning.



1 pts


Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating content knowledge and application of content: Language demands


4 pts

Highly Effective

Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective and includes opportunity to understand and use academic language.



3 pts


Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



2 pts


Partially describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



1 pts


Does not describe the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating content knowledge and application of content: Key vocabulary


4 pts

Highly Effective

Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective and includes opportunity to understand and use academic language.



3 pts


Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



2 pts


Partially describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



1 pts


Does not describe the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating learning differences, learning environments, and content knowledge: Resources and materials


4 pts

Highly Effective

Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s). Resources and materials reflect learners’ interests and/or support self-regulation.



3 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



2 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate but do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



1 pts


Resources and materials are not developmentally appropriate and do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating learner development and assessment: Prior academic learning and prerequisite skills


4 pts

Highly Effective

Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s). Resources and materials reflect learners’ interests and/or support self-regulation.



3 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



2 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate but do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



1 pts


Resources and materials are not developmentally appropriate and do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating ability to assess, plan, and implement instructional strategies: Beginning the lesson/introducing new content/skills


4 pts

Highly Effective

Describes baseline information from pre-assessment(s) that are aligned with stated learning objective(s) and uses that data to identify prerequisite skills and plan instruction to promote the learning of all students.



3 pts


Describes baseline information from pre-assessment(s) that are aligned with stated learning objective(s) and uses that data to identify prerequisite skills and plan instruction.



2 pts


Describes baseline information from pre-assessment(s); however, specific data is missing or pre-assessment and prerequisite skills do not align with stated learning objective(s).



1 pts


Pre-assessment information or prerequisite skills are missing.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUsing Knowledge of Children to Inform Teaching and Learning


4 pts

Highly Effective

Candidate justifies why learning tasks (or their adaptations)are developmentally appropriate using examples of children’s personal, cultural, or community assets. Candidate makes superficial connections to research and/or developmental theory.



3 pts


Candidate justifies learning tasks with limited attention to children’s personal, cultural, or community assets.



2 pts


Candidate’s justification of learning tasks either is missing OR represents a deficit view of children and their backgrounds.



1 pts


No insight into the issues.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiversity and Culture


4 pts

Highly Effective

The lesson contains an in-depth exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment on an age-appropriate level. It does not involve a holiday or food .



3 pts


The lesson contains an in-depth exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment on an age-appropriate level. It does involve a holiday or food



2 pts


The lesson contains an exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment on an age-appropriate level but it is not explored completely or in an age-appropriate way.



1 pts


The lesson does not contain an exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness


4 pts

Full Marks

Document is posted by the assigned Session



3 pts



2 pts



1 pts


Paper is late



4 pts