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Ann McConnell, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI), has proposed implementing a new global organizational structure focused on divisions or geographic areas to enhance local environments and sustainability. However, three out of seven managers are resistant to change. Ann McConnell is the chief information officer (CIO) at Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI), a large Maryland spice and food ingredient company, who wishes to expand globally in a sustainable manner and build a positive culture through all the divisions. Charles Jackson, the company president, and Ann need to develop a strategy to get all the managers on board while focusing on the organizational vision and purpose. In this case study, we will explore how motivation, relationship building, and trust can affect organizational effectiveness, and develop a forward strategy for leadership and management that addresses these issues.

In the current scenario, Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI) wishes to expand globally in a sustainable manner. The best option is for the organization to have a divisional structure so that it can cater efficiently to the needs of the geographic area. To implement such a vision, the organization must have a two-pronged strategy where on one side they communicate the benefits of the divisional structure, which is more globally robust to the managers and allay any reluctance and fears of the managers so that they are onboarded with the decision to implement a divisional structure and on the other hand the organization must introduce an awareness session on the ways of working and culture for each proposed geographic division so that the team is confident and empowered on carrying out their operations effectively. A feedback and revamp strategy will also be required once the change is implemented so that any tweaks required can be 


addressed quickly, and the teams can support the change with their thought process. The timeline for the organizational changes should be finalized with a clear communication, training, and feedback plan so that any reluctance is mitigated and the organizational objectives of global expansion with sustainability are met. For implementing the changes, managers must consider and understand the function and the effect of trust, motivation, relation building, and behavior in the organizational effectiveness. This event will ensure that JSI will meet its objectives and will also generate long-term value.

Researching the concepts mentioned above, behavior, motivation, relationship building, trust, are essential to managers and leaders to maintain a solid positive relationship that would lead to organizations’ success. 

Motivation is a critical factor in driving individual and collective performance in an organization. It is the internal or external stimulus that arouses and sustains behavior to achieve specific goals. Motivated employees are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to the organization’s vision and purpose. What is more, motivation can be enhanced through various strategies such as recognition, rewards, career development opportunities, and fostering a positive work environment.

Relationship building is the process of establishing and nurturing positive connections between people within an organization. Strong relationships promote effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork. Building relationships requires open and honest communication, active listening, empathy, and respect for diverse perspectives. When leaders prioritize relationship building, they create an environment that encourages trust and psychological safety.


Trust is a foundational element for successful organizational relationships. It is the belief that others will act with integrity, keep commitments, and consider the best interests of the organization and its members. Trust fosters effective collaboration, information sharing, and risk-taking. Trust can be developed through consistent communication, transparency, competence, and demonstrating trustworthy behavior over time.

 Applying the concepts of behavior, motivation, and trust, to the relationship-building issues identified in this case study are building the frame or road mapping of any company. For instance, the following steps warrant a better understanding of Charles Jackson and Ann McConnell to develop a strategy to get all the managers on board while focusing on the organizational vision and purpose.

Establish clear communication channels: Charles and Ann should promote open and transparent communication channels to share the rationale behind the new organizational structure and strategy. They should address any concerns or questions from the managers, ensuring that everyone understands the purpose and benefits of the changes.

Active listening and sympathy: Charles and Ann should actively listen to the managers’ perspectives and concerns. They should empathize with their apprehensions and validate how they feel. This approach will demonstrate respect and build trust, enabling a more constructive dialogue.

Inclusive decision-making: Rely on the managers in the new structure and strategy decision-making process. Seeking their voice and involvement will increase their sense of ownership and 


commitment to changes. It will also tap into their expertise and allow for a more comprehensive understanding of local environments.

Recognition and rewards: Implement a system for recognizing and rewarding managers who embrace the new organizational structure and contribute to its success. This approach will motivate managers to align with the company’s vision and purpose, as well as encourage others to follow suit.

Training and development: Offer training and development programs to equip managers with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their new roles. This investment demonstrates a commitment to their professional growth, boosting their motivation and job satisfaction.

Foster a collaborative culture and encourage collaboration between the managers by providing opportunities for them to share ideas, best practices, and lessons learned. Facilitating cross-divisional communication and collaboration will enhance relationship building, trust, and a sense of collective purpose.

Developing a straight strategy for leadership and management will help JSI focus on diversity, relationships, and trust. Charles and Ann need to focus on building motivation, trust, and strong relationships with the reluctant managers. They should:

Meet with each manager individually to understand their concerns and reservations. Listening and empathy will be key to building trust.


Explain the vision and goals for the new structure compellingly, highlighting how it will benefit the company and each manager’s team. Appeal to intrinsic motivators like growth, autonomy, and impact.

Involve the managers in planning and decision-making for the new divisions where possible. Giving them a sense of ownership and control will increase buy-in and motivation.

Be transparent about changes and how they will impact roles and responsibilities. Lack of clarity breeds mistrust. Provide support and training for any new skills required.

Express confidence in the managers’ abilities to succeed in their new roles. Psychological safety and a growth mindset will help them adapt.

Establish new goals and metrics that are aligned with the organizational vision. This event will provide a shared purpose and focus.

Foster an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives and local knowledge are valued. Diversity of thought leads to better decisions.

Be available, approachable, and open to feedback as the changes are implemented. Build relationships through regular check-ins and communication.

Explaining the reasons and conclusions of this plan or case study will support the success of JSI in the international business arena. 

To implement the new organizational structure and strategies, Charles and Ann need to focus on building trust and motivation among the managers. They should have a one-on-one conversation 

in with each manager to understand their concerns and reservations about the changes. This event will allow Charles and Ann to address specific issues and tailor their approach for each manager.

Building trust will be key. Charles and Ann should be transparent about the reasons for the changes and how they will benefit the company. They should emphasize that the new structure is meant to empower the divisions and enable a more local focus, not take away autonomy from the managers. Listening to the managers’ perspectives will show that their voice matters and build trust in leadership.

Charles and Ann should also focus on motivating the managers by appealing to their intrinsic motivations. They should highlight how the new roles will allow the managers to have more impact and autonomy in their divisions. Trying the changes to the company’s mission and vision will help motivate managers who want to see the company succeed. Offering additional training, resources, and support can also boost managers’ confidence in their ability to take on new responsibilities.

Over time, as trust and motivation increase, Charles and Ann should delegate more authority to the division managers. This idea will allow them to see the benefits of the new structure firsthand. Regular communication, feedback, and recognition will reinforce the positive changes and behaviors that align with the company’s goals.

Analyzing the plan would be one of the last steps in this case study. The plan and strategies developed for management will increase organizational effectiveness by addressing the following aspects:


Alignment with organizational vision: By involving the managers in the decision-making process and emphasizing the purpose and benefits of the new organizational structure, leaders generate a shared understanding and commitment to the organizational vision. This alignment drives a sense of purpose among managers and improves overall organizational effectiveness.

Enhanced collaboration and communication: The focus on relationship building, trust, and open communication channels fosters collaboration among managers. Efficient collaboration enables the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and best practices, leading to more efficient processes, problem-solving, and innovation.

Maximized employee motivation: Through recognition, rewards, and opportunities for growth, leaders can motivate managers to embrace new strategies. Motivated managers are more likely to be initiative-taking, committed, and aligned with the organization’s purpose, leading to increased productivity and effectiveness.

Diversity and inclusion: Emphasizing diversity and inclusion in the new organizational structure and strategy allows for a broader range of perspectives and ideas. This inclusivity enhances creativity, innovation, and adaptability, strengthening the organization’s effectiveness and ability to address global challenges.

Here are some additional recommendations (how the plans and strategies developed for management will add to organizational effectiveness, purpose, and vision):

Provide training on change management and adapting to new roles. This event will help managers develop the skills needed to implement the changes successfully.


Consider incentives and rewards for managers who embrace the changes early and help their teams adapt. Wage is an extrinsic motivator that can encourage buy-in.

Establish a mentoring program where reluctant managers can be paired with those who are more open to changes. Peer support can be a powerful motivator.

Hold regular town hall meetings to update all employees on progress and solicit feedback. Transparent communication builds trust throughout the organization.

Give managers autonomy in how they achieve goals in their new divisions. Flexibility and empowerment will increase motivation and performance.

Measure not just results but also employee engagement, motivation, and trust. Adjust the changes based on this feedback.

Be visible and available to all employees. Showing a personal interest in people’s jobs and lives builds relationships that extend beyond formal roles.

In summation, the introduction of a new organizational structure at Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI) seems to be the best idea and road mapping to reach the company’s goal. Global expansion requires constant monitoring of a sustainable philosophy. One of the best organizational structures that fits JSI is a divisional structure. JSI’s global divisional structure can cater to more efficiency and better perspectives in all geographic areas. To maintain a positive implementation, JSI must employ a long-term strategy to communicate the benefits and opportunities of the divisional structure and a strategy to monitor an awareness plan on the way that leadership, trust, relationship, motivation, and behavior are primordial to the company’s objectives to create a positive culture.

In conclusion, in this case study, we have explored how motivation, relationship-building, behavior, and trust can impact organizational effectiveness. By applying strategies such as clear communication, active listening, inclusivity, recognition, and training, leaders can build strong relationships, foster trust, and motivate managers to embrace new strategies. These plans and strategies will increase organizational effectiveness, align with the vision, and the purpose of the organization, and create a culture of collaboration, diversity, and trust. This event will enable Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI) to thrive in its pursuit of global leadership in the spice and seasoning markets while being good stewards of the environment.

Focusing on building trust, motivation, and strong relationships through transparency, empathy, involvement, and support, leadership can help managers embrace the changes needed to implement the new divisional structure and strategies successfully.

Combining these recommendations with the initial strategies around motivation, trust, and relationship building, leadership can help managers, and the entire organization adapt to the new divisional structure and strategies to increase effectiveness, engagement, and alignment with the company’s vision and purpose. An inclusive culture, clear goals, and effective communication will also help increase organizational effectiveness and ensure the changes support the company’s overall vision and purpose.