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Read the following lecture and complete the assignment at the end!…

Read the following lecture and complete the assignment at the end!



Latinos Normalize Physical Child Abuse.

The topic I have been researching this semester is “Latinos Normalize Physical Child Abuse.” This issue is significant because, in the Latino culture, the belief that physical abuse is a sign of love, nurturing, and correction of wrongdoing, has caused it to be greatly normalized to the point of confusing it with “care.” My research question is “What are the cultural and societal factors that contribute to normalizing child abuse within Latino communities, and how can these factors be addressed to prevent child abuse in these communities?”


 Before investigating this question, I first wanted to familiarize myself more with other people’s experiences, so I watched some interviews on the Latinx Parenting YouTube channel and listened to Latino podcasts like “Mas Alla del Rosa” by Jessica Fernandez G. Both resources talk about important key points “legacies and transfer of beliefs between generations.” 

On the other hand, I decided to investigate more professional opinions where their reasoning was based on scientific factors about human behavior. I decided to use school resources like the UNLV’s Library database and began to look for any sources that could help me achieve the key understanding of my topic. I searched for Keywords like: “Latinos” “Physical Abuse” “Social Sciences” and “Machismo” According to Machismo, Marianismo, and Negative Cognitive-Emotional Factors: Findings From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study – PMC  “Machismo encompasses positive and negative aspects of masculinity, including bravery, honor, dominance, aggression, sexism, sexual prowess, and reserved emotions, among others.” in general which came up with many credible sources that I was able to go through.


The types of resources I found were credible and scholarly such as EL SEVIER Child abuse & neglect, 2021, Vol.112, p.104887-104887 “Adverse childhood experiences and its association with emotional and behavioral problems in U.S. children of Latino immigrants”, American Counseling Association Journal of counseling and development, 2002, Vol.80 (1), p.31-40 “Examining common areas of misunderstanding between professionals and low-income Latino families concerning issues of physical abuse” and Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications Child maltreatment, 2015, Vol.20 (4), p.268-277 “Seeking to understand the relative influence of neighborhood structural characteristics and social processes on child physical abuse.” Each of them addresses the same issue in different ways, showing us that abuse in Latino homes depends as much on behavioral, social, and economic factors.


Based on my research my tentative claim is that Latino families normalize child physical abuse and try to disguise it in many ways to make it seem like something that is “normal”. I plan to use sources that are in favor of my claim to help me support it such as Child Discipline and Physical Abuse in Immigrant Latino Families and how it becomes normalized in this culture.

At the moment, all the resources that I chose and looked for my project were scholarly, I also researched popular opinions to obtain more understanding about my topic and thus feel a little more empathy with it. I think I have the necessary materials and tools for this assignment, however, I need to find the right way to structure them and make them work to provide accurate and reliable information.


Source Annotations

Rosado, J. I., Ramirez, A., Montgomery, J., Reyes, E., & Wang, Y. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and their association with emotional and behavioral problems in U.S. children of Latino immigrants. Child Abuse & Neglect, 112, 104887. 

This source is a scholarly article about adverse childhood experiences and their association with emotional and behavioral problems in U.S. children of Latino immigrants. Its purpose is to study the prevalence of 8 ACEs, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, among rural U.S. Latino children of immigrant parents, examining the association of those adversities with several factors including emotional and behavioral difficulties, health problems, and healthcare utilization. This article has multiple authors including Javier I. Rosado who is the founding Director of Clinical Research for the FSU Center for Child Stress & Health and Andrea Ramirez who is a scholar and practitioner devoted to creating systemic social change and improving the lives of most communities shocked by injustice and oppression. These authors show their credibility by using information based on scientific data, socially and psychologically by showing the impact they have on the community. This article contains important information which will help me in my research project focusing on how the behaviors and actions of adults are reflected in children which leads to a normalization of behavior problems. This article was published in 2011 by Elsevier Ltd. This article has shown conversations on the topic related to my research “Latino Families Normalize Child Physical Abuse” in the year 2020 Elsevier made a new update on this article where they show new relevant data related to the topic such as gender roles, sexual orientation, culture, upbringing, etc. I will use this resource as an example to support my position and to answer my research question “What are the cultural and societal factors that contribute to normalizing child abuse within Latino communities, and how can these factors be addressed to prevent child abuse in these communities This article addresses my topic in general which brings together pieces that could lead to a possible answer. This is a very complete investigation where research was done on the background, objectives, personal experiences, settings, and methods.


Fontes, Lisa Aronson. (2002). Child Discipline and Physical Abuse in Immigrant Latino Families: Reducing Violence and Misunderstandings. Journal of counseling and development, 2002, Vol.80 (1), p.31-40 

This is a scholarly Journal written by Fontes, Lisa Aronson who has a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where her dissertation focused on services for Latino victims of child sexual abuse. The purpose of this article is to examine common areas of misunderstanding between professionals and low-income Latino families concerning issues of physical abuse. Arguing that low-income immigrant children deserve the same protection from harsh physical punishment as all other children. Suggesting culturally competent ways for counselors to work with Latino families to eliminate all forms of violence towards children including corporal punishment. I would summarize the source for someone who is not familiar with it by saying that “it focuses on a research study led by Lisa Aronson who has worked in the field as a psychotherapist, researcher, and activist focusing on legal cases related to child abuse and intimate partner violence (or coercive control), particularly where cultural issues are relevant.” It was published in 2002, and although it was published 20 years ago, it still shows the relevance of the problems that are addressed in the article. This source relates to my research project by having substantial evidence for my research question and claims.


Freisthler, B. Maguire, J. ( November 2015). Understanding the Interplay Between Neighborhood Structural Factors, Social Processes, and Alcohol Outlets on Child Physical Abuse. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications Child maltreatment, 2015, Vol.20 (4), p.268-277 

This is a scholarly article written by Bridget Freisthler who obtained her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2003 focusing on Social Welfare, Service Administration, Child Development, and Family Studies. She along with Kathryn L. Maguire who is an Associate Professor of Social work graduated from the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan. Dr. Kathryn Maguire-Jack’s research focuses on child abuse and neglect prevention, with an emphasis on communities and geographic disparities. The purpose of this article is to understand the relative influence of neighborhood structural characteristics and social processes on child physical abuse. I would summarize the source for someone who is not familiar with it by saying that “The purpose of this study was to examine how neighborhood structural and social processes may independently contribute to the use of physical abuse by parents”. The resource was published in November 2015 and shows a more cultural opinion on how physical abuse can be related to the type of upbringing and environment. This article connects important ideas with my research, research question, and claims as it focuses on key points that are “cultural and societal factors that contribute to normalizing child abuse”.


Hue Trong Duong. et al. (2021). Identifying knowledge, self-efficacy and response efficacy of alternative discipline strategies among low-income Black, Latino and White parents. Oxford University Press. Health education research, 2021, Vol.36 (2), p.192-205

This resource is a scholarly article written by Hue Trong Duong along with multiple other authors. Dr. Doung earned his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. He is particularly interested in research that advances the understanding of how social norms and risk perceptions are shaped and influence health behaviors, and how communication interventions could leverage people’s desirable behavioral changes. The purpose of this resource is to explain how corporal punishment leads to detrimental mental and physical consequences for a child. Showing ways to prevent it and encouraging parents to apply alternative discipline strategies that do not involve violence, and how addressing them will help prevent injury and health impacts on children, while providing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for child development. The source is pretty current; it was published in 2021, and the source does reflect the current understanding of how corporal discipline can affect children physically and mentally. This source relates to my research and claim because it explains the aspects of how physical discipline impacts mental health in children, and how seeking other disciplinary alternatives can be more efficient.


 L. Amy Ai. et al. ( 20 April 2016). Childhood Abuse, Religious Involvement, and Substance Abuse Among Latino-American Men in the United States. New York: Springer US International. Journal of behavioral medicine, 2016, Vol.23 (6), p.764-775

This source is a Scholarly Journal written by Amy L. Ai who has earned multiple Ph.D. MS, MSW, BA from the University of Michigan and Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy. Amy L. is affiliated with both the FSU Institute for Successful Longevity and the Pepper Institute for Aging and Public Policy. The purpose of this article is to inform that childhood abuse and substance abuse are significant behavioral health problems in developed countries. Studies have examined substance abuse as a negative coping strategy, among Latino-American men and how collectivist cultural factors (i.e., ethnic identity, social support, and religious involvement) are related to substance abuse and physical violence. I would summarize the source for someone who is not familiar with it by saying that “The use of any kind of substance that can alter a person’s behavior is one more factor that contributes to the normalization of physical abuse in certain environments.” This Journal was published on 20 April 2016, and it reflects the current understanding of the topic by talking about some of the alternative factors that contribute to domestic violence problems. It relates to my research project since it shows in different ways how abuse is normalized through the use of substances, ethnicity, and cultural identity that each family has.




For this research journal, you will write a 400-500 word opinion piece for a public audience about your research topic. An opinion piece is a strong, informed and focused opinion of the writer on an issue of relevance to a targeted audience. Your purpose in this opinion piece is to make a clear argument about your research topic. Your opinion piece should include multiple reasons for your argument (subclaims) and evidence from your sources to support your argument.