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1. A student is writing for an academic audience of his classmates…

1. A student is writing for an academic audience of his classmates and instructor.  The essay focuses on the effects of holding penalties in college football.  What is an effective way to communicate his argument to this particular audience?

Select one:


The student should assume that his audience understands the topic and write the essay accordingly.




The student should assume that most people have a basic knowledge of football but still explain any language that only football players or fans would know.




The student should assume that his audience does not understand anything about the topic and should explain the topic thoroughly as well as any football-specific language he uses.




The student should not write about this topic because his audience will not understand it.


2. An effective conclusion should

Select one:


introduce new ideas.




include these words: “the purpose of this paper was to.”




restate the thesis in a memorable, fresh way.




present opposing views.



3. An effective introduction should

Select one:


ask as many questions as possible to gain the reader’s interest.




include these words: “the purpose of this paper is to.”




contain the thesis statement.




include the majority of the essay’s supporting details.



4.An essay’s thesis can best be described as

Select one:


a detailed breakdown of each and every main point in an essay.




a true statement based on fact.




a concise statement that asserts the central, controlling idea of an essay and perhaps previews the essay’s organization.




a question that guides the structure of a paper.



 5. Choose the argumentative thesis statement that best answers this question: “Why should strip-mining be controlled?”

Select one:


Strip-mining should be tightly controlled in this region to reduce its pollution of water resources, its destruction of the land, and its devastating effects on people’s lives.




I think strip-mining is bad for the environment.




In today’s society, some people approve of strip-mining, and others do not.




Strip-mining is the process of removing a mineral deposit from the Earth after first removing the layer of earth above it.



6. Choose the sentence that uses pronouns correctly.

Select one:


As a person grows in age and wisdom, he often becomes more set in their ways.




As a person grows in age and wisdom, they often become more set in their ways.




As people grow in age and wisdom, they often become more set in their ways.




As a person grows in age and wisdom, he or she often becomes more set in their ways.



7. Donna, the author of a four-page essay, has correctly placed four different sources on her Reference List page. Readers should therefore assume Donna’s essay will contain

Select one:


a minimum of four internal citations within the essay.




one quote, paraphrase, or summary on each page of the document.




at least a couple quotes.




at least four quotes, summaries and/or paraphrases cited internally.



8. Identify the author’s argument in the following passage:

It is an interesting time to be an American teenager.  A generation ago, most teenagers made gaining independence a top—even urgent—priority.  They actively sought ways to take charge of their lives and to demonstrate that self-determination to others.  As that generation grew into and adults and parents, however, they seemed to focus their need for control on their children; as a result, many of today’s teenagers do not see the need for and, therefore, do not strive to be independent in their daily lives or their decision-making. The dependency of many American adolescents today is a result of an excess of control by their parents and the adolescents’ own resultant complacency.

Select one:


The dependency of many American adolescents today is a result of an excess of control by their parents and the adolescents’ own resultant complacency.




American parents cannot control their children.




Today’s American teenagers are lazy.




It is an interesting time to be an American teenager.



9. Identify the thesis statement in the following passage:

Every year, the security guards supply hundreds of parking passes to students, but they do not make the effort to count the number of passes being distributed. As a result, there are more parking passes than available parking spaces. In addition, there are no restrictions about freshmen having cars on campus so this limits the number of parking spaces available to students who actually have to drive to and from campus. Furthermore, the school has failed to support or implement any form of carpool system or public transportation so students have no choice but to drive themselves. Something must be done to remedy this problem.  Student parking is a serious issue on this campus.

Select one:


Every year, the security guards supply hundreds of parking passes to students, but they do not make the effort to count the number of passes being distributed.




Something must be done to remedy this problem.




Student parking is a serious issue on this campus.




In addition, there are no restrictions about freshmen having cars on campus, so this limits the number of parking spaces available to students who actually have to drive to and from campus.



10. If a student has created a thesis which states, “Because they are intelligent, loyal, and energetic, Jack Russell Terriers make excellent indoor pets,” then he or she should know that to meet the audience’s expectations regarding essay structure, the first body paragraph following this thesis will focus on

Select one:


where Jack Russell Terriers got their names.




why parents should be warned that Jack Russell Terriers are sometimes so excitable that they might unintentionally nip or knock down toddlers, rendering the dogs unsuitable for homes containing such children.




how Jack Russell Terriers show that they are intelligent.




the energy levels for which Jack Russells are noted.



11. If you were asked to write an argumentative essay on professional sports, which of the following topics would be appropriate for development?

Select one:


Where the Chicago Blackhawks, a hockey team, obtained their name




Explaining the rules for American football to non-Americans




Whether there should be mandatory drug checks on professional athletes




How many home runs a certain baseball star hit



12. Imagine that Joe does all of the following to his essay. Which of the items addresses the essay’s organization?

Select one:


He finds and corrects two comma splices and a fragment.




He indents each paragraph with five spaces.




He checks commas, spelling, and capitalization.




He moves the second sentence of a paragraph to be the last.



13. Read the following sentence from page 50 of Bob Woodard’s 2015 article “Staying Ahead of the Curve: Performing Your Best for Companies that Now Demand More.” 

Select the answer which best represents an APA paraphrase of the selection: “Barlark attributes his 11-year tenure through two corporate acquisitions to his commitment to resourcefulness in work execution and unrelenting customer service.”

Select one:


One article shows that executives work really hard (Woodward p. 50).




Bob Woodard illustrates how a strong work ethic and commitment to customers can contribute to longevity as an executive (Woodward, 2015, p. 50).




One author believes that when executives focus on working hard, they make themselves attractive to corporations looking for new employees (Woodard 2015).




According to Woodard, executives steal from their employers (p. 50).



14. Shelley’s goal is to write an essay for Composition I that uses description as an argumentative strategy.  To meet this goal, Shelley gives details of her dorm room and all its contents. Why is this not appropriate development?

Select one:


description should be ordered spatially.




details do not have to be vivid, just important.




such description is expository not argumentative.




description should be ordered chronologically.


15.The purpose of summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting from a source is

Select one:


both to provide evidence to support your thesis and to give credit to the author of the source.




to demonstrate to the reader that you know how to use scholarly databases.




to provide evidence to support your thesis.




to give credit to the author of the source.



16. The word “development” when applied to writing in Composition I classes relates to

Select one:


a unified action or current event that must be defined by the writer early in a composition on that topic/subject.




the use of in-text citations to avoid a charge of plagiarism.




explanation, reasons, details, and examples used to flesh out a paragraph.




the gradual improvement across the semester of a student’s ability to write correct standard written English.



17. Though writers have the freedom to place thesis statements at any place in their work, when the teacher requests that a thesis appear in the essay’s introductory paragraph, it is best placed

Select one:


anywhere in the essay because the audience’s wishes are of little importance when compared to a writer’s creative desires.




as the introduction’s last sentence




as a sentence near the middle of the introductory paragraph.




as the introduction’s first sentence.



18. To fully develop an argument, writers should not rely on

Select one:


strongly held personal opinions.




logical presentation of several viewpoints.




specific and relevant examples.




correctly cited source material.



19. What are the three primary pieces of information most often used in internal citations following APA  standards?

Select one:


page and paragraph number, author’s initials, and year of publication




author’s name, year, and page or paragraph number




author’s name, year, and title of article




title of article, author’s name and year of publication



20. Which of the following best demonstrates an internal citation for a source according to APA standards?

Select one:


“Each year Harris spends time in self-reflection.” (Reed 78).




One author quotes, “Each year Harris spends time in self-reflection.” (pp. 78)




“Each year Harris spends time in self-reflection.” (Reed, 1997, 78)




According to one article, “Each year Harris spends time in self-reflection” (Reed, 1997, p. 78).



21, Which of the following essays would most likely develop an argument?

Select one:


an essay that tells the processes of registering for class




an essay that proposes which candidate should become president




an essay that compares and contrasts two characters in a play




an essay that tells the story of Jane’s wedding day



22. Which of the following sentences is a fragment?

Goodman also exposes how much pressure women are under to look thin and fit. Larger women are being unfairly compared to skeleton-thin models and actresses. They are continually denied roles in the media. As well as being under-represented in power positions in society because of their weight and body type. Larger women in our culture do not deserve to be compared to the stick-thin models we see in magazines and on television.

Select one:


As well as being under-represented in power positions in society because of their weight and body type.




They are continually denied roles in the media.




Goodman also exposes how much pressure women are under to look thin and fit.




Larger women are being unfairly compared to skeleton-thin models and actresses.



23. Which of the following word groups is a comma splice?

Select one:


Whenever our blueberries ripen, birds eat the berries.




Miriam dreamed about winning the lottery, so she bought a lottery ticket.




It’s not the heat that bothers me it’s the humidity.




The directions were unclear, nobody understood them.



24. Which option is the best argumentative thesis statement?

Select one:


This new Windows software brought in over $300,000 last year, which was far more than most competitors.




There are many new software products on the market. Everyone needs to decide for himself or herself which one to purchase.




Why is this new Windows software so successful?




Although many people disapprove of the new Windows software, it succeeded because of its innovative marketing campaign, including widespread press coverage, in-store entertainment, and a consumer newsletter.



25. Which sentence demonstrates correct punctuation?

Select one:


Bill left the meeting feeling frustrated nobody liked his ideas.




Bill left the meeting, feeling frustrated nobody liked his ideas.




Bill left the meeting feeling frustrated; nobody liked his ideas.




Bill left the meeting feeling frustrated, nobody liked his ideas.