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Electric Vehicles: Scrap Metal or the Future?

?With transportation accounting for some 20 percent of harmful global emissions, the need for a widespread change in the way we transport ourselves and our goods has never been more apparent. Despite the need for change, a study performed by the University of California found that fewer than 2.5 percent of new car buyers had extensive experience driving electric vehicles (EVs). Furthermore, only 7-8 percent of households that shopped for and or bought new cars actively shopped for or purchased an electric vehicle (Sperling). Some consumers and skeptics are quick to point out that electric vehicles that charge using electricity from dirty energy sources, such as coal plants, are no better than gasoline-powered vehicles in terms of carbon emissions. Additionally, many argue that the emissions produced during the production process of an average electric vehicle negatively offsets emissions saved over said vehicle’s lifetime. Despite these claims, many governments worldwide are starting to ramp up their efforts in the battle against pollution and climate change, with the transition to electric cars at the forefront of their plans, resulting in many consumers beginning to make the transition. To fully understand whether electric vehicles can reduce carbon emissions to help the environment, the different types of EVs, the materials used to produce the EVs, the power to run the EVs, and the challenges facing electric vehicles must be evaluated.  

Not all-electric vehicles are created equal, with some producing more emissions than others throughout their lifecycles. Battery electric cars, known as BEVs, such as the Tesla Model 3 or the Chevy Bolt, operate entirely on their huge batteries, meaning that they need no gas whatsoever, eliminating emissions from the car’s actual use. Most of the emissions produced from BEVs come from the production process, with a minimal amount coming from the production of the electricity used to power these cars. A study performed by the government of the Canadian providence of British Columbia found that an average BEV produced 65 grams of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide equivalents per kilometer driven (Moorhouse). Plug-In Hybrid Electric Cars, known as PHEVs, such as the Toyota Prius Prime, are powered by gas and electricity. PHEVs can be driven entirely on battery power or simply on gas power, or a combination of both. Having a tailpipe and running partially on gasoline, these cars produce most of their emissions from their use. The same study performed in British Columbia found PHEVs to produce 146.25 grams of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide equivalents per kilometer driven (Moorhouse). The average hybrid electric car, otherwise known as HEVs, such as the Toyota Prius, are powered almost entirely on gasoline. They have smaller batteries that can store some energy to boost fuel economy, which charge from regenerative braking systems rather than being plugged into a charger. The same British Columbia study found that, on average, HEVs produce 227.5 grams of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide equivalents per kilometer driven. In the study, a gasoline car was found to emit 325 grams of carbon or carbon dioxide equivalent per kilometer driven, proving that even vehicles with minimal electricity/battery storage can help lower carbon emissions in realistic driving lifecycles (Moorhouse). Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, known as FCEVs, are not electric, but they are an essential type of clean vehicle. FCEVs do not charge via a charger; instead, they take in compressed liquid hydrogen to produce electricity to store and use (Union of Concerned Scientists). Thus, they do not create any carbon emissions beyond their manufacture, arguably making them the cleanest out of the five vehicle types. However, little data is available, and studies are ongoing due to the recent emergence of hydrogen fuel cell technology. Carbon emissions vary widely between the different electric vehicles, but an average vehicle of every electric car class over their lifespan will beat gasoline-powered cars in terms of emissions.

          Most emissions produced by electric vehicles of all types come from the manufacturing process, with electric cars emitting even more on average than gasoline cars with combustion-powered engines. There are a couple of differences between the production of standard vehicles and electric vehicles. The transport of materials used to produce vehicles such as plastics, aluminum, and other metals creates a moderate amount of carbon emissions. Electric cars require slightly lighter materials than standard vehicles. Still, for electric vehicles and conventional vehicles, the body and chassis make up 60 percent of a given vehicle’s weight on average (Nealer). The main difference, of course, is the batteries within the electric vehicles, usually lithium-ion batteries. The lithium-ion battery produces emissions from the extraction of raw materials, the processing of said materials into finished metals, and the fabrication of these metals into parts of the battery itself. Lastly, the battery’s insertion into the frame of the vehicle itself produces minor emissions (Nealer). Most manufacturers warranty their batteries for up to 100,000 miles, meaning that consumers can reasonably expect that these batteries will function as expected until then. Even at milage upwards of 100,000, few vehicles need to have their batteries replaced before the end of their lifetimes, although battery efficacy and holding capacity may decrease over time. In the rare cases where batteries do require replacement, it is critical to either dispose of or recycle them properly, as they are one of the most expensive parts of the car. Furthermore, they can have a severe environmental impact when not dealt with appropriately (Moorhouse).

          The other primary source of carbon emissions relating to electric vehicles is the carbon emissions from the electricity used to power EVs. For a long time, coal has been at the forefront of energy production in America and worldwide, despite being known as the dirtiest source of energy. Furthermore, a study performed at the Northwestern University’s Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience showed that powering an EV on coal-fired energy alone was only 10 percent better in reducing emissions than driving a gas-powered vehicle (Common). The study performed by the NUCESR did not state whether manufacturing emissions were added in their calculations, so this margin might be even smaller. However, no grid in the world is powered entirely on coal power anymore. The emissions from power plants in the United States fell 5 percent between 2016 and 2018 due to less reliance on coal power and more reliance on solar and wind power. (Reichmuth). In 2020, The Union of Concerned Scientists published findings that 94 percent of people living in the United States currently live in an area where driving an electric vehicle produces fewer emissions than driving a gasoline car that gets 50 mpg (Reichmuth). When coming to these results, the Union of Concerned Scientists considered extraction and transportation of crude oil and the refinement and transportation of gasoline atop of exhaust from gas-powered vehicles’ combustion engines. Furthermore, for electric cars, their calculations included power generation from all sources, including coal, natural gas, and other fuels used within power plants. After looking at these factors, driving an average EV was responsible for less global warming emissions than the average new gasoline car everywhere in the United States. “Driving the average new gasoline car will produce four to seven times more emissions than the average EV. For example, the average EV driven in upstate New York has emissions equal to a hypothetical 231 mpg gasoline car and in California, a gasoline car would need to get 122 mpg to have emissions as low as the average EV.” (Reichmuth). Even though electric cars’ electricity can be dirty, all classes of electric vehicles within the United States eventually neutralize these emissions.

          While many embrace electric cars as the future of clean transportation, some are quick to point out electric vehicles’ flaws. As previously discussed, an electric vehicle driven only on coal-fired energy produces emissions nearly equivalent to the emissions output by an average gasoline-powered car. The mining, processing, and manufacturing of materials and parts involve substantial carbon emissions. The mining of lithium, which is needed to build the lithium-ion batteries that are a mainstay in many electric vehicles today, is associated with other environmental harm. For example, in South America, the freshwater supply is being used by mines in lithium-rich regions. Many expect exploration and lithium extraction to increase as demand rises, potentially even tripling by 2025 (Common). Furthermore, the current prices of EV’s globally can lead to some sticker shock for consumers, which gives EVs a lower percent of the market share needed to impact global emissions seriously. A recent study showed that battery-powered electric vehicles cost about 10,000 dollars more to manufacture than gasoline-powered cars of comparable size and class (Sperling). Beyond the cost of batteries, the amount of electricity they can store, and the vehicle’s range is another sticking point for many consumers. Most 2020 BEV models are limited to 100 or 150 miles as far as range which can be difficult when driving long distances (Posluns). Furthermore, most people charge their vehicles at home, which erodes the business model for public charging stations, which are necessary to convince consumers that they will never be without a charge. Even when charging stations are available, charging times can be significant, as much as four hours which can leave drivers feeling bored and frustrated (Posluns).

Electric vehicles may face several challenges today – as previously mentioned – but none of these challenges is impossible to overcome. Countries worldwide are starting to help electric cars live up to their full potential by switching from coal to clean energy. According to the EPA, in 2009, the United States was powered with 45 percent coal-fired power and 2 percent wind and solar power, among other sources. In 2018, the U.S. was powered with 28% percent coal-fired power and 8% wind and solar power, again among other sources (Reichmuth). Battery costs have fallen from 1,200 USD per kilowatt-hour in 2005 to approximately 200 USD per kilowatt-hour in 2020 (Sperling). As battery technologies continue to develop, it is more than likely that costs and carbon emissions from battery production will drop as they have for the past 20 years. Lastly, a study performed by UC Davis suggests that building the necessary infrastructure to support EVs of all types, including hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, would cost 300 to 600 billion dollars over 20 years. While this may seem to be a significant sum of money, this figure is only 2 to 3 percent of what consumers spend on new vehicles and their fuels over the same 20-year period (Sperling). The hurdles facing EVs are all quickly being overcome, paving the way for electric cars to take over the transportation and car industries.








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