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According to the essay “Class in America,” the wealthiest 1 percent…

According to the essay “Class in America,” the wealthiest 1 percent of the American population:

  hold 36% of the total national wealth 

  were “poor” at one time in their life 

  are White 

  own 85% of the total household wealth in the country 


In “Models of American Ethnic Relations,” George Fredrickson argues that the model that offers the best hope for a just and cohesive society is:

  One-Way Assimilation 

  Ethnic Hierarchy 

  Group Separatism 

  Cultural Pluralism 

In “Deconstructing America,” Pat Buchanan essentially argues that America was better off when it was a biracial country united by a common culture, creed, history, and tradition.



When Sugar says, “Equal chance to pursue happiness means an equal crack at the dough, don’t it?” it indicates that:

  Sugar hasn’t learned the lesson 

  Sugar has learned the lesson 

  She resents Miss Moore and is mocking her 

  Sugar is falling into the stereotype role 


According to Stephanie Coontz, the 1950s are remembered favorably because:

  of the equality with which minorities were treated 

  I Love Lucy was such a great show 

  of the excellent opportunities women had 

  of the general sense of hope most people had 


For Richard Rodriguez, one of the most difficult things about acquiring an education was:

  losing his culture 

  having unsupportive parents 

  being a second language learner 

  being poor 

A possible “moral” issue with Ehrenreich’s book is:

  she made a lot of money from it 

  that she ends up mocking the people she worked with 

  she made it all up 

  she exposed people and they got in trouble 

In her essay, “Framing Class, Vicarious Living, and Conspicuous Consumption,” Diana Kendall argues that the media:

  is too real and lack a real sense of humor 

  spends too much time focusing on class 

  ignores class or trivializes it 

  invades the lives of celebrities like Paris Hilton 

Suárez-Orozco and Suárez-Orozco disagree with the term “illegal” because they believe it perpetuates the idea of the “other” by effectively defining a person’s existence rather than their action.



In Trading Places, Mortimer tests Billy Ray’s (William’s) integrity by giving him a chance to:

  steal his money clip 

  have an affair with his wife 

  smoke marijuana 

  steal the topic secret crop report 

According to the essay, “City of Broken Dreams” the graduation rate for black and Hispanic students in Milwaukee Public Schools (the city’s K-12 public school system) is less than 59%.



According to the essay, “Class in America,” class is not discussed or debated in public because:

  race is a much more important issue 

  America is fundamentally a classless society 

  class identity has been stripped from popular culture 

  it’s so non-upper class to do so 




Question 13

0 / 1 pts

The film Idiocracy was a comedic satire that specifically criticized the direction intelligence, in America, is headed and the obsession with brands in America






Question 14

0 / 1 pts

In “Learning to Read,” Malcolm X learned to read by:

  studying the Koran 

  writing poetry 

  joining the military and going to school 

  copying the dictionary 




Question 15

0 / 1 pts

In “Stephen Cruz,” Cruz comments that in terms of discrimination

  things are getting worse all the time with no end in sight 

  minorities are as bad to other minorities as whites are to minorities 

  we have no idea how deep racism really goes 

  take the money and shut up 




Question 16

0 / 1 pts

In the film Do the Right Thing, the primary model of ethnic relations depicted by the mural that is repeatedly shown on the wall across from Sal’s Famous Pizzeria is:

  ethnic hierarchy 

  cultural pluralism 

  group separatism 

  one-way assimilation 




Question 17

0 / 1 pts

According to the essay “Class in America,” there is a direct correlation between SAT scores and family income:






Question 18

0 / 1 pts

In the film Trading Places, according to Randolph Duke, Winthorpe and Billy Ray Valentine are in their respective positions because:

  they are products of their environments 

  cultural pluralism has diminished “American” culture 

  they have chosen their life paths 

  it’s in the blood 




Question 19

0 / 1 pts

In “Theories and Constructs of Race,” Holtzman and Sharpe cite research that argues race is more a social construct rather than a biological fact, but that fact does not minimize its impact on people’s lives.






Question 20

0 / 1 pts

Stephan Cruz realizes his situation when he:

  is told to smell Blacks before hiring them 

  realizes his office is made of glass, putting him on display 

  hears the Duke brothers talking about him in the bathroom 

  is asked not to speak Spanish 




Question 21

0 / 1 pts

Which model of American ethnic relation would one who believes in “English language only” fall under?

  Ethnic Hierarchy 

  Group Separatism 

  One-Way Assimilation 

  Cultural Pluralism 




Question 22

0 / 1 pts

According to Holtzman and Sharpe, in “Theories and Constructs of Race,” sweeping stories or meta narratives are used to justify the exploitation of entire populations of human beings and the appropriation of their labor, land, natural resources, cultural artifacts, and intellectual property. 






Question 23

0 / 1 pts

According to the essay, “Nobody,” what remains in dispute in the case of Michael Brown is:

  if it was an act of racism 

  the shooting was criminal 

  the jury was tampered with 

  whether Brown did anything wrong 




Question 24

0 / 1 pts

In “The Lesson” which item in the store becomes the main discussion point

  a toy sailboat 

  a performing clown 

  a geode paper weight 

  the microscope 




Question 25

0 / 1 pts

According to “How Immigrants Become ‘Other’,” the average legal immigration wait in line for spouses and under-age children is:

  3-4 years 

  12-18 months 

  4-6 years 

  1-2 years 




Question 26

0 / 1 pts

In the essay “From Becoming Nicole,” Wayne, Nicole’s father, could never come to terms with his daughter being transgender because she was a twin and her twin did not become transgender as well.






Question 27

0 / 1 pts

In the film Do the Right Thing, the primary model of ethnic relations depicted within the community is:

  group separatism 

  cultural pluralism 

  one-way assimilation 

  ethnic hierarchy 




Question 28

0 / 1 pts

Pat Buchanan argues that cultural pluralism will ultimately lead to:


  group separatism and the downfall of the U.S. 

  a super race 

  uncontrolled Mexican population of the U.S. 




Question 29

0 / 1 pts

In “What We Really Miss About the 1950s,” Stephanie Coontz claimed that nostalgia for the 1950s is dangerous because we often forget the negative things that were necessary for the society to function as it did.






Question 30

0 / 1 pts

Mike Rose’s essay, “I Just Wanna Be Average,” functioned largely as a real life example of the “sorting machine” claims made by:

  John Taylor Gatto 

  Michael Moore 

  Malcolm X 

  Richard Rodriguez 




Question 31

0 / 1 pts

In “Serving in Florida,” Barbara Ehrenreich wants to find out if:

  being poor is overrated 

  people are poor because they don’t work hard 

  there is age discrimination in serving jobs 

  you can get by on minimum-wage, working class jobs 




Question 32

0 / 1 pts

Michael Moore’s main concern, in his essay “Idiot Nation,” is that America is a nation that currently is going out of its way to remain ignorant.




0 / 1 pts

In the film Idiocracy, the country has been watering crops with:

  Starbucks XXX Lattes with electrolytes 

  Brawndo™ The Thirst Mutilator 

  Haterade™ “The Stuff Plants Crave” 

  Water (like from the toilet) 




Question 34

0 / 1 pts

One of Michael Moore’s major points in supporting his claim is that Americans don’t:

  get enough schooling 


  pay enough taxes 

  get enough exercise 




Question 35

0 / 1 pts

One fundamental problem with Ehrenreich’s experiment is that:

  has a “safety net” 

  is White and can’t relate to the experience of minorities 

  takes too many pills 

  she is prejudiced against the people she works with 




Question 36

0 / 1 pts

The main conflict in Do The Right Thing conflict stems from:

  someone robs Sal’s Famous Pizzeria 

  someone steps on Buggin’ Out’s shoe 

  Mookie thinks Sal is hitting on his sister 

  Buggin’ Out wants a Black man on Sal’s Famous Wall of Fame 




Question 37

0 / 1 pts

In “The Lesson,” Miss Moore wants to show the children the toy store on Fifth Avenue because she wants them to:

  be jealous and feel ashamed for being poor 

  question why some people have things and others don’t 

  steal something 

  pick out something they want for Christmas 




Question 38

0 / 1 pts

Malcolm X believes that one of the biggest troubles with colleges is there are too many distractions.






Question 39

0 / 1 pts

In Do the Right Thing, Radio Raheem wears rings that say:








Question 40

0 / 1 pts

In “I Just Wanna Be Average,” Mike Rose claims that students will float to the mark you set.






Question 41

0 / 1 pts

In “Learning to Read” Malcolm X reasons that if the Bible and science are both correct then Adam was

  never existed 

  ate the apple first 

  alive during the time of the dinosaurs 

  was Black 




Question 42

0 / 1 pts

In the narrative “Stephan Cruz,” Stephan Cruz recounts the discomfort he felt in:

  losing his culture 

  taking advantage of the poor in order to become successful 

  getting ahead in life because of his race 

  being labeled a “sell out” 




Question 43

0 / 1 pts

The purpose of watching the film Trading Places was to:

  have a good laugh 

  show that film is more effective than text 

  show how 1980s comedies were more intellectual 

  provide an opportunity to apply critical thinking skills 




Question 44

0 / 1 pts

In “What We Really Miss About the 1950s,” Stephanie Coontz claimed the 1950s were the ideal time in America to raise a family, and that we should return to the values of that time:






Question 45

0 / 1 pts

In “From Loving,” in 1958, Mildred and Richard were arrested for the felony crime of:








Question 46

0 / 1 pts

In Richard Rodriguez’s essay, “The Achievement of Desire,” the “scholarship boy” is a student that:

  does not have his own thoughts 

  gets his education paid for by scholarships 

  needs a scholarship 

  is the best student in the class 




Question 47

0 / 1 pts

The significance of Mookie wearing a Jackie Robinson jersey through most of the film is that:

  it shows he has money 

  It defines his style 

  Robinson represents the breaking down of color barriers in baseball 

  Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers and they are in Brooklyn 




Question 48

0 / 1 pts

In “The Lesson,” by Toni Cade Bambara, Miss Moore is seen as an outsider in the neighborhood because:

  she is educated 

  carries an umbrella with her everywhere 

  she is White 

  she drive a big expensive car 




Question 49

0 / 1 pts

Why, in the film Idiocracy, does Rita’s pimp spell his name thusly: “U-P-G-R-A-Y-E-D-D”?

  it’s an irregular adjective requiring a double consonant in the future tense 

  he has a stutter 

  for a double dose of his pimpin’ 

  spellin’ ain’t easy 




Question 50

0 / 1 pts

In “City of Broken Dreams,” it was stated that the graduation rate for black and Hispanic students in Milwaukee Public Schools (the city’s K-12 public school system) is less than 59%.

