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Paragraph 1 – What did I do well? What strength do you  recognize…
Paragraph 1 – What did I do well? What strength do you  recognize in my work? How  will this strategy help me in the future? Draw on a point from your essay and feedback that you received. Refer to a portion of your readings from the textbooks each week as well.   Provide specific examples.
Paragraph 2 – What area or skill do you think can be improved?  How can I do better next time?
Paragraph 3 – What should I change if I had the chance to do it over?

This essay is on “Representation of Disney princesses in the media.” When starting to read the essay written by Isabel Gill, she first shares where she went to school and how she published the essay in 2017. At the start of her essay, she talks about what society is doing to make this a problem. She goes into detail about how it is a combination of sexism and representation of traditional feminine roles and how Disney princesses lack confidence and power. Seeing that Disney plays a crucial role in this because their Disney princesses, they make them the stereotypical women who are innocent, beautiful, and passive. And how Disney princesses might not be positive for children. The first four paragraphs she talks about the problems that Disney princesses have, how much of an impact these films are being portrayed, to what is being shown in the media. How they are stereotypical women and speaks about the first eight movies that show some sort of power that women provide. Moving forward to the rest of the essay, she goes into details on how her information and resources show that Disney princesses are being belittled, criticized, showing favoritism to the males, and not giving the females the credit and power, they deserve. In the essay “Representation of Disney princesses in the media” Isabel Gill argues about whether Disney princesses are being shown misrepresentation through the media. She agrees with her own opinion that Disney princesses are being belittled and empowered in these Disney films. She becomes successful in her essay with all her resources and information. 


Representation of Disney Princesses in the media  

To give a summary of this article, this article is an argumentative article about the representation of Disney princesses. Sharing knowledge into what others see when watching these films. Something that others would not be thinking of while watching these films. But thanks to her article given the information Isabel Gill starts to realize how unfair Disney films are being portrayed. This article is something parents of children should be reading because of all these things that Disney creators have done for these Disney princesses. There is even a debate whether these Disney films are good role models for children. Isabel Gill shows details and resources needed to know if the representation of these princesses’ characteristics positive, or negative. 

[Heading 1] 

Some of the evidence Isabel Gill gives is not just the resources she has but states how the vocabulary, physical description and how they are not fully empowered in a table. The table is a result summary for example vocabulary women have 95 that are considered too feminine, males have 32 that are masculine and as far as neutral goes there is 54. Physical description 22, not fully empowered 23. She also has a table of examples of physical descriptions of the princesses, including Arial, Tinker Bell, Pocahontas, Merida, and Elsa. The end of this description for all these princesses gives a play by play of what critics think about these princesses. 

[Heading 2]1 

The main strategy that Isabel Gill used was backing up her evidence. Without evidence for this essay, most people would not understand why others see this discussion as a problem. She gets her evidence from resources and uses their words but cites where it came from. So therefore, having the strategy of being able to find resources, back up your information and show certain evidence so that people can see what is being debated is an extraordinarily strong strategy. Not only does she just show the tables, but she shows where she finds the evidence at the end of her essay she has where her work is cited, and it is about two pages and a half long. She also gives her own input on things, which helps when you see the point of view of the author of the essays she’s cited. 

[Heading 3].  

My viewpoint of this essay is Disney princesses have been belittled for a long time although, it has seemed like Disney princesses have evolved where they show some kind of masculine side whether it is them taking their power and doing something for their, Kingdom or like in the movie brave Merida does not marry a man or need a man to end the film with a successful conclusion. However the films still show certain things that can belittle Disney princesses when it comes to the movie brave although Merida does not need a husband, her mother thinks that she does and so does everyone else in the Kingdom. When it comes to Ariel, all she wants is to fall in love; she does not need saving from anyone until the end when Ursula attacks, when her father and Eric take charge. Disney is giving off the impression that you need a man for everything. 

[Heading 4]. library resources are from “What’s behind the backlash to lightyear’s animated kiss”. This one because it shows the amount of bad media representation Disney is getting. It is not only showing how quick the media is to respond to things that are not “to their standards” just like Disney princesses, but it’s Also showing what others have researched in these coming problems… In this article it is about a Disney film where a woman shares a kiss with another women. And how mad people are towards Disney because they do not want their children to see that to think is ok. As much as it can be ok the same goes for Disney princesses. How they are being belittled and there is a debate on whether children should look up to these Disney films same goes for the shared kiss by the same sex. The author Jamie E. Shenton even talks about stereotypes in Disney films ” In my Anthropology of Disney class, for example, we analyze the gendered stereotypes of the company’s princess films—from the early ones like Snow White (1937) and Cinderella (1950) to the more progressive films that set off Disney’s rebirth in the 1990s, such as The Little Mermaid (1989). Disney also has a poor record of accomplishment of representing racial minority characters, even when it tries to “do better.” Pocahontas (1995) and Mulan (1998), for instance, at times play into racial stereotypes or gloss over historical realities.” This backs up evidence of what people believe is wrong with Disney Princess films and how other things back track on what is going wrong with Disney. The authors are critics, parents, and Disney makers. These are all people that would be her audience because for one critic are meant to review movies, every movie made needs a review and of course most of the time the reviews are not good so therefore these Disney princesses have more critics than anything else. As far as the parents, there is a debate going on whether Disney princesses are good role models for their children. They should be reading this because parents always want the best for their children, parents do not want their kids watching something that can put something in their mind, and it not be true. To a little girl a Disney Princess can be her hero and her role model, but then if for an example her Princess role model is Cinderella that means her role model is a person that lets herself be bullied by her stepmother and two sisters and only stood up to them when a man came along, that is not a good role model. When it comes to boys, they see the heroic Prince in the movies and think women need men to be something in this world or they need men to be saved from every situation that they are in. And the only opposing view that is possible are the critics themselves, while people would not normally think at first all these things with these princesses, they have no problem telling us otherwise. 

 In conclusion this essay has amazing backed up evidence it gives information visually and through books it gives all the cited work that she found and even presents her point of view. others should adapt to my point of view because I was once a little girl that watched all these Disney princesses’ movies and would die to be them on Halloween or to see them in person and see them as a role model. So as a little kid you do not think about how belittled these princesses are or how unfair they are being treated or how unfair they make their stories. Disney princesses might be just characters however to the audience of these movies it is mostly children for a reason it is Disney. Their main audience is always children, yes, they have adults as well, however their Main Sources are little girls and little boys. I think people should consider looking at my point of view as well because I am a mother as well and if I were to speak to another mom about this kind of essay there is no doubt that that person would agree as well on whether They’re good role models for our children.