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1.One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the…

1.One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for that point. Choose the point.

A.Debates over who could drive the car created serious conflicts between parents and teenagers.

B.The use of automobiles for Sunday outings was thought to have led to a decline in church  attendance.

C.The first automobiles were a cause for alarm in many communities.

D.Autos were seen as giving young people too much freedom and privacy, serving as “portable bedrooms” that couples could take anywhere

 2.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

A.During the 1920s, banks began offering the country’s first home mortgages.

B.Retail sellers of everything from cars to irons in the 1920s allowed customers to pay in


 C. In the 1920s, about 60 percent of mortgages and 75 percent of all radios were purchased on the installment plan.

D.The use of installment credit became very popular with banks, retail sellers, and consumers during the 1920s.

 3.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

A.Most women today continue to work in a relatively small number of traditional “women’s” jobs, and full-time female workers earn only 68 cents for every $1 paid to men.

 B. Despite all that has been achieved in terms of women’s rights, many injustices still   


 C. Today, the economic plight of women involved in the 50% of marriages that end in divorce is often grave.

D.  Although female-headed families constitute only 15 percent of the U.S. population, they  account for over 50% of the poor population.

4.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group

A. Printed newspapers are limited by the amount of news that can be printed in one edition, but online papers have no such limitations.

 B. More and more people are reading online newspapers because they realize that online papers have certain advantages over traditional newspapers.

 C. Online papers can be updated continuously, since they have no edition deadlines.

 D. Online newspapers are interactive—e-mail addresses, bulletin boards, and chat rooms allow readers to provide quick feedback to the paper.

 5. Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group

A. Only 4 out of every 100,000 men in China die of heart disease each year, compared with 67 in the United States.

 B. Chinese people eating traditional foods consume three times the fiber of people eating the American way, take in about half the fat, and have blood cholesterol values about half of what they are in the United States.

C.  Despite consuming 20 percent more food energy each day than we do, Chinese who eat traditional Chinese foods have a far healthier diet than Americans.

 D. Chinese living in China also suffer much less cancer of the colon and rectum than do Chinese who have adopted a Western diet.

6.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

 A.Although boys in elementary school are developmentally two years behind girls in reading and writing, they are expected to learn the same material in the same way.

 B. American schools are failing to meet the needs of their male students.

C.Males are 30% more likely to drop out of school than females.

 D. Today’s teachers tend to rely on teaching strategies that appeal to the females in their classes, but alienate their male students.

 7.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

A. During certain days of Lent, the period prior to Easter, many Christians refrain from eating meat.

B. Muslims fast from sunup to sundown during the holy month of Ramadan.

C. Dietary restrictions permit Orthodox Jews to eat beef, but not pork, fish but not shellfish, and they dictate special handling methods for permitted foods.

D. Throughout the world, many religions place restrictions on what kind of foods can be

consumed and when they can be consumed.

 8.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

 A. Children whose parents do not use alcohol tend to abstain or to drink only moderately.

 B. A recent study suggests that children are more likely to abuse alcohol if their family tolerates deviance in general or encourages indulgent activities and pleasure-seeking.

 C. Adolescents who have been physically assaulted or sexually abused in their homes are at an increased risk for drug abuse.

D. The family setting in which a child grows up helps shape his or her attitudes and beliefs about drug and alcohol use.

9.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

 A. Charity work gives celebrities a chance to escape the strangeness of life in the spotlight and connect with “regular” people.

B.Modern-day celebrities have found it beneficial to engage in charitable work.

 C. Charity work gives many celebrities a positive public image.

 D. Domestic or international charity work allows celebrities to make a difference in the world without becoming involved in controversial political issues.

 10.Choose the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

 A. Multiculturalism has brought fundamental changes to American education and American society as a whole.

B. The new appreciation of cultural diversity is reflected in efforts to bring the language,

 literature, and perspective of various ethnic groups into classrooms.

 C. Multiculturalism has raised people’s consciousness about the importance of gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other differences that were previously neglected.

D. The multicultural movement has led to ethnic revivals in many cities and the nation itself.

11. The following sentence falls under which category?

Magicians can often tell when a hidden card comes up by seeing the pupils of the person who put it in the deck dilate in recognition.

A. Fact


C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above

12. Magicians aren’t as talented as people seem to think they are.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above

13. At least ten magicians have died trying to perform a “bullet-catching” trick.

A. Fact


C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above.

14. Overall, human life expectancy is nearly twice as long as it was in 1840.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above

15.   Many people who suffer from depression are weak and self-pitying.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above

16. Some 15 million people in the United States suffer from major depression.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above

17. Pandemics have killed millions of people over the centuries.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and opinion

D. None of the above

18. CNN is the most reliable source of news.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above.

19.  In the United States, heroin is illegal for any purpose, although it should be available as a treatment for pain in those with a terminal disease.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Fact and Opinion

D. None of the above.

20.  Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1450s, and the first book ever to be printed on it was the Bible.



C.Fact and Opinion

D.None of the above.

21. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.

·        An ad encourages us to find out why diners have voted a restaurant #1 for three consecutive years.

·        An ad shows a crowd of people following a young woman on roller skates who is drinking a diet soda.

A. Transfer

B. Testimonial


D.Plain Folks

    22. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.

·        A handsome, well-dressed young man stands next to a gleaming new sports utility vehicle.

·        In an ad for a new body wash, a beautiful young woman wearing only a pink ribbon floats in a swimming pool. The text of the ad invites us to “Enter the Deep End of Moisture.”

A. Transfer

B. Testimonial

C. Bandwagon

D. Plain Folks

23. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        A pharmaceutical company advertises itself as a company “where patients come first.”

·        A toothpaste advertises that it “makes teeth whiter than white

A. Name Calling

B. Testimonial

C. Bandwagon

D.Glittering Generalities

24. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        An ad encouraging people to heat their homes with natural gas instead of oil tells us: “Oil heat’s a dinosaur.”

·        In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the “evil empire.”

A. Plain Folks

B. Transfer

C. Glittering Generalities

D. Name Calling

25 . Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        An ad for men’s cologne says that the product makes it “easy to be you.”

·        A shipping company claims that “We’re shaking the express shipping business.”

A. Glittering Generalities

B. Bandwagon

C. Plain Folks

D. Transfer

26. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        The makers of a brand of microwaveable diet food show one of their entrees against a backdrop of glamorous South Beach, Florida.

·        A tall, attractive, middle-aged woman wearing a long flowered dress walks through a field of wildflowers in an ad for a drug that claims to reverse bone loss.

A. Plain Folks

B. Bandwagon

C.Name Calling

D. Transfer

27. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        Two average-looking people explain the benefits of a new folding stepladder.

·        The owner of a huge chain of pizza parlors is shown making a pizza.

A. Bandwagon

B. Testimonial

C. Transfer

D. Plain Folks

28. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        An ad for motor oil states that more people use X brand than any other and asks “Shouldn’t you too?”

·        An ad in the entertainment section of a newspaper advises us to “See the movie that has everyone talking!”

A. Name Calling

B. Glittering Generalities

C. Bandwagon

D. Plain Folks

29. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·        A candidate for mayor runs a TV commercial accusing his opponent of taking bribes in exchange for political favors.

·        An ad shows a man in an exotic, expensive restaurant handing the server a Visa credit card. The caption reads: “And they don’t take American Express.”

A. Name Calling

B. Glittering Generalities

C. Bandwagon


30. Choose the correct propaganda for the following two bullet examples.   

·         Dressed in her white uniform, a nurse says that she always uses a particular brand of germ-killing ointment on her children’s scrapes and sores.

·        An ad for a chain of fitness centers shows several young, exceptionally good-looking people using its exercise equipment.

A. Transfer

B. Plain Folks

C. Name Calling

D.Glittering Generalities