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SuperHumanLyrebirdMaster939 I want these labels to come out of this story, please. Life… I want these labels to come out of this story, please.

Life Experience Develops Character
Throughout life circumstances and experience a person’s character can be shaped or
developed. This is part of the growth process especially when a person passes through a new
experience. The new experience challenges the person to leave his/her comfort zoom and think differently. This development of a character that happens in real life is caught by authors and is embodied in the characters of their stories. An example to this character development is found in
one of the main characters of the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald’. Fitzgerald
presents Nick Caraway, as the narrator of the story and as a character that connects all the parts
of the novel. In one of the summers, Nick moves to New York coming from the Midwest of the U.S.? He carries his Midwest values while coming to the new environment of New York city
where he passes through a lifetime experience that develops and changes his character. At the
beginning of his arrival to New York, Nick is presented with a tolerant and acquiescent character
that changes to a more adamant character towards the end of the novel as he passes through a
ifetime experience.
In the beginning of the novel, When Nick arrives to New York, he is presented with a
tolerant versonality that comes from his high Midwest values. with tolerance and an open mind
1 Fitzgerald, F S. The Great Gatsby. London: Harper City Publisher,
2020. 2 Fitzgerald, 5

he observes and learns about his new environment by noticing and listening to what others tell
him. He shows his respect to everyone’s views and actions, and he does not condemn anyone.
For example, when he finds that Tom, his second cousin’s husband, is having an affair?, he does
not comment or present an oDInIon about the matter. As a matter of tact. before Nick recounts his
story, he mentions the roots to his tolerant character as he remembers his father’s advice about
not judging people. “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” He is always reminded that
not all people have the same opportunity in life. Therefore, there is no reason to judge others
because they might pass through different experience and opportunities. This advice presents the
values he carries from the Midwest that make him be tolerant, respectful, and understanding to
everyone. Furthermore, his tolerance allows him to be a good listener and trustworthy to many.
For this reason. Gatsby, the main character who does not have friends, finds a friend in Nick. He
tells him about his past and about his dream of restoring his old relationship with Daisy*, who Is
NIck’s second cousin. Nick comes with high expectations to this new place and he is tolerant to
evervone around him which makes him build relationships and learn about his new surroundings
As a result of his tolerant character, Nick becomes acquiescent to other’s opinions
Before the incident of Myrtle’s, Tom’s mistress, death, Nick is easily led by others. He cannot
sav no and stand for his ODinion. For example. When Tom takes him to see his mistress. Nick
cannot be firm enough to leave although he wants to.
“I have to leave you here.” Nick says.
Then he easily changes his mind after Tom interposes him “No, you don’t… Myrtle’ll be hurt if
2 Fitzgerald, 16.
3 Fitzgerald, 1.
4 Fitzgerald, 113.
5 Fitzgerald, 28.

you don’t come up to the apartment. Won’t you, Myrtle?” Nick decides to stay according to
what Tom tells him. In addition, when Gatsby asks him through Jordan, Daisy’s friend, to invite Daisy for tea, he agrees’ although it does not seem right, because Daisy is a married woman. He
invites Daisy and helps Gatsby meet her at his house. Moreover, when Gatsby asks him to go with him for lunch at Tom’s house. He agrees although he senses a storm coming. He thinks,
“Something was up. And yet I couldn’t believe that they would choose this occasion for a scene especially for the rather harrowing scene that Gatsby had outlined in the garden.” Because
Nick knows the secrets of both sides, and he knows what Gatsby and Daisy plan to do, he feels
that the occasion they choose is not the best and that a problem might occur, yet he agrees to go
with them. When the intense argument takes place between Tom and Gatsby, Nick does not have
the power or will to say anything. Nick cannot say a firm no even when he wants to, and he
easily changes his mind to accept what others tell him.
On the contrary, towards the end of the Novel, Nick’s personality develops and changes
to become more adamant just after he gets shocked by the incident of Myrtle’s death. His
acquiescent character disappears, and he stands more for his opinion. The first sign of this character development appears after he has had enough of Tom, Daisy, Jordan, and Gatsby on the night of Myrtle’s death. When Tom and Jordan ask him to go inside and wait for the taxi, he
refuses to enter. He expresses his feelings at the moment by saying: “I’d be damned if I’d go in;
I’d had enough of all of them for one day and suddenly that included Jordan too* The shock of the long tiring, and full of events day makes him stronger and for the first time he can say a firm
no and follows his choice. Jordan senses this change in personality that she is not used to see in
6 Fitzgerald, 28.
7 Fitzgerald, 83.
8 Fitzgerald, 116.
9 Fitzgerald, 147.

him. Secondly, in the last chapter of The Great Gatsby, Nick, with his intention to leave the city, decides to break up with Jordan and he follows his decision despite his previous feelings toward her and despite her speech to him. He decides to choose to do what he wants to do rather than
what others want him to do. Lastly, when one day after Gatsby’s death, Nick meets Tom, he
refuses to accept Tom’s interpretation about Myrtle’s death. He decides to choose to follow the
knowledge he has about the incident and he refuses to be taken by Tom’s explanations or excuses. With his Midwest morals and values, Nick finds that the life in New York is strange to
him and that he cannot live easily in it. He decides to leave New York and go back to the
Midwest carrying his experience and what he learns, about people or about himself, in his
memory. By the end of the novel, Nicks Character changes dramatically as he becomes stronger
and adamant.
What people go through in life influences and shapes their character whether for the
better or the worse. This depends on how people look at the experiences they pass through and
what they allow themselves to learn. In the Great Gatsby, Nick learns that being tolerant is nice but being acquiescent causes more harm than good; therefore, he learns to become adamant and stand for his decisions. His development of character comes from the experience he has in the
summer he spends in New York. Everyone passes through life experiences that influences their
character. It is each person’s call to learn what outcome they need to gain from the situation they
pass through.
10 Fitzgerald, 184.
12 Fitzgerald 185.

Biography Fitzgerald, F S. The Great Gatsby. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2020.

This is the way you should write

TRANSITIONAL PHRASES INTRODUCTORY PHRASES I question whether In my opinion There is no doubt that From my point of view It seems to me that I (dis) agree with I believe I maintain that It is my belief that CONCLUDING PHRASES For the reasons above In short In brief To be sure Without a doubt Undoubtedly As you can see In any case As I have noted Summarizing In any event In other words Obviously Unquestionably On the whole SUPPORTING OPINIONS Further Equally important In the first place Likewise First Furthermore Besides Second Next In addition Again Also Moreover Similarly Third Finally Last INTRODUCING DETAILS For example In support of this For instance As evidence In fact CAUSE AND EFFECT Since Caused by In effect Brought about This results in Because of Made possible Due to Consequently Accordingly As might be expected Give rise to For this reason Therefore As a result of Leads to Was responsible for If…then COMPARE AND CONTRAST Likewise As well as Similarly Compared to In like manner In the same way On the contrary Rather than Have in common Contrasting All are The same as On the other hand As opposed to Conversely Although Whether of not Even though Nevertheless In spite of COUNTERING But I realize you Believe I understand you Even though you Feel Yet However Maintain Although you Some people I doubt Want I question Favour Let me explain On the other hand. It may be that you Support Argue Your idea to deserves Nevertheless State some meri
Image transcription textIntroduction Title Main Character Introduced A brief summary of the plot THESIS Body ParagraphsIntroduction sentence – thesis introduced Transition word/phrases Quote: Notice how it is introduced andconcluded 3 examples/proofs to support argument used but all 3 are Concluding Sentence Conclusi… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish