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PrivateFogScorpion250 Essay Question(s)/Assignment: You will write an opinion-based…Image transcription textThinking about Evaluation Recall a time when you evaluatedsomething you had seen, heard, read, or tried (such as a film, liveperformance, novel, sports team, restaurant, televisio… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text43% Page 422 of 556 . Location 7614 of 17799 A GUIDE TOWRITING EVALUATIONS use as examples); . is typically evaluatedaccording to criteria or standards of judgment that yo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhat genre or kind of subject is it? The……………is a [genre orcategory of subject, such as romantic comedy or . Judging [thiskind of subject] on the basis of……… likely to surprise … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text. the database Lexis/Nexis to find newspaper reviews; they arelikely to favor (pp. 246-247). If their criteria differ from yours, youmay . a search engine like Google or Bing need to expla… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textillustrations – screenshots, photographs, film clips, backgroundmusic, or sound Whether you choose either of these approachesor an approach of your own, be bites – would help you … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLanguage One readily understandable danger of overlycompetitive sports . to organize your ideas to make them clear,logical, and effective for readers. para- is that they enti… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text- for example, where the overall judgment is balanced, criticizingthe subject’s unconvincing material, add new material, and movepassages around. The following weaknesses but also p… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text. Assert your overall judgment early To Improve the Response toObjections and/or Alternative Judgments in the essay, makingclear if your judgment is mixed . Refute an objection th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text. Repeat key terms in your topic one of your own. To betterremember what you have learned, pause now to reflectsentences. on the reading and writing activities you co… Show more… Show moreEssay Question(s)/Assignment:You will write an opinion-based evaluation (review) of an element of entertainment (EOE) essay of 1100 words (or more) that addresses all three of the following questions. Your thesis statement will be your direct answers to these questions, so your thesis statement will be 2-4 sentences long.  Do you like your chosen EOE or not?Why do you like your chosen EOE or why do you not like your chosen EOE?Does this EOE promote diversity or raise awareness of a typically silenced issue or give a voice to the voiceless? Why or why not? (This should be at least one of your main points; it does not have to be what your whole essay is about)A clearly identified and vividly described subjectnarrow your topic down to one-two elements of entertainmentdo not choose a general topic, like sportsInstead, choose a specific topic(s), like football, or comparing football and soccerA thesis statement that contains a stance and a list of the main points that will be explored in the essayRemember, a stance is an argument, not just a summary/description of the EOEBody paragraphs that contain specific and well-conceived evidence supporting your judgment of the topicYou are writing an argumentative essay/review, not a long summary/description of the EOE. You will definitely need to explain the plot/description of your EOE in your essay, but your purpose should always be to then explain why you like/don’t like that EOEYour anticipation of at least one counterargument against your evaluation of the subject (the counterargument can be against your thesis or against one of your main points)Your understanding that their audience most likely is unfamiliar with the chosen EOE and therefore needs some background/summary/description, but the audience does not need to know everything about the EOE in order to understand your argument (spoiler alerts are ok, just include a disclaimer/warning right before you give the spoiler alert).MLA formatting: All drafts of this paper must adhere to MLA citation and formatting guidelines, be typewritten in Times New Roman font and double spaced with one-inch margins, and end with a final word count that only includes the title and essay itself.General RequirementsTypedMLA Format, Double SpacedTimes New Roman, 12 pt. FontInteresting and Creative TitleAt least 1100 words (can be more!)Submitted on CanvasNote: an MLA formatted essay should look like this: Sample MLA Formatted Paper.Links to an external site.Introduction ParagraphHas an introduction paragraphAttempts to draw reader in by providing necessary background information and contextHas a thesis statement that clearly addresses the essay promptHas a thesis statement that connects to and “controls” the body paragraphs (organization, main ideas) by answering all three questions in the prompt in 2-3 sentencesBody ParagraphsStart with a claim that 1) makes a point about the key idea of the paragraph 2) relates back to the thesisProvides evidence that is relevant and specific to that claim in the form of direct quotes and/or descriptions (for example, if you are writing about a tv show, you must include quotes/scenes/moments from the movie to back up your reason in that paragraph for why you like/don’t like the tv show).Analyzes and discusses each quote and/or description and relates it back to the claimCounter Argument Body Paragraph ONE of your body paragraphs must be devoted to a counter argument, an argument that is contrary to your own. Please see Extra Help and Suggestions for an example.Starts with a sentence that 1) states what counter argument this paragraph will be about and 2) makes it clear that this is NOT your argumentProvides evidence that is relevant and specific to that counter argument in the form of direct quotes.Analyzes and discusses each quote and relates it back to the counter argumentEnds with a transitional sentence that explains that there is more evidence for YOUR argumentIncorporating SourcesUsing sources for this essay is OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged.Throughout the essay, uses source(s) to back up argument(s) that need a bit more proof to prove (such as a definition, expert description, statistic, etc.)Introduces each quote/paraphrase/summary with a signal phraseEnds each quote/paraphrase/summary with a parenthetical citation (of the page number and/or author’s last name)Has an MLA-formatted Works Cited page mostly free of errorConclusion ParagraphHas a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the essay’s main ideasOptional: includes Food for Thought and/or a Call to ActionThe whole purpose of a writing class is for you all to learn how to communicate better with the people around you and be able to understand your world better. Entertainment is a critical part of our world: it’s how we have fun with others and have fun alone. I had a professor once who said that while she was getting her PhD, she was incredibly busy with studying, classes, and work, so she had no social life. However, she had the TV show, Friends! She explained how those characters became her virtual friends who she became invested in and was able to “meet up with” every week. This consistent social interaction got her through those busy, potentially lonely years. However, entertainment also holds great power over our minds and actions. It has the ability to control how we think of ourselves and how we think of others, and thus it has the ability to control how we treat ourselves and how we treat others. This is the cause of our current societal debate on why it is so important for entertainment to reflect our diverse nation so that everyone is properly represented and celebrated. Thus, that is our task with this essay: to share our opinions (basically, write a review) about an element of entertainment (a movie/movie series, theatre production, television series, restaurant, museum, place of entertainment, video game/video game series, music video, a song, an album, etc.) that has affected our lives and discuss whether or not it properly promotes diversity/raises awareness for a typically silenced issue/etc.Essay Question(s)/Assignment:You will write an opinion-based evaluation (review) of an element of entertainment (EOE) essay of 1100 words (or more) that addresses all three of the following questions. Your thesis statement will be your direct answers to these questions, so your thesis statement will be 2-4 sentences long. Do you like your chosen EOE or not?Why do you like your chosen EOE or why do you not like your chosen EOE?Does this EOE promote diversity or raise awareness of a typically silenced issue or give a voice to the voiceless? Why or why not? (This should be at least one of your main points; it does not have to be what your whole essay is about) Arts & HumanitiesEnglish