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ASSIGNMENT:   After reading the assessment listed down below in…



After reading the assessment listed down below in its entirety, post a focusing question for group feedback based on the assessment design.  









Thinking Behind the Assessment 

1. Demonstration of progress toward the Learning Target: I selected the project/performance assessment as it allows students to collaborate in groups and showcase their understanding of the text’s theme through a multimedia presentation. This assessment is designed with all students in mind as it provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate their understanding, aligning with the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).


2. Frequency of administration: This assessment will be administered once at the end of the unit of study. It will serve as a summative assessment to capture students’ overall understanding of the text’s theme and their ability to provide evidence to support their interpretation.


3. Decision-making criteria: The passing score for this assessment will be defined as the ability to clearly analyze the text’s theme and provide at least three relevant textual examples to support their understanding. The rubric or checklist used to assess the students’ work will outline the criteria for passing and not passing.


4. Student Feedback on his/her Progress: I will provide feedback to students by reviewing their multimedia presentations and providing specific comments on their analysis of the text’s theme and the evidence they provided. In addition, I will offer suggestions for improvement and highlight the strengths of their work. This feedback will be provided both orally and in written form, allowing students to understand their progress and areas of growth.


5. Student Participation in Monitoring his/her Progress: I will invite students to monitor their own progress by providing them with the rubric or checklist used for assessment. They will be encouraged to self-assess their work based on the criteria outlined in the rubric or checklist. This will empower them to take ownership of their learning and identify areas for improvement.


6. Adaptations: For students with complex learning needs, I will modify the assessment by providing additional scaffolding and support. This may include providing a graphic organizer or outline to help them organize their thoughts and evidence, providing visual supports such as pictures or videos to aid in understanding, or giving them additional time or individualized instruction to ensure comprehension and successful participation in the group project.


7. Collaboration with Colleagues and Families: I will collaborate with colleagues in the design and implementation of the assessment by seeking input and feedback on the assignment description, rubric, and checklist. I will also collaborate with families by sharing the assessment expectations and providing resources or suggestions for supporting their child’s understanding of the text’s theme. Additionally, I will engage families in the analysis and reporting of the assessment results by providing a summary of individual and class-wide data and discussing next steps for instruction. This collaboration will ensure that students receive consistent support and guidance both at school and at home.


Why You Selected This Strategy from your Set of Four: I selected the project/performance assessment strategy from the set of four because it provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the text’s theme in a meaningful and engaging way. This strategy aligns with the principles of UDL by allowing for multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. Students will collaborate in groups, utilizing their strengths and talents to create a multimedia presentation that analyzes the text and presents evidence to support their interpretation of the theme.
Oral Language and Writing or Project/Performance Assessment Design:
Content Area and Grade Level: English Language Arts, Grade 5
Common Core Standard and IL Social Emotional Learning Standard:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
IL SEL Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.
Student Learning Outcome (SLO): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and analyze a text’s theme and offer at least three textual examples to support their understanding.
Brief Description of Assessment: The project/performance assessment will require students to collaborate in groups to develop a multimedia presentation that analyzes a text’s theme and provides evidence to back up their interpretation. Students will select a text of their choice, analyze its theme, and create a multimedia presentation that includes visuals, audio, and written explanations of their analysis. This assessment is designed to assess students’ understanding of the text’s theme and their ability to provide evidence to support their interpretation.
Thinking Behind the Assessment:
Demonstration of progress toward the Learning Target: This project/performance assessment allows students to showcase their understanding of the text’s theme and their ability to provide evidence to support their interpretation. It provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate their understanding, such as through visual representations, oral explanations, and written descriptions. This assessment aligns with UDL princ iples by offering multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning.
Frequency of administration: This assessment will be administered once at the end of the unit of study. It serves as a summative assessment to capture students’ overall understanding of the text’s theme and their ability to provide evidence to support their interpretation.
Decision-making criteria: The passing score for this assessment will be defined as the successful completion of all components of the multimedia presentation, including a thorough analysis of the text’s theme and the inclusion of at least three textual examples to support their interpretation. Each component will be assessed using a rubric that outlines the criteria for success. Students who meet or exceed the criteria will be considered to have passed the assessment, while those who do not meet the criteria will need additional support and guidance to improve their understanding.
Student Feedback on his/her Progress: Students will receive feedback on their progress through ongoing formative assessments throughout the unit of study. This could include teacher observations during group work, peer feedback, and self-reflection. For the project/performance assessment, students will receive specific feedback on their multimedia presentation, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback will be provided in a constructive and supportive manner, focusing on both the content of their analysis and their ability to effectively communicate their ideas.
Student Participation in Monitoring his/her Progress: Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own progress and monitor their learning throughout the unit. They will be given opportunities to self-assess their understanding of the text’s theme and their ability to provide evidence. This could be done through self-reflection activities, journaling, or goal-setting exercises. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in peer feedback and reflection, providing them with the chance to receive input from their classmates and make adjustments to their work based on this feedback. This process of self-monitoring and reflection will empower students to take ownership of their learning and make meaningful improvements.
Adaptations: In order to meet the needs of a student with complex learning needs, adaptations may need to be made to the assessment tools or procedures. For example, for a student with a visual impairment, accommodations may include providing auditory descriptions or alternative formats for the multimedia presentation. For a student with difficulties in written expression, alternative means of communication such as oral presentations or visual aids may be used. Individualized adaptations will be determined based on the specific needs and accommodations outlined in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan.
Collaboration with Colleagues and Families: Collaboration with colleagues and families will be crucial in the design, implementation, analysis, and reporting of the assessment. Colleagues can provide input and feedback on the assessment design and rubrics, as well as assist in the analysis of student work. Collaboration with families can involve sharing the assessment expectations and criteria, providing updates on student progress, and seeking input and support. Open lines of communication between teachers, colleagues, and families will ensure that all stakeholders are involved and informed throughout the assessment process. This collaboration will also allow for a comprehensive understanding of each student’s unique needs and strengths, enabling teachers to make informed instructional decisions that enhance academic learning and social-emotional growth.