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This is the practice to go from general to specific   QUESTION 1…

This is the practice to go from general to specific



Expansion exercise:


To expand, there are a few important things:

Let’s order the following sentences from general to specific into a body paragraph.

From general to specific.  You order your ideas from general explanation/description to more specific explanation/description. 
When you have explanations and personal examples, personal examples go last.

Click on the number on the left to decide the order: which statement should go first, which second, and so on.

One day, Lucy needed to go to a job interview and her babysitter was sick.  My mother offered to bring the baby Sarah home to take care of her.  She fed Sarah, sang to her, and stayed with her for a whole afternoon until Lucy came back.




Her friends can always talk to her when they have problems.  She has also helped her neighbor find jobs, and even baby-sat for them.

My mother is always ready to help people.  Whenever and wherever someone ask her for something, she will do the best she can to help out. My mother is always ready to help people.  Whenever and wherever someone ask her for something, she will do the best she can to help out. My mother is always ready to help people.  Whenever and wherever someone ask her for something, she will do the best she can to help out.


Order the sentences from general to specific to form a body paragraph.


Schools and colleges are equipped with e-learning centers to help their students on and off campus in with technology


In the field of education, computer technology has become indispensable for teaching and learning  

I’m taking 2 classes using online platforms.  With my computer, I can do all my assignments, access resources on the internet, and checking out school library materials as well as other school information. Computer technology allows students like me to get an education even with our busy lives.

In my college, for example, offers online classes for students who can’t commute regularly because of their work and personal schedule.


Order the following sentences from general to specific into a body paragraph.  


The number of robberies or muggings has gone up around this area


Just last month two of my neighbors were robbed and before that I don’t remember any such crimes had ever happened to any of my neighbors.  We were all feeling pretty secure



Crime rates are increasing in this neighborhood  

One of these neighbors was walking around 5:30pm when it was getting dark, and one guy with a mask snatched her purse with $500 in it and ran away

Murder rates are increasing here.


The following two body paragraphs have the same topic sentence and about the same length.  Compare them and choose the correct answers that compare the 2:

1.  A handgun can be dangerous because someone can be shot unnecessarily or by accident (topic sentence).  Suppose a burglar comes into a gun owner’s house in the middle of the night with the intention of taking valuables like jewelry, cellphone, or flat screen TV there.  The first thing the owner wants to do is to try to scare the burglar by pointing the gun that he had obtained legally at him, telling him that if he doesn’t drop everything he has in his hands, the owner is going to kill him.  The burglar probably would think the person doesn’t know how to use a handgun or he wouldn’t really shoot and just pretended, so he is going to try to run away and the person probably would pull the trigger, shoot, and kill him.

2. A handgun can be dangerous because someone can be shot unnecessarily or by accident. (topic sentence) Suppose a burglar comes into someone’s house in the middle of the night with the intention of taking valuables there.  The person living there has a gun and when he is so scared in that situation, he might just pull the trigger to shoot him to death.  Also, a gun owner may have kids who out of curiosity may happen to take hold of the gun and play with it.  Since kids like to play, it’s very easy for the kids play with the gun for fun and then to shoot someone by accident.  Senior citizens may also have accidents with guns when they get mentally confused and shoot someone who happens to stand in front of them.

Now which one is better?


1.The first body paragraph is better because it has more details and specifics.

2.The first one is better because it sounds more interesting.

3.They are both good in different ways even though they have the same topic sentence.  We can expand/develop body paragraphs in different ways.

4.The second one is better.  They both have details, but the first one’s details/specifics often go off the point.  


Compare the following two body paragraphs and choose the correct answer that compares them.

1. I think the college should reduce tuition because many people want to attend this college, but they can’t afford to pay the tuition.  A recent survey stated that many people would like to enroll in this college, but they can’t because they can’t afford the tuition.  For instance, my neighbor wants to study at this college, but she can’t because she can’t afford the tuition.  If our college reduced the tuition, more students could afford to attend the college, and this would increase enrollment.


2.These days, many parents prefer to have only one or two children instead of many because raising kids take a lot of time, energy, and money.  For example, my aunt prefers to have one child because raising more kids would take her too much time, energy and money.  So she decided to stop having children after two.

1.They both use examples, but the first one is better because it has more details.  For example, it includes a recent survey to support the topic sentence.

2.Both paragraphs are bad because the examples are both too general and repeat the topic sentences.


3.Both are ok.  One is shorter than the other, but they both use examples and connect to the topic sentence.

4.The second one is better because it doesn’t waste any words and goes right to the point.  It’s also more clear and understandable.


Compare the following two paragraphs with the same topic sentences and choose the correct answer the compares them:

1. Health clubs are very expensive these days (topic sentence).  Many people want to be member but they simply cannot afford it.  On average, they cost several hundred dollars a year.  The club I go to charges me 5 hundred dollars a year and they are going to raise the fee by $100 this year.  I also have to pay fees for the use of a locker.  If I want a trainer to help me, there will be another $500.  Therefore, it is very hard to afford a health club membership.


2. Health clubs are very expensive these days (topic sentence).  Many people want to be a member but they simply cannot afford it. My friend lives in a condo building which is one of the most luxurious ones in the city.  Their gym is equipped with the most modern and computerized system.  It is open to public but anyone who is not a resident has to pay $7000 a year to be a member.  Therefore, it is very hard to afford a health club membership.



1.The second one is better because it’s more interesting. It’s important for the details to be interesting.

2.The first one is better because it has details that are connected to the topic.  The second one also has details, but the details are off the topic.

3.The two paragraphs are both good because they both illustrated the point of the topic sentence with details, different details.  They are specifically related to how expensive health clubs are these days.

4.The second one is better because it reminded me of my experience.  I also have a friend who lives in a condo. I really want to work out with him, but I can’t because they would charge me way too much money.