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Warnberg 1 Lillian Warnberg Prof Chukwuemeka Ekemezie ENGL 1202-60…

Warnberg 1 Lillian Warnberg Prof Chukwuemeka Ekemezie ENGL 1202-60 23 Apr 2023 Mycoremediation: How fungi could save us all On April 26th, 1986, the world experienced one of its largest nuclear-related catastrophes when reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant experienced a meltdown and erupted. Approximately 117,000 people living within a 20-mile radius—called the Exclusion Zone—of the powerplant were evacuated, never to return to the irradiated landscape. 37 years after the incident, the Exclusion Zone is still not safely habitable. Clean-up efforts persist today with little progress in decontaminating the plants and soil. As a result, Chernobyl is an almost-ghost town with only one resident: radiotrophic fungi. In this essay I will discuss radioactive pollution’s effects on human and environmental health and promote mycoremediation as a affordable, effective, and sustainable way of addressing the radioactive waste problem. According to the Center for Disease Control, exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation from any source can lead to cancer and cardiovascular diseases in the long-term. Radioactive substances accomplish this by attacking organisms at the most basic level of life—genetic material. For example, In the decades following Chernobyl, thyroid cancer rates for youths aged 0-18 years in modern-day Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia doubled to 4000 cases of confirmed thyroid cancer; 3,000 of those cases were found in children aged 0-14 years, according to a study conducted by physicians in Turkey. Radioactive pollution in the environment looks similar in all Warnberg 2 living organisms—disease and death because of genetic mutations or intense acute exposure. It also means major waterways are contaminated, including ground water sources. Due to the long half-life of certain radioactive isotopes, it could take hundreds of years for these substances to degrade naturally. This means exposure incidences and pollution can continue to attack the DNA of unsuspecting organisms, contaminate the already dwindling water supply, and dismantle the food chain. Additionally, if one is exposed to high levels of radiation in child-bearing years, genetic mutations can be passed on from generation to generation, even if the individual moves far enough away from the source. Radioactive clean-up has seemed an empty endeavor with solutions ranging from cordoning off areas to submerging sealed barrels underwater or—as is considered the gold standard—deep geological disposal in which reinforced tubes are jettisoned into a 1000m-deep hole in a “geologically stable environment” (Berg, Brennecke 1) and buried. The evidence for the efficacy of this is solid, but it does not really address the problem, does it? Instead of chemically repurposing or eliminating the waste entirely, it seems nuclear waste and pollutant management has resolved to hide its mess under the bed. This is where mycoremediation comes in. Mycoremediation is a form of bioremediation in which fungi-derived products and methods are used to decontaminate the environment of pollutants. This list of pollutants can range from plastic to heavy metals to yes—radioactive products. A certain category of fungi called radiotrophic fungi are the culprits of hope in this endeavor. Over 20 years ago, scientists found a type of fungus growing in and around the Chernobyl site. What is even more curious is the fungus’ direction of growth was towards sources of radiation, indicating that this species not only thrives in radioactive environments, but that it prefers radiation. In other words, colonies of Warnberg 3 this fungi grow because of radiation, not despite it demonstrating a resiliency not observed in other living entities. Furthermore, in a study conducted by a group of physicians and environmental scientists entitled, “Survival of the basidiomycete schizophyllum commune in soil under hostile environment conditions in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone” this species was also found to take up radionuclides and heavy metals and use them as energy for itself, effectively and permanently decontaminating the soil. In a cost-benefit analysis of deep geological disposal (DGD) versus mycoremediation, the latter came out to be significantly cheaper, more permanent, and required no upkeep. In a transcription of former Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag’s, testimony before Congress, he states, “A study by the Boston Consulting Group estimates that reprocessing spent nuclear fuel would cost $585 per kilogram—or about 6 percent more than direct disposal”. In comparison, mycoremediation costs under $50 per yard with the cost covering, “bulk fungal spawn, sawdust for inoculation, materials like shade cloth covering, and transportation, labor, and equipment” (University of Washington Department of Landscape Architecture). As addressed briefly earlier in this essay, mycoremediation results in the fungus taking up radionuclides and metabolizing them for its own growth. This not only removes the waste from its surroundings—whether it be soil or water—but chemically converts the substances into something no longer radioactive. DGD requires areas of geological stability and does nothing to permanently remove or repurpose contaminants. Furthermore, there simply is not enough room to continue with this method. The United States Department of Energy still houses nuclear waste produced during the Cold War at production sites. Why? The answer is the obvious one—lack of space, costs in the billions, poor management, and the complicated process of vitrification before Warnberg 4 the waste can even be stored and buried (Department of Energy). This clearly indicates unsustainability. Mycoremediation requires little to none (depending on species used) in the way of maintenance once it is in place. Additionally, because the fungi remove radiological waste from the environment, water, plants, and animals can return to the area and restore the ecosystem that was once there. Mycoremediation offers a sustainable, low-cost way to clean up radiological waste. In the decades of nuclear waste production, never has there been a permanent, environmentally supportive solution to ridding the soil, water, and plants of the DNA-mutating substances. While research is still in its infancy the data are promising, indicating there may be hope yet for addressing the radiological pollution dilemma we face. 


use the essay above to answer the following questions 

Peer review form for a problem-solving paper
from Northern Illinois University’s English Department. Adapted for use by Dr. Emeka
Ekemezie, English Department, North Hennepin Community College
Author:_______________ Reviewer:_______________
Read the essay once through, then read a second time before beginning to answer the
following questions:
1) What is the major problem or issue the writer addresses? State this problem as clearly as
you can in your own words.
2) Does the author outline different aspects of the problem? What are they? If the author
doesn’t explain various aspects of the problem, what are some possible aspects that you
3) Who do you think is the audience of this paper? Would this audience be likely to respond
positively or negatively to the essay’s tone, diction (vocabulary), and suggested solutions?
Why? Also, does the author seem to anticipate his/her audience’s concerns or objections? If
not, try to offer some helpful suggestions.
4) Analyze each of the proposed solutions. What does each solution promise to accomplish?
What are the limitations of each solution? If the author does not mention possible
limitations, suggest at least one limitation of each solution.
5) Do the proposed solutions seem feasible? If not, explain why.
6) Are the proposed solutions cost-effective? Astronomical costs will make the solution
impracticable or impossible to implement, thereby undercutting the effectiveness of the
proposed solution.
7) Evaluate the conclusion. Does this seem to be the best solution? If not, explain why. List
at least one drawback or limitation of this solution.
8) In your opinion, which solution or combination of solutions best serves the goals outlined
by the author? Why?
Elements of Style.
9) Does the author use transition words at the beginning of each paragraph? Do the
transitions make logical connections between ideas or items?
10) Examine one paragraph in the essay. How many be verbs does the author use in this
paragraph? Rewrite one or two sentences replacing be verbs with action verbs.




then later right an essay having the same type of structure about solving problems ( eg problem-solving; relationship)