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Option # 1: Academic Research Paper In our final unit, you’ll…

Option # 1: Academic Research Paper

In our final unit, you’ll explore broader social issues related to the research topic of your choice. You will primarily conduct independent research on the issue and nuances surrounding it. You will need to ask a question about a topic that does not have a single right answer, and take a position on it. You will compose a 7-10 page essay supporting your position with critical thinking and credible, academic/appropriate sources. 

This essay should demonstrate your ability to conduct research, evaluating and locating appropriate sources; to develop a significant, specific position on a topic, and to effectively support that position using the discourse of academic writing. Consider this essay a capstone project that highlights your growth as an academic writer. You will select a topic, do initial research, and develop a working thesis statement, as part of the process. A strong thesis statement will not dichotomize or oversimplify the issue. It should also be specific enough to be effectively supported by evidence given the length of the assignment 









This week I conducted research on the topic of how to best empower youth through the use of technology. I began my research by looking into various publications on the topic, focusing on how technology can be utilized to equip young people with the tools and skills to be successful in their lives. I also looked into various research studies that had been conducted on the subject, focusing on the positive aspects of technology for youth. I had some successes in my research, as I was able to find a variety of sources that were relevant to the topic, and I was able to get a better understanding of how technology can be used to support youth development.

However, I did have some difficulties in my research as well. I found that there was a lot of information available on the topic, but it was difficult to determine what sources would be most relevant to my research. I also found that some of the sources I looked into were not as up-to-date as I had initially hoped. Despite these difficulties, I believe I have made progress in my research this week, and I look forward to further exploring the topic in the coming weeks.

Annotated Bibliography

Gross, Elisheva F. “Understanding Technology’s Impact on Youth Development.” Digital Media and Society Series, edited by P. Messaris and L. Humphreys, MIT Press, 2016, pp. 19-37.


This article examines the impact of technology on the development of young people. It looks at how technology can be used to support social and emotional learning, as well as academic learning. It also discusses the potential risks associated with the use of technology, such as cyberbullying, sexting, and online addiction. This source is relevant to my research as it provides an in-depth look at the ways in which technology can both positively and negatively impact youth development. I can use this source to explore the risks and benefits associated with the use of technology in youth development.

Hoffman, Rebecca L. “Empowering Youth Through Technology: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies for Promoting Positive Outcomes.” Journal of Adolescent Research, vol. 29, no. 4, 2014, pp. 581-604.

This article looks at how technology can be used to empower youth by providing them with the skills and resources they need to be successful. It examines the opportunities, challenges, and strategies for promoting positive outcomes from the use of technology. This source is relevant to my research as it provides an overview of how technology can be used to support youth development. I can use this source to analyze the different opportunities and challenges associated with the use of technology in youth development.


This past week, I did some study on the topic of the most effective ways to give young people more agency through making use of various forms of technology. I started my investigation by reading a variety of articles and books on the subject, concentrating on the ways in which technology may be used to provide young people with the resources and abilities they need to be successful in their life. In addition to this, I investigated a number of research studies that had been carried out on the topic, with a particular emphasis on the advantages of technology for younger generations. I had some success in my research, as I was able to find a variety of sources that were pertinent to the topic, and I was able to get a better understanding of how technology can be used to support the growth of young people. Both of these accomplishments are examples of how my research was successful.

Having said that, I did encounter some challenges when conducting my investigation. I discovered that there was a great deal of information available on the subject, but it was challenging to select the sources that would be the most pertinent to my investigation of the topic. In addition, I discovered that several of the sources I investigated were not as up to date as I had at first wished they would be. Despite the challenges I’ve encountered, I feel like I’ve made some headway in my research this week, and I’m looking forward to delving even deeper into the subject matter in the weeks to come.

Bibliography with Notes or Annotations

“Understanding Technology’s Effect on Youth Development,” by Elisheva F. Gross. Pages 19-37 of the Digital Media and Society Series, edited by P. Messaris and L. Humphreys and published by MIT Press in 2016.

In this article, the influence of technology on the growth of children and adolescents is investigated. It investigates the ways in which technology can be used to facilitate not only academic learning but also social and emotional learning as well. It also highlights the possible dangers that are involved with the use of technology, such as cyberbullying, sexting, and addiction to the internet. Because it takes a comprehensive look at the ways in which technology can have both a beneficial and a bad impact on the growth of young people, this particular source is useful to me in the course of my investigation. I am able to make use of this source to investigate the opportunities and challenges presented by the integration of technology into the educational process of young people.

“Empowering Kids Through Technology: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions for Achieving Good Outcomes,” written by Rebecca L. Hoffman. “Empowering Youth Through Technology.” This research was published in the Journal of Adolescent Research in 2014, volume 29, issue 4, pages 581-604.

This article explores the ways in which technology can be used to empower young people by supplying them with the knowledge and tools they require to be successful in their endeavors. It investigates the possibilities, obstacles, and solutions for fostering beneficial results that can be brought about through the application of technology. Because it provides an overview of the ways in which technology can be used to enhance teenage development, this material is relevant to the research that I am conducting. I am able to make use of this source to conduct an analysis of the various potential and problems linked with the application of technology in the growth of young people.