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Personal Essay Outline This is an assessment for feedback, but not…

Personal Essay Outline

This is an assessment for feedback, but not marks.  You will select a topic for a personal essay, outline and hand it in so that your teacher can provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Step 1

Think of a difficult situation, a challenge, or an experience in your life from which you gained some insight. Use this as the topic for your personal essay outline.

Step 2

Once you have decided on a topic, you are ready to  outline. Fill out either the ” Personal essay form and style planner (for submission) (Opens in new window)” or the ” Paragraph titles chart (for submission) (Opens in new window).”.  The planner or chart will serve as the outline for your personal essay.


For this assessment, you will be using the writing process to develop, plan, organize, and write  own personal essay about a significant moment or event in your life. Your essay should be  words in length.


It was like a week ago when suddenly at the dinner table my parents said we are going on a trip next week far away everything is ready and I also got the air tickets. After hearing that I stopped eating, I got so excited in a moment and I asked my parents with happiness in my eyes where?My father replied we are going to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah, visit Khaba [God’s/Allah’s house] and see your auntie who lives in Saudi Arabia. I’m like okay,it sounds so interesting.I was super excited because  It was my first time visiting Saudi Arabia. The countdown has begun.I started packing a little bit everyday and I’m also helping my mom with packing for the entire family. All my relatives and friends came to see us.we all spent a great time together.                                                                                                                                            After a long wait finally it’s the day we are going to New York first to see my aunt. After two days spending in New York my family and I are flying from the [JFK] John F.Kennedy International Airport to King Abdulaziz International Airport.The flight is more than 13 hours from the The United States and the distance is 10,249 kilometers.I’m super excited I wasn’t able to sleep last night. After a long airport security check and all the process, finally my family and I hopped on the plane.Its Saudi Airlines one of the best airlines I ever experienced. My siblings and I were fighting about who’s gonna sit beside the window but at the end I gave up and gave my lovely window seat to my brother. After all the announcements and boring  safety video, finally it’s 7:15 pm New York time and the plane is ready to take off. In fifteen minutes after the traffic we are in the air.All the lights off, everyone minding their own business and the environment was so quiet so  I fell asleep after the take off because I didn’t sleep last night.After few hours my mom woke me up for food.The food was not that good actually I don’t like the aircraft food. After finishing the food I watched a movie and looked around at what people were doing.some people sleeping, some playing games on the little monitor and some people reading books.I got so bored still eight  hours to go.I’m trying to sleep but can’t fall asleep.I was just looking out of the window and scrolling through my phone.The interesting part is they have a little room for people who wants to pray on the flight.Finally they are announcing  that the aircraft will land at the airport in thirty minutes.I changed my clothes because I need to wear the special clothes for the Umrah and my dad helped me to wear that.We landed in {Jeddah King} Abdulaziz International Airport.The temperature is so hot around 50 degrees.I’m not able to open my eyes I also used sunglasses but not working.The New York and toronto temperature was negative 20 that time probably. I went from super cold to super hot. It took more than thirty minutes just to open my eyes.After all the airport process  we were finally free  and my aunt and uncle were waiting for us at the airport to pick us up.I meet with them after five years.

We started the journey towards Khaba {God’s house} to perform Umrah.I’m so excited just looking out of the window, no trees,no plants,super hot,only  rocky hills turned black because of the heat. We took a break in the middle. That time the luggage wheel went over my feet and my nail came off and started bleeding.I thought I will not be able to walk or perform Umrah to perform Umrah I need to walk.I’m super sad and my aunt cleaned my feet with the holy water {ZamZam water}.Something magical happened after like fifteen or twenty minutes  there’s no pain no blood.Im feeling nothing happened even my one nail came off still and it’s like a blessing for me I will never forget this incident. We performed Umrah with my uncle and aunt after thirteen hours of long flight.We also prayed in front of Khaba. It’s also Ramadan {Muslims across the world fast from sunrise to sunset in the month of Ramadan} the people of Saudi Arabia are so nice and friendly  they give food to people for free during sunset to break the fast.Im kinda surprised. It was sunset and we got a place to sit and break the fast .I’m looking around at all the people sitting on the ground with the same food waiting to break the fast and there’s no difference between people .The feeling is so amazing I can’t even explain in words.After finishing the Umrah we going to the barber shop to shave the head because it’s a part of Umrah. After a long long day we were at my aunt’s place. I’m still surprised about the luggage thing that happened to me.

The next day we all woke up super late and we all slept at random times because of the big difference of the time. Then my family and I visited different historical places in the country of dessert .I also went to an interesting  place called ”Wadi E Jin “. It’s so mysterious.Its a valley where cars move without any touch of the driver.Our car is in neutral gear but still the car is going  so fast.Im so surprised just staring at no comments, speechless.I also dropped a water bottle the bottle suppose to go down the road but nah instead the bottle going up. The country of desert Saudi Arabia is full of mystery and historical things.We went to so many places.Now after a short trip it’s time to come back home to Canada. The trip was amazing. In my opinion everyone should visit atleast once in their life.