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Question 12     Case Study 1 – Malaika Malaika, 3-years-old, is a…

Question 12



Case Study 1 – Malaika

Malaika, 3-years-old, is a newly enrolled Muslim girl who is orientating into the Kindergarten room today, with the support of her mother, Samara.

Samara explains that Malaika is learning how to use the toilet using Islamic practice and wonders if the room educators could assist Malaika by reminding her to enter the toilet with her left foot first and if they could give her a small container (provided by home) filled with fresh water, for her to wash herself with after relieving herself.

Carol, Little Catalysts ELC Director, respects and upholds the rights of employees, clients and children alike with regard to cultural diversity and expects that these perspectives are reflected by all personnel at the service. Carol takes inclusive practice very seriously and works consistently at ensuring a culture of celebrating diversity is maintained.

Kaleb (one of the educators at Little Catalysts) comes to Carol and asks for a few private moments in the office. He reports that he overheard one of the Kindergarten educators, Sarina, complaining about having to meet Samara’s request for supporting Islamic practices for toileting with Malaika. Allegedly, Sarina said that she ‘…wasn’t going to do it, if no-one else was looking, it’s too much hassle!’

Benchmark Criteria

Demonstrated knowledge of the legal and ethical considerations (international, national, state/territory, local) for working with diversity, how these impact individual workers, and the consequences of breaches with regard to: racial, age, disability and sex discrimination.

Question 2


Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Little Catalysts ELC policies and procedures
Federal Register of Legislation, The Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Part IV, Section 27, (1-2)
Federal Register of Legislation, The Age Discrimination Act 2004, PART V, 50 – 51 (2)                                                                                                                                    
Federal Register of Legislation, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, PART 2, Division 4, 42(1)
Federal Register of Legislation, The Sex Discrimination Act 1984, PART IV, 94(2)

Identify the relevant legal and ethical reference sources when working with diversity that guide considerations. Use your knowledge of international, national, state/territory and local laws and guidelines on discrimination to complete the table below.


Discrimination type
Identify the following for each of the discrimination types Racial Age Disability Sex
Identify the Australian law Act which informs legal decision making, that is guided by the (International) Universal Declaration of Human Rights  







List one (1) potential consequence for an individual breaching the relevant Discrimination law  act        
List one (1) relevant policy that guides individual Early Childhood Education and Care workers to support diversity        
List one (1) Early Childhood Service’s National Regulation that relates to each area of discrimination        
List one (1) element  from the National Quality Standards that guides ethical considerations on inclusion and diversity        

Case Study 3 – Kite

Kite is an 18-year-old Brotherboy (a term used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People used to describe gender diverse people who have a male spirit) who is transitioning gender to be a man. He has recently completed his Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and is interviewing for an Early Childhood Educator position at Little Catalysts ELC. Kite hopes to get some experience before doing his Diploma, as he would like to be a Kindergarten Teacher one day.

Kite is very passionate about sharing his Aboriginal culture with the children and his experience of believing that he is a male living in a female body, how he had to do things at school being a ‘girl’, with which he wasn’t comfortable. Kite hopes to ‘shed light on the world’, that he is no different than anyone else and just wants to be happy being himself. Due to his past trauma, Kite has a monthly meeting with his counsellor.

Kite was interviewed by: Carol, the Director; Anthony, the Educational Leader; and Tanya, a Kindergarten educator. Carol thought Kite would be an asset to the service. He presented himself confidently during the interview and had ‘good vibes’. Tanya shared that she was worried about saying the wrong thing to Kite if he started at the service. She felt inexperienced with LGBTQIA+ protocols.

Kite is worried that he might not get the job due to his age, sex and Indigenous background. He’s concerned that needing a day off every month to see his counsellor for his mental health may inhibit his chances of employment.

Kite has been working at Little Catalysts ELC now for nearly a month and is loving every minute of it, as are the staff and children in the service. Kite is enthusiastically researching ways to bring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People’s culture and practice into daily practices and learning.

Kite was inspired by this example of daily practice, Acknowledgement of Country that he found.          

He also read about an early childhood educator who conducted a learning experience with two Aboriginal children and an Elder. The educator presented the Aboriginal Australia map, which illustrated the 250 ‘Countries’ or language groups of Australia. Using a toy car, the educator showed the children the country where she was born and the journey she took to get to the country on which the preschool was located.

The teacher invited the children’s relatives to show the children where they were born, which then prompted the Elder to tell the group about her childhood.

Benchmark Criteria

Demonstrated knowledge of the requirements of the National Quality Standards and related regulations and laws regarding: collaborative partnerships with families and communities, including direct relationships with First Nations families and communities, educational program and practice, relationships with children.

Question 12


Review National Quality Standard (A4 Poster). Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2018) for assistance.
Acknowledgement of Country
A Guide to the National Quality Framework
Little Catalysts Policies and Procedures:
Code of Conduct;
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities;
Educational program and practice;
Interactions with children


Educational program and practice QA5
Relationships with chidlren QA6
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities including direct relationships with First Nations families and communities

Provide one (1) NQS element number, description which relates to the case study, for each area



Approved learning framework – Curriculum decision-making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with the community, well-being, and confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators.
Practice Example Kite’s inclusion of the “Acknowledgement of Country” in daily practice and the learning experience with the Aboriginal Australia map enhances the curriculum by fostering children’s connection with the community and understanding of Aboriginal culture.

NQS Element: 5.1.1
Positive educator to child interactions – Responsive and meaningful interactions build trusting relationships which engage and support each child to feel secure, confident, and included.
Practice Example: Kite’s approach to sharing his journey of gender transition and his Aboriginal culture with the children creates an environment of trust. His genuine interactions help children understand diverse backgrounds, fostering inclusivity and respect.


NQS Element: 6.2.2
Element Description: Engagement with the community – The service builds relationships and engages with its community.
Practice Example: Kite’s initiative of inviting the children’s relatives and an Elder to share their stories and cultural backgrounds promotes community involvement. This act not only integrates diverse community perspectives into the curriculum but also deepens children’s understanding of the rich cultural tapestry of their community.


Provide one (1) Early Childhood Services National Law Act 2010 and Law Act 2017, (ECSNR) Regulation which relates to the case study, for each area








Provide one (1) example of practice that relates to the NQS element you’ve chosen from the case study, for each area