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Do not use AI it gives wrong answers.  1. Indicate how the affix…

Do not use AI it gives wrong answers. 

1. Indicate how the affix -ity in the following sentence changes the part of speech of the underlined word. (For example, you would note that the -ion suffix in the sentence He tried the ignition but nothing happened has turned a verb ignite into a noun ignition. Thus you would answer V –3 N.)

Water scarcity may soon become a serious problem.

Adi–> N

Adi–> V

N–> Adi



V–> Adj



Consider the phrase the help of the billionaire Koch brothers as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify th function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.

Americans for Prosperity involved themselves in local political contests in several states this year with the help of the billionaire Koch brothers.

A. adjunct

B. direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-Determiner 


3 Consider the phrase The federal healthcare subsidies as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify the function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.

The federal healthcare subsidies actually pay some providers on the online marketplace for the entire monthly cost of their insurance plans.


B. (direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subject

G. subiect-determiner


4. Consider the phrase this Thursday as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify the function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.

Twitter’s bullish new outlook makes the company less timid before the imminent initial public offering of its stock this Thursday.

O adjunct

• (direct) object

O indirect object

O object of a preposition

O predicative complement

• subject

O subiect-determiner




Consider the phrase the ailing smartphone maker’s

as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identity the function

the phrase as it is used in the sentence.

The chief executive of BlackBerry leaves the company after the collapse of a tentative takeover offer from the ailing smartphone maker’s largest shareholder.

• adjunct

• (direct) object

O indirect obiect

• object of a preposition

O predicative complement

O subject

O subject-determiner


6. Consider the verb felt as it is used in the sentence below. Pick the term below which best identifies the verb in terms of whether it is ordinary or complex and whether it is intransitive, (mono)transitive, or ditransitive as the terms are used on p. 78 of your textbook.

The student felt relieved after he and the professor met in the morning, 

A. ordinary intransitive

B. complex-intransitive

C. ordinary monotransitive

D. complex-transitive

E. ditransitive


7. Consider the verb features as it is used in the sentence below. Pick the term below which best identifies the verb in terms of whether it is ordinary or complex and whether intransitive, (mono)transitive, or ditransitive as the terms are used on p. 78 of your textbook

The university’s web site regularly features news about students’ achievements

A. ordinary intransitive

B. complex-intransitive 

C. ordinary monotransitive

D. complex-transitive

E. ditransitive


8. Consider the verb reveals as it is used in the sentence below. Pick the term below which best identifies the verb in terms of whether it is ordinary or complex and whether it intransitive, (mono)transitive, or ditransitive as the terms are used on p. 78 of your textbook.

A new analysis of data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft reveals the potential existence of some 40 bilion habitable Earth-size planets in the galaxy.

A. ordinary intransitive

B. complex-intransitive

C. ordinary monotransitive 

D. complex-transitive

E. ditransitive


9. Consider the pronoun you in the following sentence. It is in the accusative case form. From the list below, select which grammatical function the pronoun is filling that allows it to be that case form. Be careful: Think about the grammatical structure of the sentence and be sure to read through all possibilities on the list; several of the options are quite similar.

Seldom have been more disappointed in vou than him.

O conjunct of a subject NP

• (direct) object of a verb

O indirect object

• object of a preposition

O predicative complement

O subject of a finite verb

O subject of a non-finite verb

O subject-determiner with an expressed Nom

O subject-determiner with an unexpressed Nom


10. Consider the pronoun them in the following sentence. It is in the accusative case form. From the list below, select which grammatical function the pronoun is filling that allows it to be that case form. Be careful: Think about the grammatical structure of the sentence and be sure to read through all possibilities on the list: several of the options are quite similar.

He and his daughter had to agree to disagree about them.

A. conjunct of a subject NP

B. (direct) object of a verb

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect of a finite verb

G. subiect of a non-finite verb

H. subject-determiner with an expressed Nom

I. subject-determiner with an unexpressed Nom


11. Consider the verb establishing as it is used in the following sentence and indicate if it is a finite or non-finite form

Because of those undoubted effects of childhood environment and learned knowledge on I test results, the psychologists’ efforts to date have not succeeded in convincingly establishing the postulated genetic deficiency in IQs of nonwhite peoples.

O finite

O non-finite


12. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: recording the message. Indicate its function in the sentence below:

He forgot what he was going to say while recording the message.

O (direct) object

O indirect obiect

O nominal adjunct

• obiect of a preposition

• predicative complement

O subject

O VP adjunct


13. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: losing ten pounds. Indicate its function in the sentence below:

I think that losing ten pounds should be my goal for this month.

O (direct) object

O indirect object

• nominal adjunct

O object of a preposition

• predicative complement

O subject

O VP adjunct


14. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: eating healthy foods. Indicate its function in the sentence below:

Doctors say that eating healthy foods can lead to a longer life

• (direct) object

O indirect object

• nominal adjunct

O object of a preposition

O predicative complement

• subject

O VP adjunct


15. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: mopping the floor. Indicate its function in the sentence below:

Before mopping the floor, you must sweep it thoroughly.

• (direct) object

O indirect object

• nominal adjunct

O object of a preposition

O predicative complement

O subject

O VP adjunct


16. The sentence below contains exactly 1 relative clause. Indicate the grammatical function of the relativized element within the relative clause. Recall that the relativized element will be a

relative pronoun in wh-relative clauses or a gap in that or bare relative clauses.

I remembered the bus ride I had shared with a few dozen chickens.

• adjunct

• (direct) object

• indirect object

O object of a preposition

O predicative complement

O subiect

O subject-determiner


17. The sentence below contains exactly 1 relative clause. Identify the type of relative clause it is (wh-, that, or bare).

Is the man who is standing behind me staring at us?

A. wh- relative clause

B. that relative clause

C. bare relative clause