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WEEK 6 DISCUSSION :  Since the first week of the course, I have…


Since the first week of the course, I have discovered a lot about my writing and writing process. My capacity to express myself effectively and to arrange my views logically and persuasively is one of my strengths, which I have acknowledged. I have also noted typical errors that I need to improve on. These include my propensity for using excessive language and my carelessness with grammar and punctuation. I want to keep working on these areas of weakness by increasing my writing practice and putting more of an emphasis on using clear, precise language.


To guarantee that my writing is as successful as possible, I want to make certain adjustments to my professional writing approach. I want to give the pre-writing stage more time first. This will allow me more time to organize my thoughts and create a thorough plan prior to starting the writing process. I also want to include comments from peers into my writing process. I’ll be able to receive a second perspective on my drafts and make any required changes before turning them in thanks to this. Last but not least, I want to spend more time editing and proofreading my work while paying great attention to language and punctuation.

Overall, taking this course has taught me a lot about writing and the writing process. I am committed to keep developing the areas where I need to become better now that I have recognized my strengths and limitations. I’m convinced that by making a few adjustments to my professional writing approach, I can make sure that my work is clear and error-free.


WEEK 5 memo- 

This memo serves as a notice to all staff about a fresh chance for meaningful volunteering. The document outlines the justification for using the Alert, Orient, Act (AOA) approach to successfully engage staff. It describes the advantages of the project for both specific employees and the company as a whole, with a focus on community impact, professional and personal development, and brand reputation. Additionally, the memo urges employees to actively participate in the program by directing them to review the previously distributed email and instructions for program information. It also emphasizes the creation of evaluation standards to monitor development and recognize accomplishments. The memo ends by advising staff to take advantage of this chance and leave a lasting impression.


Memo to All Staff

Subject: Alert, Orient, Act – New Transformative Volunteering Opportunity

Dear coworkers,

I’m excited to share a brand-new opportunity for transformative volunteerism with the community we serve as well as our organization. I shall outline the justification for this project, discuss its advantages, and urge your active engagement in this memo.

Justification for the Alert, Orient, Act strategy

As you may remember, I made a strong case for adopting an extensive staff volunteer strategy in my prior memo to our boss. Today, I want to underline the value of Jarvis’ Alert, Orient, Act (AOA) strategy for maximizing the impact of our volunteer efforts.

The AOA strategy aims to inspire employees to act by instilling a feeling of urgency, offering crucial information, and stimulating their creativity. We may effectively engage our workers and promote their active engagement in this volunteer opportunity by adhering to this structure. Let’s quickly review what led our employer to endorse this project in the first place.

The Updated Justification for Appealing to All Employees

Benefits for Specific Employees: By taking part in this life-changing volunteer opportunity, you will have the possibility to advance your career and personal development. You will get useful abilities from the experience that you may use in your day-to-day work, such problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership. Additionally, performing community service will increase your sense of fulfillment and purpose, improving your general wellbeing.

Benefits to the Organization: Your participation in this volunteer opportunity will be extremely beneficial to our organization. We are not only upholding our corporate social duty but also enhancing the reputation of our business by actively participating in the community. Making donations to organizations that share our beliefs will strengthen our bonds with stakeholders, draw in new business, and set us apart as an employer of choice.

Benefits to the Community: By volunteering, we have the potential to have a beneficial influence on the area we serve. We can address urgent social concerns, enhance people’s lives, and contribute to the general improvement of our society by sharing our time, talents, and resources. Together, we can effect change and leave a positive legacy.

Instructions through email and to all staff members

I want to draw your attention to the email and guidelines that were previously given with you in order to make sure that this transformative volunteering opportunity is implemented successfully. The volunteer program’s specifics, such as the time commitment, project goals, and activities involved, were described in depth in the email. The instructions gave you step-by-step directions on how to join up, declare your interest in the program, and address any queries or worries you might have.

I urge everyone to carefully read the email and the instructions and follow them in order to participate in this worthwhile endeavor. Your participation will not only benefit our organization and the community, but will also provide you with personal growth opportunities.

Evaluation Guidelines

As we embark on this volunteering opportunity, it is important to establish evaluation guidelines to measure the impact and success of our collective efforts. These guidelines will enable us to track our progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate achievements. I encourage you to review the evaluation guidelines shared in our recent discussion and ensure your active involvement in the evaluation process.


In conclusion, I strongly believe that this new transformative volunteering opportunity presents a unique chance for personal and professional growth, while making a meaningful impact in our community. By implementing the Alert, Orient, Act approach advocated by Jarvis, we can ensure maximum engagement and participation from all employees.

I urge each and every one of you to take advantage of this opportunity and participate actively. Together, we can make a significant difference and create a positive lasting legacy within our organization and beyond.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to the volunteer elevate our organization’s impact.

Thank you for your attention and commitment.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Contact Information]


Using the completed Communication Context Revision Worksheet and the completed Proofreading Checklist you posted in the Week 6 Discussion forum, make the necessary revisions and edits to your Week 5 memo and submit the final draft you plan to send out to all staff at your organization.

Submit the following in one document:

Your completed Communication Context Revision Worksheet that you posted in the Week 6 Discussion forum
Your completed Proofreading Checklist that you posted in the Week 6 Discussion forum
The final draft of your memo that you plan to send out to all staff at your organization.