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CoachViperMaster1028 Use the following expressions to replace the underlined parts of…
Use the following expressions to replace the underlined parts of the sentence. may use each expression more than once. pick the choice that appropriately uses more than one word or expressions here.


prevent … from

forbid … from

ban … from




consist of


require something or require someone to do something

eating, writing, etc. habits

interfere with

lack of


object to (oppose or strongly disagree with)

overeating (overdrinking, oversleeping, etc.)

Multiple choice

Question 1) I disagree with the new school policies that students cannot wear tan tops.

a. I am object to 1

b. I was object to 2

c. I object to 3

d. I object with 4

2) To get more mental energy, it’s important that we improve the ways we sleep.

a. Lack of sleep 1

b. our sleeping habits 2

c. our sleep habits 3

d. sleeping interference 4

3) We need to make sure such crimes not to happen again in our neighborhood!

a. We need to prevent such crimes to happen again 1

b. We need to forbid such crimes from happening again 2

c. We need to object to such crimes that happen again 3

d. We need to prevent such crimes from happening again 4

4) The school is thinking of making some little changes of many of its rules and policies.

a. modifying many of its rules and policies 1

b. modify many of its rules and policies 2

c. modified many of its rules and policies 3

d. making some modifying of little changes of many of its rules and policies 4

5) Drinking too much has a lot of negative consequences.

a. Excessive drinking 1

b. Excessively drink 2

c. Drinking excessive 3

d. Drinking too excessively 4

6)The school demands that students be absent no more than 3 times each semester.

A.The school wants to reduce students absence to no more than 3 times 1

B.The school object to students’ absence of more than 3 times 2

C.The school forbid students from be absence of more than 3 times 3

D.The school requires students to be absent no more than 3 times 4

7) He is gaining weight because of little exercise.

a. He is gaining weight because he only had a little bit exercise 1

b. He is gaining weight because his lack of exercise 2

c. He is gaining weight because of he is lack of exercise 3

d. He is gaining weight because of his lack of exercise 4

8)I want to join a health club to make my stress less.

a. prevent my stress 1

b. interfere with my stress 2

c. modify my stress 3

d. reduce my stress 4

9) The best way to make the disease not spread to many people is to have early immunization.

a. The best way to reduce the disease to spread 1

b. The best way to prevent the disease to spread 2

c. The best way to prevent the disease not spread 3

d. The best way to prevent the disease from spreading 4

10)Don’t stand too close! You’ll affect the work of these police.

a. You’ll interfere the work of these police 1

b. You’ll prevent the work of these police 2

c. You’ll object to the work of these police 3

d. You’ll interfere with the work of these police 4

11) The mother wanted to make her daughter not go out with that guy.

a. forbid her daughter not to go out 1

b. forbid her daughter to go out 2

c. forbid her daughter from going out 3

d. forbade her daughter from going out 4

12)The test has many parts. 1

a. was consisted of 2

b. in consist of 3

c. consist of 4

d. consists of 5

13)Success in this course needs a lot of work, patience, and persistence (not giving up).

a. needs excessive work, patience, and persistence 1

b. require a lot of work, patience, and persistence. 2

c. requires a lot of work, patience, and persistence. 3

d. is require a lot of work, patience, and persistence. 4

14) I’ve been working too much, so now I want to make some little changes in life, but I don’t want to sleep and eat too much. (Choose one that uses most words and expressions appropriately. You get partial credit if you use some words or expressions appropirately.)

a. working excessively, so now I want to make some changes in life, but I don’t want to sleep and eat excessively 1

b. overworking, so I want to make some modifications in life, but I don’t want to oversleep and overeat 2

c. working excessively, so I want to make some modifications in life, but I don’t want to sleep and eat too much. 3

d. overworking, so now I want to make some modifications in life, but I don’t want to sleep and eat too much

15) I need to improve the ways I write. I write too slow and think too much when I’m doing an essay.

a. my write habit 1

b. my write habits 2

c. my writing habits 3

d. my writing habit 4

16) I basically set my schedule, but I may change it slightly.

a. but I may modify it 1

b. but I may be modify it 2

c. but I may be modifed it 3

d. but I may modifying it. 4

17) The story includes many different short sections.

a. consists of many different short sections 1

b. is consisted of many different short sections 2

c. consisted of many different short sections 3

d. consist of many different short sections 4

18) To improve our health, we need to change what we eat and the ways we eat.

a. reduce what we eat and the ways we eat 1

b. modify what we eat and the ways we eat 2

c. change our eating habits 3

d. change our excessive eating 4

19) Mayor Bloomberg considered making illegal beverages that contain a lot of sugar.

a. making sugary beverages illegal 1

b. objecting to illegal beverages that contain a lot of sugar 2

c. banning illegal sugary beverages 3

d. banning sugary beverages 4

20) Not enough writing practice will affect your progress in writing.

a. Not enough writing practice will prevent your progress in writing 1

b. Lack of writing practice will affect your progress in writing 2

c. Reducing your writing practice will affect your progress in writing 3

d. Modifying your writing practice will affect your progress in writing 4

21)These dishes are very tasty and very good for you.

a. These dishes are very nutritious for you 1

b. These dishes are very good and nutritious for you 2

c. These dishes are very nice and nutritious for you 3

d. These dishes are very tasty and very nutritious for you 4Arts & HumanitiesEnglish