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READ EVERYTHING! Fill in spaces below each one and day and please…

READ EVERYTHING! Fill in spaces below each one and day and please do not copy and paste an old assignment.


Data should drive instruction and, as a best practice, teachers should gather formal and informal data before, during, and after every lesson. This is especially important when integrating cross-curricular content into English language arts (ELA) lessons. Students who face learning challenges related to literacy skills often have similar struggles in other content areas such as math, social studies, and science. Since students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills and abilities vary widely in all classrooms, it is important to identify how poor literacy skills can negatively affect performance in other curricular areas and select intervention, remediation, and differentiation strategies that can be applied across disciplines. This can support teachers in meeting the unique literacy needs of each student and help them work toward becoming proficient in literacy and more successful in all the content areas.

Carefully review the data for each student in the “SPD-581 Class Profile.” Assume the students in the “Class Profile” are in the grade level that you are most interested in teaching. Using the data from the “Class Profile,” complete the “SPD-581 Cross-Curricular Unit Plan” template as directed.


Student Profiles:

Student Name: Arturo

English Language Learner: Yes

Socio-economic Status: Low SES

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Gender: Male

IEP/504: No

Other: Tier 2 RTI for Reading

Age: Grade Level

Reading Performance Level: One year below grade level

Math Performance Level: At grade level

Parental Involvement: Med

Internet Available at Home: No


Student Name: Bertie

English Language Learner: No

Socio-economic Status: Low SES

Ethnicity: Asian

Gender: Female

IEP/504: No

Other: None

Age: Grade Level

Reading Performance Level: One year above grade level

Math Performance Level: At grade level

Parental Involvement: Low

Internet Available at Home: Yes


Student Name: Beryl

English Language Learner: No

Socio-economic Status: Mid SES

Ethnicity: White

Gender: Female

IEP/504: No

Other: School does not have gifted program

Age: Grade Level

Reading Performance Level: Two years above grade level

Math Performance Level: At grade level

Parental Involvement: Med

Internet Available at Home: Yes


Student Name: Brandie

English Language Learner: No

Socio-economic Status: Low SES

Ethnicity: White

Gender: Female

IEP/504: No

Other: Tier 2 RTI for Math

Age: Grade Level

Reading Performance Level: At grade level

Math Performance Level: One year below grade level

Parental Involvement: Low

Internet Available at Home: No


Student Name: Dessie

English Language Learner: No

Socio-economic Status: Mid SES

Ethnicity: White

Gender: Female

IEP/504: No

Other: Tier 2 RTI for Math

Age: Grade Level

Reading Performance Level: Grade Level

Math Performance Level: One year below grade level

Parental Involvement: Med

Internet Available at Home: Yes


Student Name: Diana

English Language Learner: Yes

Socio-economic Status: Low SES

Ethnicity: White

Gender: Female

IEP/504: No

Other: Tier 2 RTI for Reading Grade Level

Age: Grade level

Reading Performance Level: One year below grade level

Math Performance Level: At grade level

Parental Involvement: Low

Internet Available at Home: No


Directions: Select the level you are most interested in teaching and develop a five-day cross-curricular unit plan (math, science, or social studies) for the students in the class based upon grade level literacy standards. The unit plan should include the following:

•Reading, writing, and speaking and listening standards appropriate for the selected grade.

•Cross-curricular standards (math, science, or social studies) appropriate for the selected grade. 

•Critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Answer all below:

Section 1: Instructional Planning


Grade Level: 


Content Area: 


Unit Title:


Lesson Titles: Provide a title of each lesson in the unit.

Lesson Summaries: Write 1-2 sentences that summarize each lesson and identify the central focus based on the content and skills you are teaching. 


Lesson 1:

(Lesson Title):

(Lesson Summary):


Lesson 2:

(Lesson Title):

(Lesson Summary):


Lesson 3:

(Lesson Title):

(Lesson Summary):


Lesson 4:

(Lesson Title):

(Lesson Summary):


Lesson 5:

(Lesson Title):

(Lesson Summary):


Classroom Factors: In 1-2 sentences, describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and the effect of those factors have on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. 



Student Factors/Grouping: In 1-2 sentences, describe the student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. Consider these factors to plan the differentiation components of the lesson.



State Literacy Standards

List specific grade-level literacy standards that are the focus of the unit. 

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:


State Cross-Curricular Standards 

Select one content area standard (math, science, or social studies) as the focus of the unit.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:


Learning Objectives 

Develop a unique learning objective for each daily lesson. 

Objectives should scaffold learning from lesson to lesson and align to the state literacy and cross-curricular standards. 

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Academic Language 

General academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary for the unit. Explain where in the lesson vocabulary will be taught (i.e. Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of Engagement, or Multiple Means of Expression).

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology 

List all resources, materials, equipment, and technology to be used in the unit.  

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Section 2: Instructional Planning 


Anticipatory Set 

Describe how students’ prior knowledge will be activated and how you will gain student interest in the upcoming content.

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Multiple Means of Representation 

Describe how content will be presented in various ways to meet the needs of different learners and how you will consider individual students’ abilities, interests, preferred learning environment, and cultural and linguistic factors.

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation 

Explain how content will be differentiated for each of the following groups:

•English language learners (ELL):

•Students with exceptionalities (classroom students with IFSPs, IEPs, including students with gifted abilities, and 504 plans):

Early finishers (classroom student who may need opportunities to extend their learning):

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Multiple Means of Engagement 

Describe how students will explore, practice, and apply the content. Include strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individual students. 

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Multiple Means of Engagement Differentiation 

Explain how application of content will be differentiated for each of the following groups:

•English language learners (ELL):

•Students with exceptionalities (classroom students with IFSPs, IEPs, including students with gifted abilities, and 504 plans):

•Early finishers (classroom student who may need opportunities to extend their learning):

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:


Multiple Means of Expression 

Describe formative and summative assessments that will be used to monitor student progress and modify instruction. Include how you will ensure that you minimize bias in these assessments. 

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:



Multiple Means of Expression Differentiation

Explain how assessment of content will be differentiated for each of the following groups:

•English language learners (ELL):

•Students with exceptionalities (classroom students with IFSPs, IEPs, including students with gifted abilities, and 504 plans):

•Early finishers (classroom student who may need opportunities to extend their learning):

Day 1: 

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:


Section 3: Reflection

In 250-500 words, address the following.

•Describe how you analyzed the performance data from the class profile to develop the unit plan. Explain how the unit is developmentally meaningful and provides learning opportunities to meet the unique needs of students in the class. 

•Describe how this unit teaches cross-disciplinary knowledge and critical thinking and problem-solving skills to individuals with exceptionalities.

•Describe three ways the content of the cross-curricular unit strengthens student literacy skills.

•Discuss one strategy you could recommend to families to extend the cross-curricular unit at home.