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    Ch 1 8 SA Art Analysis direct assignment This assignment asks…



Ch 1

8 SA Art Analysis direct assignment

This assignment asks you to apply the vocabulary and concepts you’ve learned throughout the course to analyze the form and principles, content and cultural relevance of a work of art you’ve viewed in person during this course. 

Learning Objectives of this assignment

Experience the aesthetics of viewing a work of art in person at a museum, gallery or public art venue. *Because of Covid 19, you do have the option to choose from a list of approved works online, if you cannot view a work in person.
Utilize relevant vocabulary to analyze the formal elements and principles of design in a chosen work of art.
Explore the cultural significance of a chosen work.
Relate form to content and conclude how the artist has achieved unity in the chosen work.

Task 1: Visit a major museum 

You will need to visit an art museum, such as the Mint Museum, Bechtler Museum or Gantt Center in Charlotte, or a comparable museum in another city. Also, you can focus on public art.  Choose a single work of art to analyze. You may select a work of art from any culture or any point in history.  Please note: your paper must include an image of you with the work.
If you cannot view the work in person, please choose an image from this list: Image List for Art Analysis opens in new window
You can use the Art Analysis Worksheet opens in new window to collect your information. Remember, you are not to submit this worksheet–this is for your benefit only. Your paper should be in essay form, not worksheet form.

Task 2: Write a 500-600 word analysis of your chosen work

Your analysis should be between 500 and 600 words and should include detailed information about the work, where it is located, its formal elements/principles of design, the Critical Core component and your interpretation of its content, and how from relates to content to create unity. Create your work as a document, double space your lines, and save it as a pdf.
An image of your chosen work is required. Your image should be labeled with the artist’s name (if known), title of work of art (underlined, italicized or in quotes), medium, date, size (approximate if not listed) and image source the museum that own the rights to the image and or the name of the person who took the photo.

Your analysis should contain 5 paragraphs

1. The first paragraph will need to include the name and location of the museum, title of the work of art, artist name, date, medium and size. Avoid just listing these items. Instead, try to make this information descriptive (in essay form).

2. Next, a paragraph about form (how the work of art has been organized). When writing about formal elements and principles of organization, imagine you are describing the chosen work to someone who can’t see it. Be sure to use the vocabulary words you have learned so far (Chapters 3-7).  Here are some questions you should think about (be sure not to limit yourself to these questions): How is harmony created? Where is the focal point? What kind of balance is utilized? How is space arranged? 

3.  The third paragraph should contain your interpretation of subject matter and content (Chapter 1). When writing about content, back up your opinion in a thoughtful way. Saying you like something isn’t enough…you must investigate why. You might want to include what you learned about the work’s culture. PGCL: your third paragraph will address the PGCL component of our course, ‘Personal Growth and Cultural Literacy: Key Indicator 1: Students will demonstrate cultural awareness’. You will need to research the culture of your chosen work of art and write about how the work relates to its culture’s history, values, politics, economy, or beliefs and practices (you need to select just one of these areas). If you know the name of the artist, you may include some information about him/her as it relates to that artist’s culture. Please cite your sources. 

4. PGCL: your fourth paragraph will address the PGCL component of our course, ‘Personal Growth and Cultural Literacy: Key Indicator 1: Students will demonstrate cultural awareness’. You will need to research the culture of your chosen work of art and write about how the work relates to its culture’s history, values, politics, economy, or beliefs and practices (you need to select just one of these areas). If you know the name of the artist, you may include some information about him/her as it relates to that artist’s culture. Consider research the style of the artwork—for example, if you analyze a painting from Picasso’s Cubist style, describe how that style reflects the time of its creation. Please cite your sources. 

5. Your last paragraph should consider the main aspects of form (how the image is composed of the formal elements and principles of design) that you have described in paragraph 2 and relate them to the content of the work. This should summarizes how form relates to content and creates unity in a work of art.

Avoid exceeding 600 words (use the Word Count in MS Word, for example).

Task 3: Submit your work

Create a document with the following:
-Your chosen image, labeled correctly
-5 paragraphs (detailed above)
an image of you with the work (if you viewed it in person)
Save your document to your computer as a pdf.
attach your pdf document to the submission link


See a student example of this assignment opens in new window

Grading rubric opens in new window

Please note: the submission link will become available the Friday before the assignment is due. Note the due date on this assignment. 



Assignment Art Analysis Worksheet: You may virtually visit any museum, gallery or public art venue. It is highly recommended that you limit your search to museums that offer virtual tours. This is more interactive and educational.  You must include an image of your chosen work, properly labeled. Your analysis should be betweeFill out the following form to ensure you have all the info you need. 

Find the basic information on museum and artwork: 

Museum, Gallery or public art venue: 

Title of Artwork and name of artist: 

Date of artwork: Approx. size: (estimate if not listed) 

Type of Artwork: (Painting, Sculpture, etc.) 

Style of Artwork: (Realistic, Abstract, Non-objective). 

Medium: (oil, acrylic, charcoal, bronze, glass, etc.) 

Describe the formal elements/principles of design: (line, shape, space, texture, color and value and/or harmony, balance, variety) 24 points possible: 

Cultural Literacy: How does this work reflect its culture? Articulate an understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of culture(s) being assessed in relation to their history, values, politics, communication styles, economy or beliefs and practices (you only need to address one of these) 25 points possible: 

Content: (what you think it means–support your opinion) 24 points possible: 

Summary: Briefly describe how form and content relate to create unity in the artwork. 24 points possible 

