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The purpose of this assignment is a full sentence outline and add…

The purpose of this assignment is a full sentence outline and add research documentation to support the information in the outline. You will then use this outline to a speech presentation using video. 

Topic “The impact of social media on interpersonal communication”

The body should be outlined to a depth of lowercase “a” and “b” at least once.

If the outline has two main points, each main point should contain approximately 10 to 12 line items (in single sentences)

If the outline has three points the sentences will be divided up accordingly.

1. a full-sentence outline reflecting the major ideas of the speech in

conventional outline form.

2.  must consult the Informative Speech Preparation Outline Rubric

3. Students must adhere to the standards of outline structure by creating an introduction which

incorporates the five standard elements as indicated in the Exemplary category of the rubric.

4. The outline must include an organized and supported body with either two or three main


5. must adhere to the standards of outline structure by providing a conclusion which

incorporates the four standard elements as indicated in the Exemplary category of the rubric.

6.  must write out at least three credible oral citations inside the outline that include the

author, title, date, and source of information, writing the citations out word-for-word as they

would say them out loud in the speech presentation. These citations should be spaced

throughout the outline.

7. Students must include an additional file of a correctly formatted list of References

with at least three citations.

8. It is recommended that  use scholarly peer-reviewed information for the three sources.

9. will deliver a 5 to 7 minute informative speech.





General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To introduce the class to Sanibel Sea School.
Title: Sanibel Sea School: Oceans for Generations
I. What is one thing that comes to mind when you think of the beach? (Gain Attention)
II. Maybe you think of summer memories and vacations, but you probably didn’t think
of a school. (Relate to Audience)
III. Well, when I was growing up I spent many days of my summer at school on the
beach with an organization called Sanibel Sea School! (Personal Credibility)
IV. In an article titled “Sanibel School Brings Kids to Sea” from The News Press, written
December 28, 2007, Laura Ruane wrote “The school is about ecotourism, but more so
about marine conservation… all of these kids are going to protect the oceans for the
rest of their lives.” (Oral Citation 1) (Research Credibility)
V. I hope today I can explain why Sanibel Sea School is an important part of the Sanibel
community by teaching the next generation about conservation. (Central
VI. In this speech, I will be discussing (1) the mission of Sanibel Sea School and (2) how
it benefits the kids that attend Sanibel Sea School camps. (Preview of Main Points)
Transition: First, I will explain what Sanibel Sea School’s mission is.
I. Sanibel Sea School’s mission focuses on educating kids on marine life and
A. I will begin by explaining why marine life is so important to this team.
1. The founders of Sanibel Sea School have a lifelong foundation of marine
a. Bruce Neill grew up in Florida and has his Ph.D. in conservation biology
and his wife Evelyn is the daughter of a science teacher.
b. Their love of the ocean fuels their passion for teaching people about this
great wonder.
2. By teaching the next generation through summer camps, Sanibel Sea School
hopes to preserve our future oceans.
a. In a YouTube video “A Place of Ocean Love” posted by Sanibel Sea
School on March 31, 2015, Bruce Neill the founder of the organization

says, “Sanibel Sea School is institution whose mission is to save the ocean
one person at a time” (Citation 2)
b. They believe the future of our oceans depends on how we teach the next
generation to take care of it.
B. Sanibel Sea School also teaches people of all ages about ecosystems and how to
enjoy the ocean to its full extent.
1. Sanibel Sea School offers a variety of lessons that all ages can enjoy.
a. They offer family programs that include studies such as birdwatching and
b. Sanibel Sea School provides fun laid back environments to learn specific
activities such as surfing and cast netting.
2. Sanibel Sea School specifically chose Sanibel Island as their base.
a. Sanibel Island gives a variety of ecosystems we can learn from such as
mangroves and coastlines.
b. Sanibel Island also brings in a lot of tourists which means more people
from all over the country and world can learn how to better our oceans.
Transition: I have given examples of Sanibel Sea School’s mission and vision for the
environment; next, I will explain how the kids involved benefit from this program.
II. Kids that attend Sanibel Sea School learn more about our planet and create lasting
A. Sanibel Sea School opens doors for kids to have hands on fun and educational
1. This institution gets kids outdoors and involved in the community.
a. In an article called “Kids who get outdoors sail through school” by The
News Press written May 28, 2009, Byron Stout writes that Sanibel Sea
School gives kids “adventure, learning and outdoor fun to give kids a taste
of island ecology mixed with ‘old school’ waterman skills.” (Citation 3)
b. This article elaborates on studies showing that kids who spend more time
outdoors in hands on activities do better in school and with mental health.
c. Sea School introduces kids to the resources they can find on Sanibel

2. Sanibel Sea School teaches kids how to enjoy nature and how they can be
involved in how to preserve the environment.
a. This program gives kids tools for bettering the world around them.
b. It also gives new information that makes activities more fun for kids, like
being able to identify sea shells.
B. Sanibel Sea School brings kids together.
1. When I went to Sanibel Sea School I made friends from all over the state.
2. It gives answers and common ground for people to discuss.
a. The ocean is vastly unknown and may never be fully discovered, this
school gives answers to questions a lot of people have.
b. Most people are intrigued by the ocean’s great unknown which brings
people together to learn more about it and protect it.
I. I hope that this speech gave you more insight into this organization’s mission. (Signal
to end the speech)
II. I’m happy I got to share with you about Sanibel Sea School on Sanibel Island, which
was a huge inspiration to my love of wildlife and science and an asset to the
community. (Restated Central Idea/Thesis)
III. Because of this speech you now know Sanibel Sea School’s mission and how it
impacts the kids involved, including myself. (Restate Main Points)
IV. The ocean is a huge part of the world we live in, organizations like Sanibel Sea
School are doing their part in educating and protecting such a beautiful part of our
planet. (Strong Closing)