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harleenprincess2  . EXIT G Question 1 01 20 Before leaving your car parked on a…Image transcription textEXIT G Question 1 01 20 Before leaving your car parked on adowngrade, you should SOLUTIONS A Turn your front wheels tothe right and set your parking brake. B Set your parkin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textEXIT G Question 2 of 20 A flashing red light at an Intersectionmeans: SOLUTIONS A Slow down and yield right-of-way to carsapproaching from your left or right. B Slow down and … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLIVE V Juection ] of 20 When a red signal light with a green arrowis shown at an intersection, it means SOLUTIC A The green arrowis a signal for pedestrians only. B Stop and wait for gre… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textEXIT G Question # 61 20 How close to a fire hydrant mayyouillegally park’? SOLU A 1 metres (10 fret) B 4.5 metres (15 feetC 6 metres [20 feet) D 1 5 meters (5 feet) 17 Remainin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textO G Question 3 of 20 As a Level One (Class G1) or Level Two(Class G2) driver, your license will be suspended if you collect: ASix demerit points. B Two or more demerit points. C Ni… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 4 of 20 A vehicle being used for the removal of snowfrom a highway must be equipped with a: A Flashing red light. BFlashing blue light. C Flashing green light. D Flashing a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textO G Question 5 of 20 As a Level One (Class G1) driver, the mostimportant thing to remember is that you must drive: A With bothhands on the steering wheel. B Only during daylight ho… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 2 of 20 As a Level One (Class G1) or Level Two (ClassG2) driver, the first time you collect the maximum number ofdemerit points, your license will be suspended for: A 6… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textEXIT G Question 5 of 20 As a Level One (Class G1) or Level Two(Class G2) driver, your license will be suspended if you collect. SSOL A Two of more dement points. B 10 or more deme… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textO G Question 1 of 20 When approaching an intersection wherethe traffic signals are not working and no one is directing traffic,you should: A Look left, right and left again before driv… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 6 of 20 If you are a Level One (Class G1) driver, youraccompanying d must: A Be the only person in the front seat withyou while driving B Be the owner of the vehicle you ar… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 7 of 20 Every accident must be reported to the policewhen there is personal injury or when the damage apparentlyexceeds: A $1,500 B $2,000 C $500 D $3,000 14 Rem… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textestion 8 of 20 Then approaching a red traffic signal light and apolice officer motions ou to go through, you must: A Call thepolice officer’s attention to the red light. B Wait for th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textU G Question 9 of 20 If you must make a phone call on a cellularphone when driving, the safest action to take is to: A Make yourcall at any time. B Make the call only if you have a hand… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 11 of 20 Unless otherwise posted, the maximumspeed limit allowed in a city, town, village or built-up area is: A 50kilometres (30 miles) per hour B 40 kilometres (25 mil… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 12 of 20 When driving in heavy fog, you should use: ALow beam headlights. B Parking lights. C Parking lights and highbeam headlights. D High beam headlights…. Show moreImage transcription textG Question 15 of 20 e broken centre line on a roadway means youmay: A Pass if the way is clear. B Never pass. C Pass at any time. DPass only during daylight hours. 6 R Co… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 10 of 20 Cellular phones can be an important safetyaid for drivers. However using a cellular phone while driving: AInterferes with your ability to drive safely. B Is safe onl… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 13 of 20 A solid centre line on the roadway is on yourside of a broken cent line. What does the solid centre line mean? APass only when no traffic is in sight. B Pass at any time. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textO G Question 16 of 20 When making a right turn with a red lightfacing you, you should: Come to a complete stop. Look left, rightand then left again. A Check your blind spot for smalle… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 14 of 20 To move from a Class G1 to a Class G2license, you must: A Complete a Beginner Driver Educationprogram. B Pass a Level Two (Class G2) written test. C … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textbestion 18 of 20 Then on a street designed for two-way traffic,you hear the siren of an emergency vehicle: A Speed up to get outof the way. B Pull over to the right hand curb or edge o… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 17 of 20 When a flashing green light is shown at anintersection: A You may proceed straight through or turn to theleft or right. B You must stop and proceed when the lig… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 19 of 20 When does the law require lights on yourvehicle to be turned on? A No specified time Between 1/2 hourbefore sunset to 1/2 hour after sunrise and at B any ot… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 20 of 20 As a Level One (Class G1) or Level Two (ClassG2) driver, the maximum blood alcohol level you may have is: A0.0 percent B 0.05 percent C 0.08 percent D 0.5 perce… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textG Question 20 of 20 As a Level One (Class G1) or Level Two (Glass(2) driver, the maximum blood alcohol level you may have is: A 0.0percent B 0.05 percent C 0.08 percent D 0.5 percent 1… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish