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rewrite these short answers so they are unable to be detectable by…

rewrite these short answers so they are unable to be detectable by ai you can change the wording the format the structure but make sure they still tell the smake story 



1[;p0-Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major?

Business has been a constant presence in my life, with each person in my family either owning their own business or working for a family bussies. I’ve always been inspired by the idea that I can learn, build, and eventually have my own business, allowing me to help people in various ways. From a young age, I started my own ventures, ranging from something as small as selling my toys from my dad’s truck to running a small business with six employees, offering snacks and drinks. In middle school, I deliberately chose a broad field of study because I understood that to successfully take over or  thriving business, I needed a comprehensive understanding of marketing, accountability, and the ability to manage all aspects of a business. As I look forward to joining the University of texas, I’m eager to delve into more specialized aspects of business that are crucial for success.

With the guidance and resources provided by the university, I aim to realize the business of my dreams and make a positive impact.


2 Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT


.Over the numerous leadership roles I have held, the most impactful ones for both me and the community around me have been in the last four years, starting in 2020 when the pandemic hit. My dad and I conceived a business plan to manufacture masks and hand sanitizer, not only to benefit our business but also to address a pressing need. We threw ourselves into action, sourcing materials and conducting various experiments to produce high-quality masks and hand sanitizer. Additionally, we took on the challenge of building a tea bar and boba business from the ground up. It was an intense three-month endeavor, with nearly ten hours of work every day, but the end result was beyond rewarding. The second opportunity role I had was two years ago when my dad decided to venture into the laundry industry and purchased a laundromat. Despite having zero prior knowledge about the industry, we dedicated our entire summer to learning the intricacies of the machines and operations. After extensive training and gaining proficiency, my dad entrusted me with the role of manager. This position was particularly demanding, as it required me to not only ensure the smooth operation of the laundromat but also to facilitate the learning process for employees. I took on the responsibility of providing thorough training and support to help them excel. This year, I embarked on my latest leadership role as the captain of the football team. Of all the leadership positions I’ve held, this is the one I’ve pursued with the utmost determination and dedication. Since my freshman year, I aspired to be a captain, yearning for the privilege of leading my team through exhilarating games. Until this point, I’ve poured my heart and soul into the team, striving to not only be the best player but also to elevate my team alongside me. When the time came to select captains, I was humbled and deeply honored that my teammates believed in my ability to lead them. This role has been monumental, significantly impacting both myself and those around me. These experiences have not only bolstered my leadership skills, but they’ve also fostered a deep sense of responsibility toward the well-being and success of my team and community.

    3 The core purpose of The University of Texas at Austin is, To Transform Lives for the Benefit of Society. Please share how you believe your experience at UT-Austin will prepare you to Change the World after you graduate.

I’m really excited about attending the University of Texas at Austin for its outstanding business program. I’m drawn to the idea of gaining deep knowledge and skills that I can use to make a meaningful impact on a global scale. My first goal is to take over and expand my father’s business, which focuses on providing affordable natural remedies to immigrants and those in need. With the knowledge I’ll gain at UT Austin, I hope to take this mission even further, spreading it across the United States and helping diverse communities. We want to not only save people money on healthcare but also improve their overall well-being. Beyond that, I hope to start more businesses that create jobs and positively influence the lives of our employees. I truly believe this is the path to making a real and lasting difference that goes beyond just making money                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

4 Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance.

Throughout my four years in high school, I encountered several circumstances that influenced my journey. The first one was during the COVID year. While it didn’t have a profound impact on me, what did affect me was the return of the entire school in my sophomore year. Suddenly dealing with a larger student body and a heavier workload was quite a shift. It was a departure from my freshman year, where I had a smaller class size of about ten students, allowing for more focused learning. Unfortunately, this change made it harder for teachers to ensure everyone was on track, which in turn, made it more challenging for me to pass my classes. One significant challenge arose in my AP History course, where I earned my only ‘C’. That year, we had three different teachers due to unforeseen circumstances, making it particularly difficult to grasp the subject and excel. Another factor limiting my involvement in clubs and community service hours has been my dedication to sports over the past four years. Although work wasn’t mandatory, I understood its long-term benefits. It meant immersing myself in an environment I believed was essential for personal growth. This senior year, I’m making it a priority to participate in as many clubs as possible and dedicate time to community service.