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1. An early childhood education and care service is required to…

1. An early childhood education and care service is required to keep policies and procedures accessible at all times for employees and other people working within the service. Regulation 168, which covers Health and Safety, states what policies and procedures services must have in their documentation.


Go to Regulation 168 and find which of the following policies listed below are required by services to have in their policies and procedures manuals. There are eight (8) correct answers. 

Select all that apply


a) Incident, injury, trauma and illness

b) Dealing with infectious diseases

c) Observation

d) Dealing with medical conditions in children

e) Emergency and evacuation

f) Parent participation

g) Rosters of educators

h) Delivery of children to, and collection of children from, education and care service premises

i) Nutrition, food and beverages, and dietary requirements

j) The administration of first aid

k) Sun protection

l) Older people in services


2. A ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act), or who is still termed ’employer’ in Victoria and Western Australia, has the primary duty of care under or to ensure the health and safety of employees and others at the workplace, so far as is reasonably practicable.

Workers play an important role in helping keep the workplace safe and setting the workplace health and safety standards.

Can you identify which of the following responsibilities are a key duty of:

a worker or
a PCBU/Employer?

Enter the relevant responsibility in the boxes below

HINT: Refer to your text book, K.Kearns., (2020, 5th Ed), The Big Picture, pages 148-151.

Undertake WHS training as needed


Comply with lawful instructions in relation to WHS


Report all work hazards to a nominated supervisor 


Safe use, handling, storage and transport of substances 


Understanding and following internal incident reporting processes 


Provision of information, instruction, training or supervision to workers needed for them to work without risks 


Promote and foster open lines of communication and consultation about health and safety across the organisation. 


The duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers extends beyond just the physical work. 


Do everything reasonably practicable to provide a work environment free of risks to health and safety 


3. According to Division 4, 95, Procedure for administration of medication, which of the following statements is correct?

Medication can be administered if…

Select one of the following


a) Medication records including all details are correctly completed and signed by the family to request for medication to be administered accordingly.


b) It has been prescribed by a registered medical practitioner


c) It’s in the original container


d) It has an original label on it with the name of the child it is to be administered to


e) It is to be administered before the expiry or use by date


f) Dosage has been checked before administering


g) All of the above


4. There are seven (7) principles of active supervision that you need to know as an educator. Match the principle with the definition.

HINT: You can refer to your text book, K.Kearns., (2020, 5th Ed), The Big Picture, page 259.

For each definition, select an option from the dropdown below it


Be aware of the location and number of children, experiences and equipment (especially that requiring special supervision), conducting regular head counts, accounting for the whereabouts of children at all times.






Engaging and redirecting



Being able to view areas requiring supervision, to be able to see and hear children clearly and easily.






Engaging and redirecting



Looking around regularly, to watch and be aware of all activities occurring in the supervision area. Being aware of all the children present.






Engaging and redirecting



Are there unusual sounds, raised voices, crying or unusual silences? These are a good indicator of something unusual happening.






Engaging and redirecting



Be aware of potential risks; behaviours, sickness, equipment, experiences or play areas.






Engaging and redirecting



Modelling safe play behaviours, while children are playing, discuss safe play and interact with the children.






Engaging and redirecting



Working with other educators to ensure effective supervision, knowing where other educators are, checking that others are clear about who is responsible for what.





Engaging and redirecting



5. Using your knowledge on how infection can be spread, match the mode of transmission with the examples of the type of transmission occurring.

HINT: Refer to your text book, K.Kearns., (2020, 5th Ed), The Big Picture, page 213-214.

For each definition, select an option from the dropdown below it

A child may contaminate a tap handle with faeces or a hand towel, toy or table top; another child touches the same toy and places it in their mouth.

Select an option


Airborne droplets


Airborne transmission

Direct contact


Someone infected with influenza coughs and sneezes without using a tissue to cover their mouth. Infected droplets fall on furniture, books and equipment. Another educator touches those surfaces and without washing their hands, wipes a child’s nose.

Select an option


Airborne droplets


Airborne transmission

Direct contact


A child, infected with chickenpox, has come into a service on a cold winter’s day, all the windows are closed, and the ventilation and air-conditioning systems are on reverse cycle heating, circulating the same air throughout the play areas. Children who have been in the same area contract chickenpox within a week.

Select an option


Airborne droplets


Airborne transmission

Direct contact


The rabbit pen is much loved by the children. One of the children loves to help clean it out, removing the rabbits faeces and left-over, fly-blown food. Sometimes they forget to wash their hands after helping and go straight to morning-tea. Several children become ill with Giardia after this.

Select an option


Airborne droplets


Airborne transmission

Direct contact


Yoghurt has been left on the benchtop in the kitchen for a few hours and sitting at room temperature. One of the staff see it there and has a quick snack, without checking if it’s still cold. The staff member goes home with stomach ache.


Airborne droplets


Airborne transmission

Direct contact


6. Identify the three (3) key strategies for breaking the chain of infection and stopping the spread of disease.

HINT: Refer to your text book, K.Kearns., (2020, 5th Ed), The Big Picture, page 214.

Select all that apply


a) Effective hand washing


b) Having tissues freely available to all people in a service


c) Having alcohol rub on the reception counter in a service


d) Exclusion of ill children, educators and other staff who are ill


e) Ensuring children and adults are up to date with immunisations


f) Having hygiene and handwashing signs up in the service


g) Effective environmental cleaning