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I need help with this summary essay. The introduction and the…

I need help with this summary essay. The introduction and the ending.  The assignment is to read and summarize 2 articles. The summary needs to have an introduction body and conclusion.  Thank you for your help.


Every morning, Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky did 200 push-ups, blurring the line between jock and nerd. Now he runs three miles to his lab at McMaster University in Ontario, where he studies mice with a genetic disease that prematurely ages them.

Exercised genetically compromised mice looked almost the same as healthy mice. Having seen similar outcomes in his patients, Tarnopolsky believes exercise is the most effective treatment.

According to Tarnopolsky, exercise improves human health for several reasons. It has been shown that exercise is beneficial to the health of the skin, eyes, and gonadal system.

Only 20% of Americans get the recommended 150 minutes of strength and cardiovascular activity per week, and 80.2% of Americans over 6 are not physically active. Sedentary lifestyles can have devastating consequences.

Exercise benefits have not been effectively communicated to average Americans despite public-awareness campaigns. Exercise is one of the most effective medicines, and the National Institutes of Health is also on board with this view and will launch a massive new study next year to prove this claim.

It was the primary goal of doctors to keep people healthy before they focused on treating and curing diseases. As the Olympics grew in popularity in the early 1900s, medicine shifted its focus from the prevention of disease to its treatment, and doctors deemphasized exercise.

It was no longer common for the masses to engage in physical activity, but rather a privilege reserved for elite athletes. As a result, fewer people are getting the minimum amount of exercise recommended, and childhood obesity rates have increased every year since 1999.

The researchers hope that their work will help to reverse these trends. The National Institutes of Health will begin a six-year, $170 million study next year with 3,000 sedentary individuals. Animal tissue samples will also be collected from the brain and lungs during the study.

It is the first study of its kind to examine the effects of exercise on chronic diseases. According to experts, this study may provide doctors with the evidence they need to begin treating exercise as the miracle drug they have long considered it to be.

If you consider all the different ways in which you can sweat, you will find that they all fall into one of two categories: aerobic exercise or strength training. Exercises such as yoga, tai chi, and Pilates are excellent forms of strength training.

The benefits of exercise include health benefits for the heart, muscles, lungs, bones, and brain, as well as a potential prevention or delay of Alzheimer’s disease.

Exercise increases levels of a protein that protects telomeres, slowing down the rate at which telomeres shorten over time, although scientists do not know precisely why exercise changes the structure and function of the brain.

According to research, exercising does not lead to significant weight loss. Exercise actually causes many people to gain weight.

A 10-minute workout devised by researchers at McMaster University consists of three 20-second bouts of all-out, hard-as-you-can exercise followed by brief recovery periods. In spite of the fact that one workout was five times longer than the other, both workouts resulted in similar improvements in heart function and blood sugar control.

Although many individuals would prefer an hour of Zumba class to even a minute of high-intensity interval training, a workout far shorter than what is generally recommended may serve as a strong motivator.

Researchers have found that vigorous exercise is appropriate for people suffering from chronic conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes and heart failure. In addition to helping with depression, anxiety, mood and energy levels, exercise can also help with depression and anxiety.

In addition to strenuous exercise, older adults cannot do training that involves low repetitions and high weights. Bone density can be improved by lifting lighter weights for more repetitions.

It is becoming increasingly evident that exercise is beneficial to virtually everyone, and scientists are hoping that early 20th-century missteps will be corrected. Also, they hope to simplify the messaging surrounding the exercise.

As Tarnopolsky and his colleagues autopsied mice from their new study, they were able to distinguish between animals that had been exercised and those that were sedentary. Tumors are not found in the mice who have exercised.

Most people don’t exercise regularly despite knowing how beneficial it is. About 20% of Americans don’t get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week.

No matter your age or physical condition, moving has numerous benefits. Exercise is believed to be medicine.

Although researchers don’t know why exercise changes the structure and function of the brain, they have found that exercise increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates new brain cells.

Brain chemicals are released during exercise which relieve stress, dull pain, and boost mood.

Exercise lengthens lifespan by as much as five years. A small research study suggests that moderate-intensity exercise may slow down cell aging.

Exercise increases blood circulation to the skin, delivering oxygen and nutrients that improve skin health and even assist wound healing. It is also beneficial for the skin to release heat through exercise, which is why people who have sustained an injury should begin moving as soon as possible.

A micro-workout developed by researchers at McMaster University in Ontario takes only 10 minutes and results in the same improvement in heart function as a 50-minute workout.

There is evidence that exercise can even help people with chronic health conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes and heart failure, recover from a major illness.

Since the early 1990s, Dr. Robert Sallis has prescribed exercise to his patients with the goal of reducing the amount of medication they require. There was a dramatic improvement in their chronic diseases, depression, anxiety, moods, and energy levels as well as their overall health.

By exercising consistently, your body becomes more adept at burning fat, which requires a large amount of oxygen to become energy. As a result, inflammation shrinks.