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EXERCISE 2   Chapter 5 Exercise 2 Combine each sentence pair below…


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Combining Sentences Combine each sentence pair into a single
sentence using either a coordinating conjunction or a conju nctive
adverb: 1. Pets are not allowed in Mr. Taylor’s building….
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Joining Clauses with Subordination Subordination joins two
sentences with related ideas by combining them into an
independent clause (a complete sentence) and a depe…
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To punctuate sentences correctly, look at the position of the main
clause and the subordinate clause. If a subordinate clause
precedes the main clause, use a comma. If the subordi…
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Chapter 5 Exercise 2 Combine each sentence pair below into a single sentence using either a coordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb. 


1)Listen Pets are not allowed in Mr. Taylor’s building. He owns several cats and a parrot.


2)New legislation prevents drivers from sending or reading text messages while driving.  Many people continue to use their phones illegally.

3)The coroner concluded that the young man had taken a lethal concoction of drugs.  By the time his relatives found him, nothing could be done.

4)Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in the water.  Flatworms are invertebrates that live only in water.

5)Ashley carefully fed and watered her tomato plants all summer.  The tomatoes grew juicy and ripe.




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Combining Sentences Using Subordinating Conjunctions
Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using a
subordinating conjunction: 1. A snow storm disrupted …
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Relative Pronouns and Adjective Clauses While an adverb clause
modifies the verb in an independent clause, an adjective clause
modifies a noun. The modified noun may function in th…
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Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Adjective Clauses An adjective
clause is restrictive if it is essential for identifying (restricting) the
noun that it modifies. A nonrestrictive clause may be i…
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2/23/23. 11 :56 AM Function of Relative Pronoun Takes the place
of a noun referring to people. Takes the place of a direct object
referring to people. Takes the place of a noun referring…
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2/23/23, 11:58 AM Elements Page Example (with Function of
Relative Pronoun adjective clause Relative Pronoun highlighted)
Takes the place of a that The tourist blundered noun r…
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Chapter 5 Exercise 3

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using a subordinating conjunction.


6) A snow storm disrupted traffic all over the east coast.  There will be long delivery delays this week.

7)My neighbor had his television volume turned up too high.  I banged on his door and asked him to keep the noise down.

8)Jessica prepared the potato salad and the sautéed vegetables.  Ashley marinated the chicken.

9)Romeo poisons himself.  Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with a dagger.



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Identify Common Sentence Errors EXERCISE 5 Use what you
have learned so far to identify common sentence errors. Label
each sentence as a fragment (F), a run-on sentence (R),…
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Misplaced Modifiers When a participial phrase, prepositional
phrase, or other modifying unit is not placed next to the noun it
describes, the resulting error is called a misplaced mo…
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Chapter 5 Exercise 5

Use what you have learned so far to identify common sentence errors.  Label each sentence as a fragment (F), a run-on sentence (R), or a correct, complete sentence.  Then write corrected sentences that repair the sentence fault.


10)Sentence:  Being absent hurts a student’s grade, he or she should be in class every day.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


11)Sentence:  Having been interested in science most of her life, she did well in Biology 101.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


12)Sentence:  Hurry with your breakfast, you will miss the bus.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


13)Sentence:  Several students had the right answer; however, most of them failed the exam.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


14)Sentence:  I had a severe case of the flu last year.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


15)Sentence:  And had spent the first three days of my illness in bed.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


16)Sentence:  Because I was sick of my bed and decided I’d lie on the sofa and watch television.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


17)Sentence:  Then I must have fallen asleep.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


18)Sentence:  What has happened to the economy, many Americans want the answer to this question.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


19) Sentence:  Voting is a privilege, this privilege should not be taken for granted.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


20)Sentence:  Be ready for any emergency, plan ahead.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


21)Sentence:  We were excited about the game, and we won.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.


22)Sentence:  Be careful with your answer, your grade could be affected.

1) Is this a fragment, run-on, or a correct, complete sentence? Type F, R, or C.

2) If it is incorrect, please write a corrected sentence.