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As you read, I want you to make note of either weaknesses based on…

As you read, I want you to make note of either weaknesses based on the categories below and create a list of at least one weakness in each category that you see. Make sure that your list is specific and references particular places in the essay.

Diction & Syntax

Could include things like spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or usage, as well as the clarity of the writing and ideas

Organization & Structure

Could include things like the thesis, topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences, plus transitions and coherence

Research & MLA Documentation

Could include things related to the documentation, the clarity of quotations and where they come from, the sources and evidence from those sources

Critical Thinking

Could include things like the quality of ideas, insights, or understanding of the topic

The Writing Process

Could include things related to the prewriting, drafting (elaboration), revising, and editing


Is CTE Destroying The NFL? 

Aron Hernandez a player who died and had CTE was found in his autopsy was a football star for the New England Patriots. The former NFL player had severe CTE at the time that he committed suicide and alleged murders his autopsy revealed. Some people believe that CTE cannot be prevented with precautions some people believe that CTE will be prevented by stopping players from continuing to play after an injury. The main question people are asking is Will CTE in football ever be prevented?

 First, some people believe that people CTE causes people to do things that a person without it would not do it. “Brain degeneration is associated with common symptoms of CTE including memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, suicidality, parkinsonism, and eventually progressive dementia.” NFL players quit the league and make impulsive decisions that shouldn’t be made. Unfortunately, to date, there is no equipment that can prevent concussions. The helmets the NFL has cannot prevent players from getting CTE or concussions. In the article, they tell us about the NFL star whose career went downhill because of CTE “Aaron Hernandez hanging in his cell. He had used the sheets on his bed. In the previous hours, he had used marijuana. Five days earlier he had been found innocent of a double crime, but that did not release him nor was it enough.” Aron Hernandez had CTE and committed suicide after he had plenty of alleged murders. Aron was an NFL player while he was surprising everyone. 

Although some people believe CTE can be prevented with simple rules and precautions that the league should follow. Researchers are doing all that they can do to prevent CTE not only for the player’s safety but for everyone’s safety and for to help extend the careers of NFL players. Professionals suggest that they should do these simple steps to prevent football players from getting CTE, “To prevent them, the NFL has attempted to work with helmet manufacturers to produce sturdier equipment for players and implemented its own Concussion Protocol to utilize when players suffer a head injury on the field.” In recent years, the NFL has been taking huge precautions when an NFL player suffers head injuries. “By having a huge list of things, they must complete before returning to the field to play again. The NFL’s return-to-participation protocol includes a five-step process before players can be cleared to fully practice or participate in a game. Team medical staff must consider the player’s current concussive injury, as well as any past exposures, medical history, family history, and future risks in managing their care. Until an independent physician has cleared the player, they may not return to contact practice or play in an NFL game.” 

Although, people from both sides of the argument do have common grounds. CTE causes severe pain to the player’s families. Many players have completely ruined their lives caused extremes amount of pain to their families. “The wives forced to feed their husbands — many would become ex-husbands; so many families disintegrated under the strain of the disease — or push around in a wheelchair a once-imposing physical specimen.” Players’ wives had to take care of their husbands as if they were lifeless or can even be compared to children. “Jim Hudson’s wife came home one day and found him sitting on a couch, clutching a golf ball, with tears streaming down his face.” Players that have CTE do things that no one would ever expect them to do. It is beyond bizarre for a grown man to be yelling, committing CTE and even doing things like crying on a couch. They cannot control what they do because of the amount of brain trauma they have had from football. CTE is something that causes a lot of pain to families and their loved ones. No family should ever have to experience what some families have experienced because of researchers trying to stop a thing that almost seems impossible to prevent regardless of what you do. No family should even know about CTE and should never think it applies to football. 

CTE is something that every single person on the planet can agree needs to be solved and prevented as soon as possible very soon because of what it can do to people and the way that they react. Many researchers are doing their absolute best to prevent it, but it is also going to take getting help from the NFL and them trying to prevent players from getting hits on their heads. Recently the NFL has done an amazing job by fining people and giving the teams a flag when players get hit on their heads and call it targeting, so players try to avoid hitting players on their heads and definitely try to avoid head-to-head contact. The main question Will CTE ever be prevented will be continued always to be asked until it is solved.