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In the persuasive essay below please explain the following: How can…

In the persuasive essay below please explain the following:

How can the author address the challenges that were identified about convincing their peer’s audience?
Offer one research or writing suggestion to help meet the author`s identified goal.
What evidence would convince you as a reader?



The argument that I will be addressing in my persuasive essay will the positive environmental effects of the implementation of single-use bag fees and bans that are happening across the country. This argument relates to my field of work because I currently am employed in the retail field, and this bag fee has divided out customer base significantly. This topic is debatable, because some people have the viewpoint that this bag fee is an example of government overreach and will hurt those struggling financially more than it would help the environment, while others think that these fees are necessary to protect the environment from plastic pollution.

            The audience that I will be writing to are those who believe that the bag fee has more negatives than positives. I want to persuade them to recognize that this bag fee is incredibly important to the protection of the environment. I think that the challenges of supporting this argument to this audience would be that I will need to provide specific and strong evidence of the direct impact this fee has had. I think that this audience might be strongly focused on the economic side of the fee, so I will need to show them the importance of the other side, the environment. I will need to prove that the economic impact is outweighed by the environmental to persuade them to agree with me.

            The goal that I hope to accomplish with this essay is to get people to believe that implementing a bag fee with lower pollution in our communities, and that it is important to be mindful of our decisions as consumers. To successfully meet my goal, I will need specific evidence that proves that pollution has lowered in areas that have previously implemented this rule, as well as evidence that proves that the financial element of the bag fee is not as detrimental as some may believe it to be.

            The first key point that I will be covering in my essay is that with the population becoming more focused on protecting the environment, it is important that we enact legislation to assist in the efforts of the individuals. This will support my argument overall because it will shed light on the local level of importance to communities, as well as how it is a prime example of the people having the power to change the way we treat the Earth. The second key point that I would like to bring up is the allocation of the funds collected from these bag fees. In multiple scenarios, the fees are put towards other initiatives that continue to help the environment, which will show that this is not another tactic that the government is forcing upon the people simply to take their money. Finally, the third point that I will bring up in this essay will be how the bag fees are positively impacting the environment. I will discuss the negative impact that plastic pollution has had on our oceans and water supply, and cite sources regarding how limiting single use bags will reverse that damage.

            The first source that I believe will reinforce my argument is Reducing Single-use Plastic Shopping Bags in the USA by Travis P. Wagner. This source will be helpful in my argument because it is an in-depth journal about the effects of plastic pollution, and how different states have implemented legislation on single-use bags across the country. This source also gives information on how the legislation has impacted the levels of pollution in the communities where it has been passed. I think that overall this source will support my points on the benefits of the bans and fees on the environment.

            A second source that I think will help reinforce my argument would be “Shoppers Are Divided on 5-Cent Bag Fee” by Zolan Kanno-Youngs for the Wall Street Journal. This source will be beneficial to my argument because it has opinions from real people experiencing the bag fee, to give me specific counterarguments to reference throughout my assignment. This article also has quotes in support of the bag fee, which I can cite to further my argument that most people believe it is necessary to protect our environment.

I plan to effectively integrate evidence throughout my essay by stating portions of my argument, followed by a reputable quote or statistic, and then an explanation of how it relates back to my argument. This will ensure that the reader understands how my sources are relevant to my argument and understand context of the citations I chose for my work. In my essay, I want to make sure that any statistic or opinion I write has a trustworthy source backing it up. This will make my argument more believable to the reader and give them additional resources to look into if they need more convincing.

The one place that my instructor gave feedback on previous assignments was that I needed to specifically address the key points that I would be focusing on in this essay. Based on this feedback, I revised that section of my previous assignment, and made sure that my key points were directly stated so that I could get feedback on my overall plan for my essay. On the sections where I did not receive feedback, I was given positive reinforcement that I was headed in the right direction to succeed with this essay, and that I was understanding the directions of the assignment.