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i have got Russia as my global project thank you CSIT 120 Global…

i have got Russia as my global project thank you

CSIT 120 Global Project 


Select one of the following countries to research:

South Korea, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. 

Create a PowerPoint presentation using the guidelines below. You can use Microsoft 365 or the desktop version.


Complete the following readings before starting the project: 

Diversity Consciousness Readings (DCR) textbook units on Teamwork and Leadership.
The 6 Dimensions of National Culture-
Project Management Open Textbook: Chapter 6, Culture and Project Management project-management/ 

In addition to the readings use the following resources to research the project requirements: 

Compare Countries –
Global Road Warrior (GRW) database – can be accessed through the CCBC Library website.
Use additional resources from reputable sources.

PowerPoint Features:
In addition to the features required in the specific slides you need to include the following additional features in your presentation (2 points): 

Footer – show the slide number. (0.5 point)
Slide transitions – the same transition should be used for all slides. (0.5 point)
Use a theme for all slides. (0.5 point)
All slides must include a title. The title should reflect the content on the slide. (0.5 point)

The presentation MUST be created as outlined below – 5 points deducted if not! 

Slide 1 – Title Slide – include the following: (1 point) 

·  Title – name of the country you researched.
·  Sub-title – your name
·  An image of a map.
·  Using a shape show the capital city on the map.

Slide 2 – Include the following: (1 point) 

·  An image of the flag of the Country.
·  An image of the country’s most famous landmark.
·  Currency used.
·  Include a working hyperlink to a website that gives tourist information about the country.

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Slide 3 – Compare the Communicating Styles for negotiating in this Country to the style used in the United States (US). (1 point) 

– Refer to the Business Culture/Negotiating section in Global Road Warrior. 

Slide 4 – Create a table with 3 columns and 4 rows as shown. Complete the information in the table below. NOTE: the Country you chose and USA columns must include BOTH the Hofstede’s dimension and the score. Refer to the Hofstede Compare Countries website. (2 points). 

Hofstede Dimension:  Country  USA 

Individualism or Collectivism Large or Small Power Distance 

Strong or Weak Uncertainty Avoidance 

Identify Dimension (List Score) Identify Dimension (List Score) Identify Dimension (List Score) 

Identify Dimension (List Score) Identify Dimension (List Score) 

Identify Dimension (List Score) 


Answer the questions on slides 5, 6 and 7 based on the Individualism vs Collectivism dimension. 

Slide 5 – a. Define the Individualism and Collectivism dimension. (0.5 point)
b. In a new bullet/paragraph compare and contrast the Country you chose and the USA for Individualism vs Collectivism. Identify at least TWO differences or similarities. (1 point)
– Refer to the Hofstede Compare Countries website. 

Slide 6 – a. If a project team consisted of members of the Country and the US how would the differences/similarities of this dimension affect the interaction between the members? (1 point) b. In a new bullet/paragraph identify the challenges you would face as a project manager of this multicultural team? (1 point) 

Slide 7 – What would you do to overcome the challenges discussed in slide 6? Use an example in your answer. (1 point) 

– Review the Project Management Open Textbook reading and page 142 of the DCR textbook section on virtual teaming for your response. 

Answer the questions on slides 8, 9 and 10 based on the Large vs Small Power Distance dimension. 

Slide 8 – a. Define the Large vs Small Power Distance dimension. (0.5 point)
b. In a new bullet/paragraph compare and contrast the Country you chose and the USA for Large vs Small Power Distance. Identify at least TWO differences or similarities. (1 point)
– Refer to the Hofstede Compare Countries website. 

Slide 9 – a. If a project team consisted of members of the Country and the US how would the differences/similarities of this dimension affect the interaction between the members? (1 point) b. In a new bullet/paragraph identify the challenges you would face as a project manager of this multicultural team? (1 point)
– Review the Project Management Open Textbook reading and page 142 of the DCR textbook section on virtual teaming for your response. 

Slide 10 – What would you do to overcome the challenges discussed in slide 9? Use an example in your answer. (1 point) 


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Answer the questions on slides 11, 12 and 13 based on the Strong vs Weak Uncertainty Avoidance dimension. 

Slide 11 – a. Define the Strong vs Weak Uncertainty Avoidance dimension. (0.5 point)
b. In a new bullet/paragraph compare and contrast the Country you chose and the USA for Strong vs Weak Uncertainty Avoidance. Identify at least TWO differences or similarities.
– Refer to the Hofstede Compare Countries website. (1 point) 

Slide 12 – a. If a project team consisted of members of the Country and the US how would the differences/similarities of this dimension affect the interaction between the members? (1 point) b. In a new bullet/paragraph identify the challenges you would face as a project manager of this multicultural team? (1 point)
– Review the Project Management Open Textbook reading and page 142 of the DCR textbook section on virtual teaming for your response. 

Slide 13 – What would you do to overcome the challenges discussed in slide 12? Use an example in your answer. (1 point) 

China is expected to overtake the US economy by 2028. Answer the questions on slides 14, 15 and 16 based on your research of China. 

Slide 14 – Compare the US and China on the following dimensions: (1 point) a. Large or Small Power Distance 

b. Strong or Weak Uncertainty Avoidance 

Slide 15 – Research and describe China’s “Made in China 2025” plan. Summarize the policy in your own words. Do NOT copy straight from the Internet. Include specific technologies China is investing in as part of this plan? (0.5 point) 

Slide 16 – How does the Made in China 2025 plan reflect China’s Uncertainty Avoidance score? Explain with an example. (1 point) 

Slide 17 – List your citations using APA format. There should be a minimum of 4 citations – the DCR textbook, Global Road Warrior, Hofstede site and the source used for slides 15 & 16. (2 points) 

Be sure to include the PowerPoint Features outlined on page 1. Total points = 25 


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