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I need answers to these questions.   Valeda, a senior in college…

I need answers to these questions.


Valeda, a senior in college who is majoring in art, is looking for a job. The career counselor at her college suggested that Valeda purchase some business-casual clothing for her job interviews. Valeda objected to this suggestion, stating, “I’m an artist.” The career counselor is attempting to make Valeda aware of which factor that influences a person’s self-concept?


Others’ perceptions


Sexual orientation



When Lucas was attending college to earn a nursing degree, his friends warned him that people would always think he was “less of a man” if he became a nurse. These concerns are related to which factor that influences self-concept?



Others’ perceptions

Sexual orientation



A nonprofit organization is planning an upcoming fundraiser. After the group selects a date and a venue, Russell, one of the team members, shows the group a summer schedule for the venue and points out that the facility may not be available on the desired day. Which group role is Russell playing in this meeting?




Information giver



A ten-person project team is holding a meeting. Kaylan observes that the meeting has deteriorated into a debate among three members. Kaylan asks George, who has been silent so far, for his opinion on the matter they are discussing. Which role is Kaylan filling in the group?


Group observer


Gatekeeper and expediter



In the 2000 film What Women Want, the creative director of an advertising agency steals his manager’s ideas and uses them as his own. He eventually gets caught and is fired. Which individual role did the creative director play?


Recognition seeker





On the first day of class, the instructor asked the students to establish norms for students working in groups. Which of these best describes where the pairs of students found their ideas for norms?


Research about norms on the Internet

Previous experiences in groups

Rules established by the school

Rules established by society


A group of friends is waiting for a department store to open on the day following a major holiday. Which of these would represent a norm that they might break?


Not paying for the desired items

Not entering the store when it is open

Not waiting their turn in line

Not parking in designated areas


In the 1992 film A Few Good Men, a defense attorney questions a witness about why soldiers in his unit perform a code red-an illegal and unauthorized punishment of another soldier. Which of these is the likely response from the witness?


It is an official policy of his military unit.

The soldiers do not have any other options available to them.

It is a regular practice of his military unit.

Such actions by the unit help individuals fall in line.


It is the beginning of the fall term at College X, and the fraternities are recruiting new members. If the members of Fraternity A engage in alcohol-fueled parties on the weekends, which of these is a reason why potential recruits might also engage in excessive drinking?


To receive help with academic work from other members

To identify with the goals of the group

To be promoted to a higher status within the group

To avoid academic punishment for breaking norms


Some volunteers from a nonprofit organization are meeting at a local park. The executive director of the organization tells the volunteers that their purpose for the day is to start construction on a new playground. The executive director has given a _____ to the volunteers.




ground rule



When the project manager arrives late to a meeting with her team members, the team members stop talking and pay attention to what she has to say. This same project manager then arrives late to a meeting with the company executives. When she enters this meeting room, she feels the other participants in the meeting looking at her scornfully. The project manager’s experiences illustrate how individuals can feel different levels of _____ when they participate in different groups.







Finn is managing a software development project. He is the sole member of his development team selected to attend the weekly executive meeting. Being invited to attend the meeting likely meets Finn’s need for 



physiological reinforcement.




During World War II, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel earned the respect of the German soldiers who served under him. Unlike many German officers, Rommel did not come from a military or an aristocratic background. Which of the following factors most likely influenced Rommel’s rise to leadership?



High status




In August 2001, Sherron Watkins, a vice president of Enron, informed the company’s chief executive, Ken Lay, that she believed accounting fraud was occurring at the company. Enron declared bankruptcy in December 2001. During the investigation that followed, it was revealed that several employees who were not executives also knew of the fraud. Why was Lay more likely to listen to Watkins’s concerns rather than the warnings of the non-executive employees?


High-status group members are less afraid of being individualistic than are low-status group members.

High-status group members communicate more with low-status group members.

High-status group members communicate more with other high-status group members.

High-status group members tend to communicate positive messages to other high-status group members.


A manufacturing company invited a local safety expert to train company employees on forklift safety. During the training, one of the newer employees had some questions about best practices related to safety. Rather than asking his coworkers the questions, he directed them to the safety expert. Which of these explanations best explains the employee’s actions?


Low-status group members tend to direct their conversations to higher-status members.

People who are invited to give presentations to a group are assumed to be of equal status to the group members.

Low-status group members tend to direct their conversations to other low-status members.

People who are invited to give presentations to a group are assumed to be of lower status than the group members.