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 Will you Please correction my professional writing  below….

 Will you Please correction my professional writing  below. attached professor guideline too.

professional writing ( professor guidline)

In professional writing the sentences are straight forward.  Words like however, nevertheless, by the way, and for example, are not used.
No contractions are used.  Instead of writing it’s, to be professional you must write out the two words, it is (this is called a contraction, and is not acceptable in professional writing.)
Slang or sayings are not used.  Sayings like ‘not my cup of tea’ or ‘a girl has got to eat’ or ‘under the weather,’ ‘to stay on top of’, or any sayings we use to express ourselves are not professional.  Also, words like ‘a lot’ and ‘very’ are not acceptable.
In professional writing the subject and verb must agree.  It is incorrect to write ‘the students are working on his assignment’.  The sentence written correctly is ‘the students are working on their assignments.  Make sure if your subject is only one any word in the sentence that refers to the subject is the same as the subject.  All should be singular or plural.  This is called subject and verb agreement.
When writing professionally, there should be one space between sentences per APA 7.















My Nursing Philosophy

Recently, young people have started to favor nursing as a job. Being a nurse means having the ability to help and care for others as well as the chance to work in a variety of places, such as clinics, hospitals, and even schools. The nursing profession has developed and advanced significantly since the 1860s. Being compassionate and kind to patients remains a fundamental element of the profession. The nursing involves more than simply giving care to patients; it also involves speaking up for them and making sure they get the treatment they need (Moudatsou et al., 2020). Since the ultimate objective is to offer comprehensive patient care, compassion is essential to nursing, but it also covers a wide range of additional duties.

Meaning of Nursing

 Providing care and assistance to individuals in need of medical attention, as well as promoting health and preventing illness, are all vital aspects of nursing, in my opinion. To give individuals in need holistic care, it is a profession that integrates science, art, and technology. I value nursing because it enables me to give people in individuals, families, and communities compassionate and meaningful care. As a nurse, I work hard to represent my patients’ interests and make sure that their needs are understood, valued, and satisfied. Another reason why nursing is significant to me is that it is a fulfilling profession that enables me to use my knowledge and abilities to positively impact the lives of others. I take great satisfaction in the fact that I can improve people’s lives, and I work hard to make sure that every patient I look after is aware of being in competent and caring hands.

Nursing Theory

Jean Watson’s notion of human caring in nursing, which emphasizes healing and the connections between medical personnel, patients, and their families, is one that I can relate to. This strategy places empathy and compassion above job success. These qualities, in my opinion, cannot be taught; rather, they originate from within. Taking the time and effort to forge close bonds with patients is essential to delivering value-based treatment. Younas and Quennell (2019) showed an essential component of the nursing profession is this theory. I think that a compassionate heart is a requirement for the nursing profession. Compassion and empathy are necessary qualities. In order to provide value-based treatment, it is essential to establish a rapport with patients and their families.

Identify Qualities, Skills, and Values of a Nurse

Professionalism, devotion, and effective communication skills are necessary attributes for a successful and compassionate nurse. Additionally, Younas and Quennell (2019) defend that it’s critical to pay strict attention to detail and have good communication skills with both patients and medical professional. Nurses must be able to respond swiftly and effectively in high-pressure situations while also demonstrating compassion for the patients and their families. In order to give patients under a nurse’s care the greatest treatment possible, a compassionate disposition is also crucial. A great nurse must possess these qualities, skills, and values. Additionally, patients’ and their loved ones’ entire experiences can be enhanced by having a sense of humor. This is due to the fact that it can be able to lessen stress and foster a happier atmosphere. For instance, making a patient laugh during a trying moment can greatly enhance their mood and general wellbeing. In general, having these traits, abilities, and values will improve care for patients as well as the caregivers.

What kind of impact will the student’s future career as a nurse have on society?
        By demonstrating empathy and compassion and making sure that my patients receive the finest treatment possible, I, as a nurse, will have a beneficial impact on society. I will build trust with my patients by assisting them in managing their illnesses and teaching them coping mechanisms. I will also speak out for my patients’ interests and encourage them to make decisions about their healthcare plans and available treatments. To help people make educated decisions regarding their health, for instance, health should be promoted. Another illustration is making sure they have a say in their healthcare strategy. I want to make healthcare more accessible to all patients through this.


   In a nutshell, nursing is a career that calls for traits like empathy, dedication, and effective communication. Additionally, it entails supporting patients’ rights and giving them all-encompassing care. In order to make a difference in the community as a nurse, I’m dedicated to demonstrating these qualities and beliefs.