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  Case Study Title: 2022-2023 QEP/ISLO Assignment Communications…


Case Study Title:

2022-2023 QEP/ISLO Assignment

Communications & Learning Department


To Snitch or Not to Snitch?

Joseph is a collegiate athlete. He used to play three sports in high school: football, basketball, and track. When he came to college, Joseph decided to row crew in order to stay in peak athletic shape. He had never rowed crew before in his life. While many would think that it is a difficult transition for him “on the field,” or in the boat in this case, he is finding it most difficult to transition to life in a college dorm.


Joseph’s crew schedule is such that he has to wake up earlier than the average college student. He often has to be at practice at 6 am. In order to stay alert and perform to the best of his ability, Joseph sleeps early and doesn’t drink alcohol while crew is in season. While he doesn’t have a problem with students drinking alcohol and being drunk in the dorms, he gets annoyed when they are loud and keep him awake at night.


Joseph’s roommate, Greg, doesn’t take part in collegiate athletics. He enjoys staying up late, drinking alcohol socially, and going to parties. As a result, Greg often leaves the room a mess with the smell of alcohol lingering. Greg also tends to wander into the room at late hours and wake Joseph up. Joseph has talked with Greg about trying to stay clean and keeping it down, especially on Friday nights because crew regattas are early on Saturday mornings.


One Friday night, Greg and a few of the other dorm residents are drinking and being loud in the common areas. Joseph can hear them as he tries to sleep to prepare for the regatta in the morning. He sends Greg a text asking him to keep it down, but thirty minutes later they seem to be making even more noise. Joseph calls campus safety and files a noise complaint. As a result, the dorm quiets down but Greg and his friends are caught drinking in the common area and receive fines and community service.


Should Joseph have reported the incident to campus safety? Is it wrong for Joseph to request his dorm mates respect that he has to wake up early to row crew? Does Greg have a right to be upset at his roommate? Do you find that college students are inconsiderate of their surroundings on campus? Do students often treat dorms as a party scene as opposed to a home? 



Part 1: Analyzing the Case Study

 (Group Discussion and Answers) 


Instructions: Using the selected case study, analyze the ethical dilemma and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure to develop your ideas fully.


 Ethical Issues: To prepare for the ethical decision-making process, first summarize the central ethical issue presented in the scenario by answering the following questions.


What is the central problem in the scenario? Be sure to include the major details of the scenario.



Write two questions posed by the scenario. These questions can range from how someone should respond to the dilemma to possible reasons the dilemma arose.


Question 1:


Question 2:



2. The Options & Consequences: Explain three or more of the possible options those involved have and the consequences produced by each of these options. Be sure to answer the questions for all three options.


Option 1: 

Identify an option those involved have regarding the ethical issue/dilemma?


What does this position assume about the situation and/or those involved?


Who is most likely to be affected by this option and how will they be affected?


Option 2: 

Identify an option those involved have regarding the ethical issue/dilemma?


What does this position assume about the situation and/or those involved?


Who is most likely to be affected by this option and how will they be affected?


Option 3: 

Identify an option those involved have regarding the ethical issue/dilemma?


What does this position assume about the situation and/or those involved?


Who is most likely to be affected by this option and how will they be affected?




Part 2: Reflecting on Ethical Choices, Actions, & Personal Responsibility

(Answer on Your Own)


Instructions: Keeping in mind the analysis of the case study, consider your own decision-making process and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure to develop your ideas fully.


4. Personal Responsibility: Imagine that you are in the place of the subjects of the text/video. 

Identify one alternative solution and/or approach you might adopt to deal with the ethical dilemma.


5. Values: Consider the values that informed your decision. 

Why did you make that ethical choice?


Who or what taught you to think and act the way you do? Be specific (“Life” is not an appropriate answer).


Part 3: Reflecting on Teamwork

(Answer on Your Own)


Instructions: Answer each of the following questions to reflect on your participation in your team and then assess your contributions. Think back to the time in the breakout room/small group time and answer the questions. Be sure to provide specific examples.


 Contribution: Assess and summarize your contribution to the team.
How and to what extent did you contribute quality work and/or ideas to meet the


 assignment’s requirements? Provide examples.


How and to what extent did you fulfill a leadership role and/or assist others on your team? Provide examples.


Cooperation: Assess and summarize your cooperation with other members of your team.


Did you exhibit a positive attitude towards the project, the assigned tasks, and other team members? Provide examples.


Did you demonstrate a willingness and interest in discussing ideas with other team members? Provide examples.


Self-Management: Assess and summarize your self-management.


Did you demonstrate a good work ethic by meeting all deadlines, prioritizing your responsibilities to the team, and focusing on your assigned tasks? Provide specific examples.