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on 4 examples  -if the pros outweigh the cons of constant…

on 4 examples 

-if the pros outweigh the cons of constant connection. 

– if the pros outweigh the cons of surveillance.



Being connected is good until certain circumstances. All humans at the end of the day are social beings and the idea of staying connected helps us to improve our wellbeing while keeping the mind active. It increase our confidence and improve how we all feel about ourselves. Some of the pros and cons about staying connected all the time can be for example that if I keep constant connected my levels of depression and anxiety can get low but for the other side if I always find mysef in constant connection that can lead to me becoming more isolated from my friends and family. Instant connection impacts our communication in many positive ways for example, while maintaining connection at all times,  communication will be much easier and more effective. If we are disconnected, it doesn’t matter what we are communicating because the message isn’t getting through. Many people say that the ability to connect with other people and communicate effectively is a critical success skill in life and i believe this is true. The pros about surveillance are that can detect crime while gathering evidence at the same time and its kind of a safe way to collect evidence of a crime as well. Surveillance maintain records of everything that captures and monitor scenarios and activities. The cons that surveilllance can have are that if they captured a robbery by any chance, the surveillance can’t stop the thief. Privacy is an issue and they can be vulnerable. Communication surveillance involves the collection, monitoring, review and preservation of information that has been communicated across various internal and external channels within a regulated organisation. The way surveillance impacts my communication because probably as many people are, as soon as I know im being watched, I always have that present in mind and I tend to act and be aware of what I say or not say. 



One big positive connection, especially in the online world we live in today, is the ability to remain connected to people you have built a relationship with. Phone calls, texting and video calling loved ones is a more positive use of our phones than just scrolling through Instagram or things that don’t enhance your relationships.   However, one of the biggest downfalls of being online is the constant distractions of the internet. Some distractions vary from a phone call during a meeting or even a notification from social media that can cause curiosity and next thing you know, boom, you’re picking up your phone and allowing yourself to be distracted. 

Surveillance is an excellent option when looking to keep a record of the goings-on in or around anywhere, your house or even a business. Surveillance easily monitors how events transpire, and how accidents or unintended events may happen. Having cameras installed in places comes in handy when you need to monitor actions and words of people or during an event. But let’s not forget the privacy issue. Surveillance will record everything in their vision. You could definetly lask privacy especially when you are talking outside your home. You must watch what you say, and I feel you communicate so much less when you know someone is “watching” or “listening” to you.  



Everyday life are numerous, but there is some advantages and disavantages of connection in communication suh as using internet.

As a pros: instant access to any information, very easy to communicate with family and friends, marketing, stay in touch. As a cons, cyber-bulling when people abuse others; identity theft, stealing your identity; increase depression among teens, they spend to much time.  

Constant connection allows you to collaborate and communicate with others and stay on the top of information, it is a perpetual availability who  gives you more autonomy and control. However, it can have negative consequences such as pollution,and environmental impacts.

Communication surveillance is important because it contribute to better prevention and manageable when something happend such as noncommunicable deseases. But there is pros and cons.

Surveillance pros: increase public safety, reduce crime rate, helps to catch criminal, prevent fraud.

Surveillance cons: easily abused, expensive, not effective.

Surveillance poses a threat to privacy, which is  of value to the society and raise a number of questions about it. It can lead to hypervigilance, doubts, even paranoia. 


Some pros of constant connection are the ability to easily share thoughts, ability to stay in touch with your children, and maintaining relationships from the comfort of your home! Some cons of constant connection are, being on your phone to much, giving people without boundaries constant access to you, mentally draining people can constantly drain you! 

Constant connection has impacted my communication. I often send multiple thoughts to one person at a time instead of one fully thought out thought. I rarley make phone calls anymore because I can text.  It has been helpful to me within my long distance relationships. Being constantly connected to my best friend in Texas helps me feel like part of her everyday life. 

A pro of surveillance is that the government  can monitor suspicious activity and look out for threats tp public safety. A con is the fakeness that people portray to make themselves look good. Another con is that things can be easily misinterpreted through surveillance which can result in mis communication and unnecessary drama.I do think the pros out weigh the cons. If they can stop any kind of mass trauma it is absolutely worth it.