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     Help me review this memo answering the question below.  …

     Help me review this memo answering the question below.

  This memo is to analyze technical and non-technical information from two separate websites concerning the same subject. This information between the two websites will show which audience is targeted in the information provided. 

       The two websites that I have chosen for this Audience Analysis Memo are to an external site. for non-technical and https://nimh.nih.govLinks to an external site. for technical. 

       The non-technical website discusses different types of mental health conditions. There are different articles about the subject throughout the website. The articles include topics like anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder to name a few. It provides details about the condition and different triggers of the illness. I believe that the non-technical website targets a secondary audience. This website targets audiences like parents, teachers, counselors, siblings, or friends. I want to say the age group of this targeted audience would be between the ages of 18-35 years old. 

        The technical website discusses mental health on a professional level. The target audience for this website is a primary one. The website discusses new and current research on mental health. This website provides information on statistics, clinical trials, and help for people suffering with mental health illness. The targeted audience for this website would be healthcare professionals, doctors, psychologists, nurses, etc. 

          The websites differ in many ways. The NIHM website provides pictures of everyday events of various people. It has a nice layout with purple and blue subheadings and headings. The Psychology Today website has only one picture of a boy who looks troubled or worried. The layout is formal and plain. The heading is in blue with white writing. 

            In conclusion, both websites provided information on mental health to primary and secondary audiences. The NIHM website had more resources than the Psychology Today website. The Psychology Today website was informative and gave a lot of general insight into the subject.


 Peer Review Questions


The drafter has chosen two websites with different primary audiences that present information on the same topic. One should be for a technical/professional/scientific primary audience; the other website should be geared towards a non-professional/layperson audience.


List the two websites and the primary audience of each. Do the websites meet the assignment criteria? Why or why not?


The analysis addresses the following questions for analysis.

If not, then list the questions not answered.

What primary audiences do the two websites seem to aim for? What kind of knowledge do the audiences seem to possess about the subject matter? What are their age(s), genders, education level, occupations, and cultural background?
Who are the secondary audiences of these websites? Who else might use information found on these sites?
What persuasive strategies do the websites employ to appeal to their primary audiences? Do they use claims? Do they make an effort to connect with the audience? (See pages 48-51 of your textbook for more on persuasion)
To what extent do the websites use technical language? Do you see any examples of jargon? Give examples
How long is the average sentence in each website? How long is the average paragraph? Does this tell you anything about the audience?
How formal/informal are their respective style? Why?
Is there advertising? If so, what do the ads tell you about the audience?
Do the website use tables, graphs, figures, illustrations or images? How different are they on the two websites?



The analysis is well organized. It has a clear structure with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


If there is not a clear structure, provide a ?comment about how to make the structure clearer.


The memo includes a clear analysis of the two web sites, including comparison and contrast of the sites themselves and their target audiences. It does not just describe.


If there is not a clear analysis of a technical and non-technical website, provide feedback to your peer on where the analysis needs to be in the document. Point out any areas where there is description.


The analysis is concrete in that it uses examples from the Websites to support major points. The use of examples is selective and to-the-point. The examples are included in order to illustrate the analysis point and not to fill the page with words. There are no long direct quotations (defined as more than 3 lines) from the analyzed Websites.


Copy/paste two examples provided.


The student explains how the examples relate back to the analysis.


If there are any that do not relate back to the analysis, provide your peer with feedback using the peer review worksheet templates to guide your responses.


The memo is formatted correctly following the specified guidelines for memos from Chapter 10. citation style is used when needed.


If there are formatting errors, point those out to your peer.


Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Minimum word requirement is met.


Note the word count, and if there are errors, point those out to your peer.


Rate how well the paper aligns with the assignment guidelines and explain why you gave this rating.  (minimal = does not meet assignment guidelines; medium = meets about 75% of the assignment guidelines; very high = meets 95% or above of the assignment guidelines)    Minimal      Low      Medium      High      Very high


Suggestions for meeting the assignment guidelines:


Write final comments to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the draft.