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Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie   1. On their way home from the…

Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie


1. On their way home from the basketball court, Scott, Patrick, Kyle, and
            Mitch are discussing which major event in their lives?

A.   starting college         C.getting a job

B.    starting high school    D.going on a date


_____2. What does Scott’s mom always make for breakfast on the first day of 

A. eggs and bacon       C.oatmeal

B.cereal                          D.blueberry pancakes and bacon


_____3. Which freshman does Scott see at the bus stop who looks totally 
            different than they did before?

A. Julia Baskins                            C. Mikey Smith

B. Mouth Kandeski                       D. Mary Parker


_____4. When Scott realizes that he doesn’t have a book to read on the bus, 
            what does he do?

A. He stares out the window.                 C.He writes his own field guide to school bus drivers.

B. He slaps the head in front of him.     D. He writes a short story.



_____5. When Scott looks at Patrick and Mitch’s schedules, he sees T.P. on
            them. What does T.P. mean?

A. toilet paper                  C. teacher prep

B. tech prep              prep


_____6. What pattern is on the wallpaper sample that Scott’s mom is looking at 
            when he gets home from school?

A. baby bottles                                  C.rocking horses

B. flowers                                                     D.stripes


_____7. What is the big surprise that Scott’s parents tell him before dinner?

A. that he’s going to space camp          C. that they are moving to another city     

 B. that they are going to have                   D. that the family is taking on an
  another baby                                               international student


_____8. Which item listed is not on Scott Hudson’s High School Survival Tips

A. Keep away from seniors.                        C. Never wear a dorky hat.

B. Never eat lunch alone.             D. Try to avoid the bus.


_____9. Scott tells Kyle that he has sleep ___________.

A. apnea                        C. deprivation

B. insomnia                             D. trouble


_____10. At lunch, everyone says they hate __________ class except for Scott.

A. history                          C. English

B. gym                             D. Spanish


_____11. Who calls Scott and asks him to go bowling?

A. Kyle        C. Mouth

B. Mitch       D. Julia


_____12. Scott says that he likes nothing more than what?

A. not doing homework                      C. tormenting Mitch

B. sleeping late on the weekend     D. making prank phone calls


_____13. Who does Scott learn is moving back into his house?

A. Aunt Zelda            C. Bobby

B. Grandma Mary        D. Mitch


_____14. Mr. Franka tells Scott that there is an opening on the school paper for  
              which position?

A. book reviews        C.comics

B. editorials               D. the advice column


_____15. Which book does Scott try to get his family to read?

A. The Great Gatsby          C. Oliver Twist

B. To Kill a Mockingbird      D. Romeo and Juliet


_____16. Scott hears that _________ is writing an article for the school newspaper.

A. Mitch          C. Patrick

B. Kyle             D. Julia


_____17. What is Scott’s assignment for the school newspaper?

A. book reviews       C. food

B. art                           D. sports


_____18. What kind of car does Scott’s dad bring home?

A. a Mustang                C. a Corvette

B. a Charger                 D. a Duster


_____19. After Scott’s dad starts working on the car, Scott asks his mom if he
            was ________.

A. adopted              C. lost

B. hit in the head       D. strange


_____20. How does Scott write his article about the football game for the paper?

A. he writes a list                              C. he writes it in Pig Latin

B. he writes it in Tom Swifties          D. he sticks to the facts