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Review the choices that follow, some are fragments. Choose the one…

Review the choices that follow, some are fragments. Choose the one the forms a complete sentence. 


      a. The reason most magazines fail. 

      b. Not publishing long enough to be able to sell advertisers on their concept. 

      c.  All magazines are vulnerable to changing economic and technology trends. 


a. Several strategies for reducing fire-related harm to forests. 

b. One way is to allow some controlled fires on public lands. 

c. Clearing away small fire-prone trees and underbrush under careful controls. 


a. A broad expanse of the river turned blood red. 

b. In the middle distance the red hue. 

c. That glowed like a flame in the unobstructed reflection of the sun. 


a. With supporting fatherhood and stable family life. 

b. Nobody can disagree. 

c. Not necessarily the presence of a nuclear family. 


a. Our boisterous behavior announcing our approach. 

b. The owner’s gaze tracking us from the front porch. 

c. His dogs were barking loudly from the backyard. 


a. He decided to spend his life figuring out how humans could benefit from ecological principles. 

b. Rested on a hillside and started to put together what he had learned and seen. 

c. One night while hitchhiking in Africa. 


a. Did you know that Neanderthals ate mainly? 

b. Did you know that Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal tribes at times lived side by side? 

c. Did you know that although Neanderthal tribes used spears and stone tools? 


Practice 16.3 

Decide whether each sentence is a comma splice or a complete sentence. 

1. We set out for a morning hike, it was raining. 

a. Comma splice 

b. Complete sentence 

2. When the weather cleared by the afternoon, we hit the trail. 

a. Comma splice 

b. Complete sentence 

3. Both Jill and I were expecting wonderful scenery; we were not disappointed. 

a. Comma splice 

b. Complete sentence 

4.The view of the valley was spectacular, it was like a portrait. 

a. Comma splice 

b. Complete sentence 

5. We snacked on granola bars and apples, and we enjoyed the view. 

a. Comma splice 

b. Complete sentence 

6. Then we strapped on our backpacks, the final leg of the hike awaited us. 

a. Comma splice 

b. Complete sentence 

Practice 16.4 

Decide whether each sentence is a run-on or a complete sentence. 

1. In 1767 English scientist Joseph Priestley discovered a way to infuse water with carbon dioxide this invention led to carbonated water. 

a. Run-on sentence 

b. Complete sentence 

2. Carbonated water is one of the main components of soft drinks; it gives soft drinks the fizz and bubbles we enjoy. 

a. Run-on sentence 

b. Complete sentence 

3. The first soft drinks in America were dispensed out of soda fountains they were most often found at drug stores and ice-cream parlors. 

a. Run-on sentence 

b. Complete sentence 

4. Interestingly, soda was sold at drug stores because it promised healing properties. 

a. Run-on sentence 

b. Complete sentence 

5. The first carbonated-drink bottles could not keep bubbles from escaping, so it was more popular to buy a soda from a soda fountain. 

a. Run-on sentence 

b. Complete sentence 

6. Most of the formulas for American soft drinks were invented by pharmacists the idea was to create nonalcoholic alternatives to traditional medicines. 

a. Run-on sentence 

b. Complete sentence 


Practice 16.5 

Choose the sentence that does not include a misplaced or dangling modifier. 


a. I bought a hound dog for my brother named Rover. 

b. I bought a hound dog named Rover for my brother. 


a. The doctor diagnosed me with scoliosis and referred me to a specialist. 

b. The doctor diagnosed me and referred me to a specialist with scoliosis. 


a. The coroner reported that the man was murdered. 

b. The man was reported murdered by the coroner. 


a. Please present the recommendation that is attached to Mrs. Burble. 

b. Please present the attached recommendation to Mrs. Burble. 


a. Jack drove me in a Chevy to our home. 

b. Jack drove me to our home in a Chevy. 


a. I couldn’t believe my brother would hire a disco DJ who hates disco. 

b. I couldn’t believe my brother, who hates disco, would hire a disco DJ. 


a. Give quickly the report to your boss. 

b. Quickly give the report to your boss. 


a. We will immediately provide an explanation. 

b. We will provide immediately an explanation. 


Practice 16.6 

Choose the sentence that does not include an improper shift in construction. 


a. You should be ready for each class in a person’s schedule. 

b. You should be ready for each class in your schedule. 


a. I work for my brother most days and attend classes at night. 

b. I work for my brother most days and classes are attended by me at night. 


a. When you give me a review, can he also give me a raise? 

b.When you give me a review, can you also give me a raise? 


a. As we walked to school, last night’s football game was discussed by us. 

b. As we walked to school, we discussed last night’s football game. 


a. David exercises daily and eats well. 

b. David exercises daily and ate well. 


a. Marianne goes running each morning and usually friends are met. 

b. Marianne goes running each morning and usually meets friends. 


a. After you choose an exercise routine, a person should stick to it. 

b. After you choose an exercise routine, you should stick to it. 


a. Lamar swam every morning and does ten laps. 

b. Lamar swam every morning and did ten laps. 


a. The personal trainer made a schedule for me, and a diet was suggested by her. 

b. The personal trainer made a schedule for me and suggested a diet. 


a. As you search for your essay, you may also find your keys. 

b. As you search for your essay, your keys may also be found