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                When I first came into English 101,…


 When I first came into English 101, I was unsure of what to expect. As a student I had always struggled with structuring my thoughts and expressing them clearly on paper. I saw writing as a daunting task that required a level of skill and creativity that I believed I lacked. Additionally, as a thinker, I often found myself struggling to critically analyze texts and articulate my own opinions effectively. Finally, as a student, I had always feared writing-intensive classes, as they seemed to highlight my weaknesses rather than my strengths. 

               However, throughout the course of English 101, I have learned and grown in ways that I never imagined. One of the most significant lessons I have learned is the importance of the writing process. Through the various writing assignments and revision, I have come to understand that writing is a journey that requires time, effort, and multiple drafts. I now recognize that my initial struggles were not indicative of my writing abilities but rather a reflection of a lack of understanding of the process.

               Prior to taking this class, I often struggled with punctuation rules and proper usage. However, through the lessons and exercises provided, I gained a better understanding of how to use punctuation marks purposefully to enhance the clarity and flow of my writing. I learned the importance of punctuation in guiding the reader’s understanding of my ideas and creating effective transitions between sentences and paragraphs. This newfound knowledge has empowered me to communicate my thoughts more precisely and effectively. 

               Furthermore, the emphasis on revision in English 101 has fundamentally changed my approach to writing. I used to view writing as a one-and-done process, but now I understand the value of revisiting and revising my work. Through peer reviews, feedback from my instructor, and students, I learned to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to enhance the overall quality of my essays. This iterative process of revision has not only improved my writing, but it has also taught me the importance of perseverance and continuous improvement in all aspects of my academic journey. 

               Storytelling tools, such as incorporating quotes and anecdotes, have also become essential components of my writing. Prior to this class, I struggled with incorporating quotes effectively and ensuring they seamlessly integrated into my own arguments. However, through analyzing examples of successful quotes and practicing the skill in my own writing, I know can use quotes purposefully and provide the necessary context for the reader. Additionally incorporating anecdotes or personal experiences has allowed me to connect with the reader on a deeper level and add credibility to my arguments. Learning these storytelling tools has enabled me to communicate my ideas with confidence and engage the reader on a more personal and persuasive level.

Lastly, as a student, I will strive to be more proactive in seeking help and engaging with the course material. I have come to recognize the importance of actively participating in discussion, asking questions, and seeking clarification when needed. By actively engaging with the material and seeking support, when necessary, I believe I can maximize my learning potential and continue to excel academically. 

               In conclusion, English 101 has not only helped me grow as a writer, thinker, and student, but it has also equipped me with essential communication skills, such as effective punctuation usage, the importance of revision, and the power of storytelling tools, these skills will undoubtedly benefit me in future academic endeavors and beyond, as I continue to communicate with confidence and clarity.   


can you help me with next question to the above portfolio revision please?  


his writing exercise has four parts. Use this form to complete all four parts and then submit it
to me using the drop box in the Finals Week Module. This week’s exercise asks you to quote
passages from your Annotated Revision and Reflection Essay.
Part 1: Quote four sentences from either part of your Exit Portfolio that use the following
punctuation. Remember, the dash is not the same as a hyphen. See Trimble page 139 for
further explanation. The idea here is to attempt using ALL of this punctuation. If you don’t
currently have one or more of these in your work, find a place to put them! Experiment! Paste
your sentences in this space:
o Semicolon sentence:
o Parentheses sentence:
o Dash (or dashes) sentence:
o Colon sentence:
Part 2: Review Trimble’s seventh tip for improving the readability of your writing (page 69-70)
and quote one “word picture” from each of the components of your Exit Portfolio. Word
pictures are metaphors, similes, analogies, illustrations, quotations, etc. Label what kind of
word picture it is.
o Annotated Revision word picture:
o Reflective Essay word picture:
Part 3: Review Trimble’s eighth and ninth tips for improving the readability of your writing
(page 70-1) and quote one paragraph (at least 5 sentences) that contains no adjectives or
adverbs. You only have to post one paragraph here, and it can come from either your Reflective
Essay or your Annotated Revision:
Part 4: Review Trimble’s section on Vigorous Verbs (page 50-3) and quote 5 sentences from
your Reflective Essay (they do not all have to be in a row or from the same paragraph, just five
sentences) that each contains an active verb. Highlight these verbs in bold:
· Sentence #1:
· Sentence #2:
· Sentence #3:
· Sentence #4:
· Sentence #5: