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      (A)  Easily Confused Words (Homonyms). EX. 26.4 …




(A)  Easily Confused Words (Homonyms). EX. 26.4 

Highlight or underline any words that are spelled or used incorrectly in  the passage below. In numerical order, list your corrections in order, underneath the passage.

The Slow Food Movement rejects everything that are fast-food culture stands for: unhealthy


food from unknown sources, prepared on assembly lines, served in plastic environments, and gobbled quickly. The affects of are fast-food culture are all around us: the well-publicized obesity epidemic and huge increases in diabetes, heart disease, and gastrointestinal disorders. Based in Italy, Slow Food is an organization of more then 100 000 members who’s principals include chosing food from local providers, honouring the farmers and producers of they’re food, preparing it with care and creativity, and consuming it in convivial surroundings. A lot of farmers, chefs, and restaurateurs are members of the movement. They enthusiastically except the idea that they must make a conscience effort to deliver dinning experiences that promote healthier, more sustainable eating. And while the Slow Food Movement supports local farmers and producers, their are many benefits for consumers, including loosing weight, enjoying better health, and experiencing tastier food. It is an allusion that fast food is cheaper then well-prepared good food; we pay the cost of fat-, salt-, and sugar-laden food not at the cash register, but with our health.


While matching word-order above, list your corrections here:

















B) Refine by Combining Ex. 23.29/ 23.29.6: Using too many short sentences makes your copy choppy to read. With the least possible rewriting, improve these sentences by using coordinating conjunctions(FANBOYS), dependent-clause cues, or other transitional words or phrases. Write your revised sentences underneath the originals; spacing is automatic. Check for typographical errors; points wil be deducted.




Melissa bakes a cake. She has a party.


2. We didn’t pass the first test.  We have another one tomorrow.



3. Tensions are high.   Money is tight.   We should talk about making some changes.






I hate talking on the phone. I love texting, I need a smartphone. 







Education can be a confusing concept. It is meant to help you think for  

  yourself. Many people just want to learn facts.



(C) Parallelism: Ex. 23.26 


Once you get past the first sentence, you will see that the rest of this paragraph lacks parallelism. First, highlight or underline any unparallel (and grammatically incorrect) words or phrases you identifyin the original passage. Then use the space below to retype the whole passage with correct and appropriate parallelism. The space will expand automatically to fit your copy. Proofread carefully; marks deducted for mechanical errors.



Working at a pharmacy is a challenging and rewarding endeavour. Not only must you work long hours, not many breaks, and talk to many people, but you also have to be calm and have patience. Dispensing drugs can be dangerous, it can require time, and results in legal issues when mistakes are made. With perseverance, being dedicated, and practice, however, being a pharmacy assistant can be very rewarding. Further education and being reliable can lead to raises or promotions. I suggest if you want a career that focuses on helping others, working with medicine and to interact with the public, working at a pharmacy is for you!




Working at a pharmacy is a challenging and rewarding endeavour. Not only must …


(D) Subject-verb Agreement: Ex. 24.9/ Exercise 24.9.1

Each of these sentences needs revision. To start, highlight the incorrect word. Then retype eachrevised sentence directly below the original, and underline the word(s) you changed. Proofread!




Each of the options you outlined in your concluding remarks are worth examining further.






My opinion of the college’s accounting programs are that neither of them are what I need.





Every one of the dozen people we interviewed qualify for the position.




 5. The applause from a thousand enthusiastic fans were like music to the skaters’ ears.




9. The birth of triplets, after six other children in eight years, were too much for the parents to cope with.





E) Sentence Fragments: Ex. 23.13/ Exercise 23.13.4


Revise each of these sentences to eliminate sentence fragments. Retype your revision immediately underneath the original version. Proofread carefully.




It may surprise you to know that Canadians have made significant contributions to world cuisine. Two of the best known being baby pabulum and frozen peas.



5. Bathing the family cat. It’s an activity that carries the same risks as tap-dancing in a minefield. Or juggling with razor blades.



6 . After working for three nights in a row trying to make my essay perfect so that I would get a high grade in my course. I lost my entire project when my brother crashed the computer while playing Candy Crush Saga





7. I decided to take swimming lessons for two reasons. The first is fitness. Second, water safety.







All of us are more aware of the effects of pollution now than we were 10 years ago. Because we are continually bombarded with information about the environment and our impact on it. In school, on television, and in newspapers.