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answer under each of the following questions.    1. Formal…

answer under each of the following questions.  

1. Formal writing forms include:Text Messages 

Social Posts 

Friendly Emails 

Research Papers 

 2. The STRAP strategy is: 

A strategy to help you check your writing before your share it. 

A strategy to help you remember the main parts of your textbook 

A strategy for reviewing the five main parts of reading and writing assignments 

A strategy for effective notetaking 

3. What does STRAP stand for?  

Subject, type, role, audience, and purpose 

Subject, topic, reason, audience, and purpose 

Source, tone, role, audience, and purpose 

Source, time, rights, appeal, and principle 

4. _____________ are the foundation of all informational texts. 

Sentence fluency 




5. The special way the writer speaks to his or her readers is known as ______________. 



Voice or tone 


6. The rules for grammar, usage, and mechanics that produce clear and correct texts are the ______________ of the English language. 



sentence fluency 

voice or tone 

7. The ___________    is a graphic organizer used to collect details when comparing and contrasting two topics. 

Line Diagram 

Evaluation Chart 

Process Diagram 

Venn Diagram 

8. The steps of the reading process are: 

Prereading, Reading, Rereading, and Reflecting 

Prereading, Revising, Reciting, and Reviewing 

Preparing, Reviewing, Revising, and Reflecting 

Participation, Remembrance, Renewing, and Recollection 

9. The steps of the writing process are:  

Presentation, Writing, Renewing, Eliminating, and Participation 

Prewriting, Writing, Revising, Editing, and Publishing  

Publishing, Writing, Renewing, Editing, and Presentation 

Preparing, Writing, Reciting, Elimination, and Publishing 

10. The starting point or base for most words is the ____________. 




none of the above 

11. The context clue that offers a word or phrase with the opposite meaning to an unfamiliar term is known as __________________. 




None of the above 

12. Annotating a text involves _______________________________________________. 

forming personal responses to a text 

summarizing the information in the text 

paraphrasing the information in the text 

writing notes, comments, and questions in a text while reading 

13. Deductive thinking begins with a general idea or principle and follows with specific details. 

True      b. False 

14. The type of thinking or reasoning which starts with facts, observations, or details that lead to a general conclusion is known as _____________________. 

Deductive thinking b. Inductive thinking c. None of the above d. Both a and b. 



15. Analyzing a text means___________________________________. 

To judge the value of a text. 

To skim a text 

To break down a subject into its main parts and examine them 

Collect basic information from a text 

16. What is the difference between a symbol’s denotative meaning and connotative meaning? 

Denotative meaning is subjective; connotative is literal. 

Denotative meaning is literal; connotative meaning is subjective or personal. 

Denotative meaning is temporary; connotative meaning is permanent. 

Denotative meaning is always concrete; connotative meaning is always abstract. 

17. An anecdote is a brief narrative story used to illustrate a point or draw attention to an idea. 

True      b. False 

18. In a text, you can find the topic _____________________________. 

in the ending paragraph 

in the middle part of the text. 

in the “About the author” paragraph before the text 

in the title, first few sentences, or first few paragraphs 

19. The main idea in a reading selection is a special feature, part, or claim about a topic that will be emphasized. 

True      b. False 

20.. An implied main idea is ___________________________________. 

a main idea stated as a question 

a main idea stated as a complete statement 

a main idea that is not directly stated in the text 

a main idea that lacks effective support 

21. An inference is __________________________________________. 

a logical conclusion that you make about something that is not actually stated in the text 

a concluding statement that sums up the major details in a text 

a concluding statement that sums up the minor details in the text 

a key question that you have after reading a selection 

22. Two effective strategies for introducing the topic in your writing are: 

provide surprising or little-known facts 

make a bold statement 

include a major detail followed by minor details  

#’s a and b  

23. In a logical pattern of organization, details are arranged __________________. 

by time 

in a sensible manner 

by similarities 

by differences 



24. The pattern of organization that shows similarities and differences between two topics is the _____________________ pattern of organization. 





25. A coherent text is usually not clear, complete, or unified. 

True      b. False 

26. The following is not a characteristic of an academic voice: 

Objective (sticking to facts) 


Conversational style 

Third person point of view 

27. The following is not a characteristic of a personal voice: 

First person point of view 

Third person point of view 

Subjective writing 

Familiar words 

28 “Pull over to the side on the road,” said the police officer. This sentence is an example of: 

Direct quotation 

Indirect quotation  

29. Kenneth said that if we want to make it to the Astros game on time, we should leave by 2:00 p.m. This sentence is an example of: 

Direct quotation 

Indirect quotation  

30. The expression “Which releases little packets of adrenaline.” is _______________. 

a fragment 

a complete sentence 

31. The expression “The brain activates the medulla.” is _________________________. 

a fragment 

a complete sentence 

Directions: Select the best options to complete the following sentences: 

32. Several of my friends__________ SUV cars. 

ride b. rides 

33. Either Lola or Danny ______________ after the baby in the evenings. 

look b. looks 

34. Neither Richard nor his parents ____________ present at the ceremony. 

was b. were 

35. The astronomer, _______________ I was honored to meet, is Vera Rubin. 

who b. whom