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May I get some help with this Question 1 Select the best version of…

May I get some help with this

Question 1

Select the best version of the sentence.

Scientists have found evidence that acid rain was a major cause of the largest extinction on Earth 250 million years ago.

A. Scientists have found evidence that acid rain was a major cause of the largest extinction

B.  The largest extinction, caused by acid rain, was found by scientists to have happened

C. Scientists have been finding evidence that acid rain is being a major cause of the largest extinction

D. The largest extinction, which was found by scientists happening, could have been a major cause


Question 2

Figure out the best way to rewrite each sentence.

The interior design motif of shabby chic has popularized the look of French country cottage chic: rose-themed patterns, crystal lighting fixtures, and distressed antiques.

Rewrite, beginning with:

Popularizing the look of French country cottage chic, …

The next words will be:

A. rose – themed patterns

B. crystal lighting fixtures

C. distressed antiques

D. the interior design motif


Question 3

Although much about dolphin communication remains a mystery, scientists have discovered three distinct sounds that dolphins frequently make: chirps, clicks, and whistles. Scientists have learned that dolphins use clicks to create a sonar map, which allows them to navigate and hunt. But, apart from possibly transmitting location, the clicks do not appear to serve any communication purpose. Rather, research indicates that dolphins communicate with each other by whistling. This discovery has necessitated further investigation, as scientists are not yet sure whether the whistles comprise a complex system of linguistic communication or a simple set of sonic cues, like the ones used by other animal species. 

According to the passage, the whistles are significant in part because they:

A. show that dolphins are capable of expressing emotion

B. Prompt questions about the complexity about dolphin communication

C. aid dolphins in navigating and hunting

D. Continues to spur research into their unknown purpose


Question 4

At the time Paine wrote “Common Sense,” most colonists considered themselves to be aggrieved Britons. Paine fundamentally changed the tenor of colonists’ argument with the crown when he wrote the following: “Europe, and not England, is the parent country of America. This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe. Hither they have fled, not from the tender embraces of the mother, but from the cruelty of the monster; and it is so far true of England, that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still.” 

The main idea of the paragraph suggests that Paine:

A. Influenced people to migrate from England to the colonies

B. contributed to the colonists’ growing sense of group identity

C. refuted the notion that most colonists emigrated from Britain

D. had come from a country other than England


Question 5

(1) Howard Hughes was a successful Hollywood movie producer when he founded the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932. (2) He personally tested cutting-edge aircraft of his own design and in 1937 broke the transcontinental flight-time record. (3) In 1938, he flew around the world in a record three days, 19 hours, and 14 minutes.


(4) Following the U.S. entrance into World War II in 1941, the U.S. government commissioned the Hughes Aircraft Company to build a large flying boat capable of carrying men and materials over long distances. (5) Because of wartime restrictions on steel, Hughes decided to build his aircraft out of wood laminated with plastic and covered with fabric, and they had a wingspan of 320 feet and was powered by eight giant propeller engines.


(6) Development of the Spruce Goose cost a phenomenal $23 million and took so long that the war had ended by the time of its completion in 1946. (7) The aircraft had many detractors, and Congress demanded that Hughes prove the plane airworthy. (8) On November 2, 1947, Hughes obliged, taking the prototype out into Long Beach Harbor, CA for an unannounced flight test. (9) Thousands of onlookers had come to watch the aircraft taxi on the water and were surprised when Hughes lifted his wooden behemoth 70 feet above the water and flew for a mile before landing.


(10) The Spruce Goose never went into production, primarily because critics alleged that its wooden framework was insufficient to support its weight during long flights. (11) Nevertheless, Howard Hughes, who became increasingly eccentric and withdrawn after 1950, refused to neglect what he saw as his greatest achievement in the aviation field. (12) From 1947 until his death in 1976, he kept the Spruce Goose prototype ready for flight in an enormous, climate-controlled hangar at a cost of $1 million per year. (13) Today, the Spruce Goose is housed at the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon.

What phrase should be added to the beginning of sentence 10 in order to create the best transition?

A. Thus, Hughes and his team continued to work harder than ever, and

B. Nonetheless the public had a profoundly negative impact on the project, since

C. Although Howard Hughes was primarily a film producer

D. Despite its successful maiden flight,