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1. Having mental intelligence (a high IQ) is all one needs to…

1. Having mental intelligence (a high IQ) is all one needs to create great success in college and in life. 



2. In an experiment during the 1960s, young children were divided into two groups on their ability (or lack of ability)to postpone the immediate gratification of eating one marshmallow in order to get two marshmallows later. Years later the group that was able to postpone gratification scored, on average, 210 points higher on the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) than did the group that chose immediate gratification. 







3. Writing a term paper instead of attending a party that you’d love to go to is an example of


A. emotional self-awareness (knowing your feelings in the moment).


B. emotional self-management (managing strong feelings).


C. social awareness (empathizing accurately with other people’s emotions).


D. relationship management (handling emotions in relationship with skill and harmony).



4. Noticing when someone else is experiencing sadness or anxiety is an example of


A. emotional self-awareness (knowing your feelings in the moment).


B. emotional self-management (managing strong feelings).


C. social awareness (empathizing accurately with other people’s emotions).


D. relationship management (handling emotions in relationship with skill and harmony).




5. Making an effort to help someone feel comfortable in a situation that is new to him or her is an example of


A. emotional self-awareness (knowing your feelings in the moment).


B. emotional self-management (managing strong feelings).


C. social awareness (empathizing accurately with other people’s emotions).


D. relationship management (handling emotions in relationship with skill and harmony).


6. Creators accept responsibility not only for the results they create in their outer world but also for the emotions they experience in their inner world. 






7. When stress persists, stress hormones (cortisol and epinephrine) remain active in the body’s systems, damaging almost every part of the body. 






8. To reduce stress of many kinds, you can choose new behaviors and/or new thoughts. 



9. Feeling overwhelmed is probably the most common stressor for college students. To begin reducing this feeling, you can use the following self-management tool to list and prioritize everything you need to do in each of your life roles (then you can begin doing the high-priority tasks one by one).


A. Next actions list


B. Tracking form


C. 32-day commitment


D. Calendar


10. High stress has a positive impact on memory and other mental skills such as creativity, concentration, and attention to details. 







11. 1. About 50 percent of our happiness is determined by a genetically fixed set point. 







12. We can influence about 50 percent of our happiness by the quality of the choices we make.







13. Pleasures created by such experiences as eating a fine meal, receiving a massage, or viewing a beautiful sunset soon fade because of . . .


A. flow states.


B. the hormone dopamine.


C. hedonic adaptation.


D. gratitude.



14. Which of the following would not describe an instructor who is likely to help you experience “flow” as a student


A. demonstrates a deep knowledge of their subject.


B. shows great enthusiasm for the value of their subject.


C. sets challenging but reasonable learning objectives for their students.


D. is an easy grader.


E. offers engaging learning experiences that appeal to diverse learning preferences.


F. provides a combination of academic and emotional support that gives their students high expectations of success.



15. According to the author of On Course, experiencing any of the following might be called a ________________ moment:


A. creating and savoring a momentary pleasure


B. feeling gratitude for what we have rather than distress for what we don’t


C. engaging in flow


D. showing kindness to someone who is facing one problem after another



16. Responding impulsively to the actions of bosses or coworkers shows a lack of the emotional intelligence component called emotional self-management. 






17. Embarrassing a coworker by pointing out his or her poor performance in a meeting with coworkers shows a lack of the emotional intelligence component called emotional self-awareness. 







18. In fields such as engineering, medicine, computer science, and the law, emotional intelligence has little importance in getting and keeping the job. 







19. To be an outstanding leader, one must be able to resolve conflicts that happen in the workplace. In emotional intelligence terms, this skill is called


A. emotional self-awareness.


B. emotional self-management.


C. social awareness.


D. relationship management.


20. Imagine that you are the leader of a team at work. One member of the team is always late, never meets deadlines, and angers her teammates. You feel your temper rising every time you think about this person’s poor work habits. Which of the following choices demonstrates the most professional behavior?


A. In the next team meeting, confront the offending team member with the evidence of her poor teamwork.


B. While you are still motivated by your anger, send an email about this coworker’s lack of motivation to your boss.


C. When calm, meet with the offending team member alone, share your feelings about her behaviors, and make a request for a change in behavior that will help the team function more effectively.


D. Stop sending her notices of when and where your team is meeting.