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Short essay is provided and second the highlighted stuff needs to…

Short essay is provided and second the highlighted stuff needs to be filled in. Not all 6 steps need to be included for each major topic.


Jenna Hudson 
EAP 1540C 
Essay Model: Process 
September 15, 2022 

How to Properly Cleanse Your Face 

The how and why of many daily tasks seem obvious. For example, most individuals 
over the age of seven do not need to be told how to pour a bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast. 
However, other seemingly simple tasks actually require some technique and precision to be done 
in the most effective manner. The act of facial cleansing is slightly more complex than it first 
appears. This daily process is important because the skin is a delicate organ, easily damaged and 
rather challenging to repair. A number of cleansing steps, some required and some optional, can 
help care for skin. These steps are removing makeup, cleansing, treating, moisturizing, and 
protecting with SPF. 

The first step in effective facial cleansing is to remove any makeup. This step can be 
done with a pre-moistened wipe, a liquid remover, or a natural oil, such as jojoba. To loosen eye 
makeup, gently hold the wipe or a cotton ball saturated in the preferred agent on the eye area for 
up to a minute. Then, remove the makeup by wiping in short downward motions. The eye area is 
very delicate, so it is important to be gentle. 

Next, lay a wash cloth soaked in warm water over the face for one to three minutes. This 
action opens the pores and makes the subsequent steps more effective. Alternately, steam from a 
warm shower will do the same job. After the pores are open, splash the face with warm water 
rather than hot, as hot water can damage the skin cells and capillaries. Apply a dime-sized dollop 
of skin-type-specific cleanser to the forehead, nose, chin, neck, and chest. Some products require

emulsification prior to being applied to the face. For about three minutes, blend the cleanser into 
the skin with a combination of gentle circular motions and light pressure. Finally, rinse the 
cleanser off with warm water. 

The next step, exfoliation, is an optional step, and many individuals choose to do it once 
or twice a week with either a chemical exfoliant, such as AHA or glycolic acid, or microbeads.1 
In the event that the exfoliant of choice is built into a cleanser, simply swap it for the regular 
cleanser several days a week. Otherwise, apply the exfoliating product to the face after cleansing, 
gently massage it in, and then rinse it off. Follow cleansing or exfoliating with a splash of cool 
water to calm the skin and close the pores back up. Pat any excess moisture off the face with a 
soft towel. 

The treating and moisturizing steps that follow cleansing are just as important to the skin 
as the actual application of cleanser. After toweling off, apply any skin-specific serums or 
ointments. This step is another extra, but it can be useful for treating specific conditions, such as 
oiliness, acne, dryness, or age-related concerns. Some examples are salicylic acid for acne, a 
toner for oily skin, retinol for wrinkles, or antioxidants for overall skin health. Allow the skin to 
absorb the serum or ointment for one to three minutes, and then apply dime-sized dots of 
moisturizer, whichever variety is best for the individual skin type (oil-free, extra moisture, etc.), 
to the forehead, nose, chin, neck, and chest. Rub in the moisturizer. For daytime, follow the 
moisturizer with sunscreen on the face, ears, neck, and chest. Sunscreen is an important step all 
year round, as damage to the skin can occur in a small amount of time with relatively little sun 
exposure. Allow the moisturizer and sunscreen to absorb for at least three minutes. Finally, blot 
the face to absorb any residual product or oil before applying makeup. 

The steps that people take to care for their skin can make a difference for this very important part of the body. Following these steps leaves the skin properly cleansed, conditioned, and protected. Healthy skin is one key aspect in people’s overall health. 

1 Avoid products containing plastic microbeads. They are very harmful to the environment 
because they are not captured by most wastewater treatment systems. When washed down the 
drain, they end up in our rivers, lakes, and oceans. These tiny plastics persist in the environment 
and have a damaging effect on marine life, the environment, and human health. (Source:

The example from student writer, Jenna Hudson, of a process analysis essay written about “How 
to Properly Wash your Face” from Excelsior College’s OWL

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