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Summary & Response Paper Planner Link:  Summary & Response…

Summary & Response Paper Planner
Link:  Summary & Response Paper Assignment

Organizing Your Introduction

The introduction to a Summary & Response paper should include:

The title of the article
The author
The place and date of publication
 that briefly describe what the article is about.

To write your introduction, you need this information:

The title of the article is “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”
The author is Kate Manne.
The publication is The New York Times.
The date of the publication is September 19, 2015

Using this information, follow this template to write the first sentence of your paper: 

On [date], [name of publication] published an article titled [title of article].  In this article, [name of author] [pick a verb: argues/explains/demonstrates/proposes] that [brief description of the author’s argument].  She also [explain something else the author does in the article.]

Here is a phrase to help you get started. It follows the template above:  On September 19, 2015, The New York Times published an article titled “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”  In this article, Kate Manne…[you finish the rest]

Please go to pages 2 & 3 to organize the summary, response, and conclusion paragraphs of your paper.

All of the information in a summary comes from the article that you’re summarizing. In this case, the article is “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”  A summary does not include your opinion.  You will express your opinion in the response.  

As you work on the “Main Ideas” column, review the article.  You’ll notice that, In addition to her main argument (trigger warnings are beneficial for students), Kate Manne expresses other ideas too.  For example, she explains the views of scholars who disagree with her and she shares her views on education in general.  You can use any of these ideas in the main idea column.

Title of Body Paragraphs Content of Body Paragraphs
Summary of Main Idea 1:

All of the information in a summary comes from the article that you’re summarizing. In this case, the article is “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”  A summary does not include your opinion. In your own words, explain one main idea from “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”  You can choose a main idea that is favor of (supports) trigger warnings or is against trigger warnings. Remember that the main ideas against trigger warnings belong to Lukianoff and Haidt, not Manne. 

Response to Main Idea 1

A response is your opportunity to react to, agree with, or disagree with Main Idea 1. What do you think about Main Idea 1?  Your response can (1) agree with all of Main Idea 1, (2) disagree with all of it, or (3) agree with part but disagree with part.  You can use “I” in this paragraph.  


Summary of Main Idea 2:

All of the information in a summary comes from the article that you’re summarizing. In this case, the article is “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”  A summary does not include your opinion. In your own words, explain another main idea from “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.”  You can choose a main idea that is favor of (supports) trigger warnings or is against trigger warnings. Remember that the main ideas against trigger warnings belong to Lukianoff and Haidt, not Manne.

Response to Main Idea 2

A response is your opportunity to react to, agree with, or disagree with Main Idea 2. What do you think about Main Idea 2? Your response can (1) agree with all of Main Idea 2, (2) disagree with all of it, or (3) agree with part but disagree with part.  You can use “I” in this paragraph.  


Organizing Your Conclusion

In your conclusion, restate the two main ideas you noted in your paper planner and briefly explain your response to each one. You can begin this way:

In conclusion, Kate Manne’s article includes two main ideas.  The first one [explain it here and then describe your response].  Repeat this step for the second main idea.  (Please continue to the next page.)

Works Cited Page

Because your Summary & Response paper includes information from a source (the article, “Why I Use Trigger Warnings”), the last page of your paper must include specific information about that source. This is called a Work Cited because your paper cites an article by Kate Manne.  Future papers in this class will require you to use multiple sources and in those cases, you will learn how to format your works cited page yourself. For your first paper, though, the work cited is provided for you.

Please copy and paste this work cited onto a separate page at the end of your Summary & Response paper so that the last page of your paper looks like this:


Work Cited

Manne, Kate. “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company.  19 Sept. 2015,