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The research question I have decided to explore is, How can we…

The research question I have decided to explore is, How can we improve our writing 
skills. Improving our writing skills can helps us with communicating within our communities or 
among our careers. Effective writing skills can help us succeed in finding jobs, communicating 
with our peers, and advancing our knowledge. Writing is for everyone but does take knowledge 
and practice to advance our quality. Bellow are some articles that I’ve complied that back up 
why we need to and how we can improve our skills. 
While reading Bad Ideas About Writing a question that came to mind was why does it 
matter if a writer has credentials? People without credentials write all the time and some of them 
produce quality work. So why do they matter? From a research perspective, writers that have 
credentials are seen as more trustworthy and experts in their field of study. However, if one 
wants to be a writer, credentials aren’t needed because writing will always be complicated,  
exhausting and complex. Credentials wouldn’t change any of that. 
Ronald Clark Brooks teaches us those credentials are only valid when teaching or speaking in a 
specific field. He even goes on to say, “We need to disregard the idea that because credentials 
are required to speak in a specific field, everyone else’s opinions and statements should be 
deemed ignoble.” (Brooks) Writing is often feared but for no valid reason. Everyone can write 
and everyone must start somewhere.



Cedeno, Amy. “You Don’t Need Credentials to Be a Writer.”, vol. 10, no. 10, 
writer/#:~:text=Credentials%20are%20not%20needed%20for. Accessed 9 Feb. 2023.
Improve your writing skills, written in 2014 by Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-
Knowles is comprised of ways to help improve one’s writing skills and abilities. William Chaves 
Gomes explains how he uses these books to help his students become better writers. Some books 
that are mentioned are Unlock, and Writing for the advanced. Each of these begin with a 
questionnaire that is designed to help raise the readers awareness of specific writing skills. This 
helps the student prepare and bring key elements to mind. This article specifies that too often 
teachers overwhelm their students with daunting tasks making it difficult for students to absorb 
their learned material. Choosing lesson plans that mesh well together helps create a better 
understanding of the material. By doubling back, teachers give their students a chance to revisit 
everything they learned ultimately leading to better writers. 
Gomes, William Chaves. “Improve Your Skills: Writing for Advanced.” Modern English 
Teacher, vol. 24, no. 3, July 2015, p. 78. EBSCOhost,
The article I chose was The Challenges of Struggling Writers: Strategies That Can Help 
by Michael Dunn. It states that writing is a complex and multifaceted process and many writers 
have reading challenges. The use of technology can help assist students and writers to manage 
their reading to improve their writing skills. This article goes over multiple strategies that 
students, writers, and educators can use to improve their student’s or own writing skills.



Technology can be used as a device and service to manage their writing, access ideas, collect 
resources, organize their thoughts, and develop their writing.
Michael Dunn. “The Challenges of Struggling Writers: Strategies That Can Help.” Education 
Sciences, vol. 11, no. 795, Dec. 2021, p. 795. EBSCOhost,
The last article I chose was Good Writing skills Essential for Student Success. It 
summarizes how studies have been conducted on how well high school students have mustard 
writing skills. An Archieve report found that only 32 percent of high school students had 
mastered basic literacy skills such as reading and writing. This article explores why good writing 
is essential as well as ways teachers can help students succeed. Additionally, this article 
discusses how writing helps boost students critical thinking skills, which ultimately leads to 
students being better prepared for the workplace.
“Good Writing Skills Essential for Student Success.” Techniques, vol. 82, no. 6, Sept. 2007, p. 8. 
In conclusion, writing is essential, and everyone has the ability to write. The quality of 
one’s work depends upon how well they understand the basics of writing and if they have had 
the proper teachings to help them understand their abilities. There is a wealth of knowledge 
withing these articles that can help students and teachers alike. Only by starting and continuing 
can we as writers advance our knowledge. And only by practicing will we become better writers.




Cedeno, Amy. “You Don’t Need Credentials to Be a Writer.”, vol. 10, no. 10, 
writer/#:~:text=Credentials%20are%20not%20needed%20for. Accessed 9 Feb. 2023.
Gomes, William Chaves. “Improve Your Skills: Writing for Advanced.” Modern English 
Teacher, vol. 24, no. 3, July 2015, p. 78. EBSCOhost,
“Good Writing Skills Essential for Student Success.” Techniques, vol. 82, no. 6, Sept. 2007, p. 8. 
Michael Dunn. “The Challenges of Struggling Writers: Strategies That Can Help.” Education 
Sciences, vol. 11, no. 795, Dec. 2021, p. 795. EBSCOhost,





how can this be improved tell me in a short summary