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Dedicated Professional document. Explain how you the educator…

Dedicated Professional document.

Explain how you the educator should proceed in each of the areas. 

For example: The teacher demonstrates care and concern. 

I demonstrate care and concern to the degree that is appropriate and helpful to the student. I will follow up to ensure students understand the assignments and if needed look for new ways to explain the information. 

The teacher believes that all children can learn at high levels and persists in helping all children achieve success.

I work with students at all levels of learning. I am dedicated to ensure that students are able to achieve success to the highest degree that they are able with the understanding that everyone’s degree of success is different.

One paragraph explanation on whether or not our in class discussion affected your answers if so how?

Indicators of Performance 
1. The teachers conduct themselves in a manner which shows care and concern for children and learning.
a. The teacher demonstrates care and concern for children.

I strongly believe the importance of care and concern for children as an early childhood educator, and so I 
b. The teacher believes that all children can learn at high levels and persists in helping all children
achieve success.
c. The teacher is concerned about all aspects of a child’s well-being (cognitive, emotional, social and
physical), and is alert to signs of difficulties.
d. The teacher is committed to helping students develop self-confidence and competence.
e. The teacher respects students as individuals with differing backgrounds, skills, talents, and
f. The teacher creates a learning community in which individual differences are respected and
g. The teacher persists in helping all students achieve success.
h. The teacher develops rapport with students (e.g., talks with and listens to students and is sensitive
and responsive to clues of distress).
i. The teacher acts as an advocate for students.
2. The teacher conducts themselves in a manner which shows commitment to the profession of education.
a. The teacher can list the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching profession as a life-long
b. The teacher shows a commitment to the profession.
c. The teacher has enthusiasm for learning and the discipline taught.
d. The teacher maintains their own well-being by practicing behaviors of mental and physical
e. The teacher is engaged in personal discovery and transition toward professionalism.

f. The teacher demonstrates insight into their individual personal characteristics and is aware of the
personal characteristics associated with successful teachers.
g. The teacher exercises appropriate etiquette and decorum and exhibits a positive work ethic (e.g.,
punctuality, grooming, etc.)
h. The teacher uses technology to enhance productivity and professionalism
3. The teacher exhibits high ethical and professional standards.
a. The teacher has a well-grounded framework for understanding cultural and community diversity
and knows how to learn about and incorporate students’ experiences, cultures, and community
resources into instruction.
b. The teacher understands the importance of interacting in a professional manner in curricular and
extracurricular settings.
c. The teacher respects the privacy of students and confidentiality of information.
d. The teacher values all individuals regardless of origin or individual circumstance.
e. The teacher appreciates and values human diversity, shows respect for students’ varied talents and
perspectives, and is committed to the pursuit of “individually configured excellence.”
f. The teacher recognizes the importance of the relationship between school and community.
g. The teacher appreciates the need to assess and be sensitive to the ethical and moral culture of the
h. The teacher is sensitive to issues of diversity and multiculturalism and acts in a reasonable
manner in situations regarding these issues.
i. The teacher encourages students to see, question, and interpret ideas from diverse perspectives.
j. The teacher knows and practices The Code of Ethics of the Idaho Teaching Profession.
4. The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community
to support students’ learning and well-being.
a. The teacher knows how to respond respectfully to a parent, community members, or another
educator in conflict situations.
b. The teacher is willing to consult with other adults regarding the education and well-being of their
c. The teacher is willing to work with other professionals to improve the overall learning
environment for students.
d. The teacher participates in collegial activities designed to make the entire school a productive
learning environment.
e. The teacher makes links with the learners’ other environments on behalf of students, by
consulting and collaborating with parents, counselors, teachers of other classes, and professionals
in other community agencies.
f. The teacher effectively uses communication techniques (reads, writes, listens, speaks)with
parents, colleagues, and other professional and community partners.
g. The teacher establishes respectful and productive relationships with parents and guardians from
diverse home and community situations, and seeks to develop cooperative partnerships in support
of students’ learning and well being.

h. The teacher uses information about students and links with community resources to meet student
i. The teacher effectively includes professionals, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and peer tutors to
promote student learning.