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Instructions Hello, Could you please help me write this essay, if you could please not use any type of AI tool as I will be deducted? THANKS SO MUCH I appreciate It  because Turnitin will be in use 

The instructions:


Hamlet Essay Assignment

Write a 500-750-word MLA formatted, organized piece of writing that expounds on the lessons shown in the play, using one of the writing prompts below:

Why the Danish Court is Dangerously Just like High School
Why relationships are the Most Important Part of Life
Why Popularity is Harmful
Why Everyone Deserves a Friend Like Horatio
Why we need good parents
How we destroyed our family, by the Ghost and Gertrude
Advice to Ophelia and/or Gertrude: Why you should grow some backbone!
Why Jealousy is Bad, by Claudius
Why I May be a Murderer but I should still go to Heaven by Hamlet

Your job is to use quotes (incorporated and cited correctly) from situations from the text as evidence to prove your thesis. 

Your writing must have 3 paragraphs minimum, and the following:

-an introduction with a creative and interesting hook

-a thesis that is the last sentence or sentences of the introduction, and outlines your argument

-topic sentences at the start of every body paragraph

-(at least) one body paragraph with 3 central points that support your argument; each point must have evidence from the text Hamlet and quotations incorporated into it, as well as explanations connecting these point/proofs to the thesis 

-a conclusion that reiterates your opinion, and also ends with a final positive message on WHY we should read Hamlet





Title:  Everyone Deserves a Friend Like Horatio: The Unwavering Friendship

Horatio, a character in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet,” stands out as a symbol of steadfast friendship and fidelity. Horatio is a shining example of a real friend amid the complex web of lies, treachery, and political intrigue. He supports Hamlet throughout the whole play, demonstrating that everyone merits a friend like Horatio. Horatio embodies the qualities of true friendship via his devotion, dependability, and empathy.

Horatio’s unshakable allegiance stands in sharp contrast to the turbulent court life of Denmark. Horatio maintains his loyalty to Hamlet despite the dishonesty and deception of others. Even under the most difficult circumstances, as when they come upon the ghost of Hamlet’s father, he sticks with Hamlet. Horatio demonstrates that genuine friends are available not just in happy times but also in trying ones, when they may provide support and shoulder some of the load. Horatio’s devotion to Hamlet serves as a poignant reminder that everyone deserves a friend who will be there for them no matter what.

Furthermore, Horatio’s reliability is a priceless jewel in the universe of “Hamlet.” It becomes clear as the plot develops that many of the characters have secret goals and ulterior purposes. Hamlet may still confide in Horatio and has complete faith in him. He protects Hamlet’s privacy and sincerely cares for him. Any true friendship must have this mutual trust in order for people to be vulnerable and open up without worrying about being betrayed. Horatio’s integrity serves as an illustration for all of us of the value of being someone people can trust and depend on.

Along with being dependable and devoted, Horatio also shows a great deal of compassion towards Hamlet. He is sympathetic to Hamlet’s suffering and tribulations and is willing to listen without passing judgment. In Hamlet’s most trying moments, he is there to comfort and support him. In a society where many people put self-interest first, Horatio’s empathy shows the importance of kindness and care in a relationship. Everyone need to have a buddy like Horatio—someone who can understand and provide solace when things are bad.

In conclusion, Horatio from “Hamlet” shows what a good buddy should be like. In spite of the dangers around him, he stands as a strong support for Hamlet because of his devotion, dependability, and empathy. Horatio teaches us the value of being a loyal friend—someone who sticks by, keeps their word, and empathizes with people who matter to them. Horatio’s example serves as a reminder that everyone deserves a friend like him in a world where friendship is often disregarded. As we read “Hamlet,” let us treasure the lesson of real friendship that Horatio’s character imparts and work to exemplify this kind of friend in our own lives.

Works Cited
Shakespeare, William. “Hamlet.” The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, edited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen, Modern Library, 2007, pp. 1472-1574.