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PLEASE HELP : I don’t know what I’m doing wrong    Feedback:…

PLEASE HELP : I don’t know what I’m doing wrong 



Please provide ‘three’ concept questions.

FREE: you would need to ask them to use the TL, which means your situation isn’t specific enough. 

Here is another good free activity for this TL:

In small groups, the sts play the ‘How much can you remember’ game – give each group a picture and let students study the pictures they are given for 2-3 minutes and then take the pictures away. Ask students to work in groups to recall the content of the picture as detailed as possible while using the target form, i.e. ‘The man wearing the blue t-shirt was eating an apple when the dog barked’. 


My Previous Answer:


Lead-in/Feedback, then board notes S-S 5 mins : 

The purpose is to familiarize the pupils with the language and start them talking about the earlier parts of their lives. The instructor will write two different statements on the board: “I was eating my lunch when the phone rang” and “I ate my lunch when the phone rang.” After that, the instructor is going to lead a discussion with the class on the meaning of these two different statements, as well as the similarities and differences between them. This task should be completed in teams of two, and the instructor should set aside around five minutes for it. The students will be encouraged to think critically about the meaning of the words and discuss it with their partner. Put two sentences on the board: “I was eating my lunch when the phone rang” and “I ate my lunch when the phone rang”. Ask the students in pairs to discuss what the differences/similarities are between these two sentences in meaning and form.  

Presentation :

The instructor will elicit from the students their interpretation of what the meaning of the past continuous interrupted is. After that, the instructor will put the structure of the sentence on the board, and they will drill this a few times to practice the pronunciation/intonation, as well as elicit and highlight form: was/were + verb-ing + when + past simple. The instructor need to have the students note where the tense belongs on a timeline that also includes previous tenses that the students have studied up to this point so that the teacher can verify that the students grasp the meaning of the tense. This stage should last around 12 minutes and contain both student-to-student and teacher-to-student contact. PW is required. Elicit the meaning of the past continuous interrupted by the students. Write the sentence structure on the board, drill this a few times to practice the pronunciation/intonation, and elicit and highlight form: was/were + verb-ing + when + past simple. Ask students to mark where it goes on a timeline, including other tenses students have learned so far. Concept check questions: 1.) Are you eating your lunch now? (no) 2.) Was he eating his lunch when the phone rang? (yes) 3.) Were they walking when the phone stopped ringing? (no) P/W (12 mins) & T-S (3 mins)

Practice (controlled) :

Activity on the board changing past simple to past continuous interrupted tenses, using some examples from lead-in. For example: He ate his lunch. -> He was eating his lunch when the phone rang. She went to the store. -> She was going to the store when the phone rang. During the practice stage, the instructor will lead an exercise on the board that includes converting simple past phrases into continuous interrupted past sentences, utilizing some examples from the lead-in stage if such are available. Examples: She was walking when it started raining. He ate his lunch when the phone rang. P/W (18 mins)

Production (free) :

Pairs one is interviewer and the other a famous person. The interviewer asks about the famous persons past experiences using the past continuous interrupted. Then they swap roles. During the production stage, the students will be given the opportunity to practice the target language in a more unstructured setting. In order to do this, the instructor will have the pupils work in groups of two. After that, the students will be given instructions to tell their partners two facts about themselves that are true and one information that is false while utilizing past continuous interrupted tense. After that, the partner will ask follow-up questions in an effort to determine which of the facts is a lie. The instructor should keep an eye on this action and then provide some kind of response. P/W (20 mins)