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Purpose: To give you an opportunity to put into practice what you’ve learned so far about proper email format, organization, netiquette, professional tone and style.





Email Content

Read the article, copied below, on the changing expectations when it comes to hiring new employees in COVID-19times. I recommend underlining or highlighting what you think are the article’s key terms or key points since it makes the assignment task easier.

Which of the top soft skills the article lists do you see as particularly relevant in our current COVID-19 work world, and why?

Pick two top skills, and provide an explanation for each one as to its importance during COVID-19 times.
Explain how these skills apply to your professional skill set; use examples from your work and education thatillustrate how you have developed and/or utilized these skills.

Make sure to clearly engage with the article and cite the article’s title and author as you compose your email.


Email Format, Organization, and Mechanics


Compose a formal email, addressed to me, in appropriate format, organization, content, tone, and language use (see FOL Content for our lecture on emails/memos and the sample email/memo). Your email should not exceed one page in length.



Mechanics (grammar, sentence structure, proofreading, spelling)
Tone and language use
Email format
Organization and readability




6 Soft Skills You’ll Need for the Post-Covid Working World



28 Oct 2020 by Nick Deligiannis in


Article  link:


As we rethink how we work during Covid-19, Hays’ Nick Deligiannis shares his advice on the most important soft skills for this new era. [*Professor note: Hays is a recruitment agency.]


One thing that is certain right now is that coronavirus is changing and reshaping our working world – rapidly. You must therefore position andprepare yourself as best as possible as we begin to enter the next era of work by building on or developing these soft skills that employers will be looking for in future employees


Adapting to change


An ability to accept and adapt to change is vital because, like it or not, change will be a big part of the new era of work. Employers areincreasingly looking for people who can move out of their comfort zone and see change as an opportunity for growth and innovation.


Through the pandemic, you’ve likely faced and overcome new adversities and challenges that you didn’t foresee. So, despite the fact this may have felt difficult and uncomfortable at times, you will have been building up your adaptability and ability to deal with change in the process.


You should take time to acknowledge how your mindset may have shifted in recent weeks and months. If you’ve noticed that you’ve managed toadapt to the changes quickly, it’s likely that you will have done so using a growth mindset.


Enthusiasm for upskilling


Professionals and organisations alike have been woken up to the fact that everything can change almost overnight, and with this change comesdemand for different skills. As a result, upskilling should have moved up your priority list.


You need to use this time of uncertainty to be preparing yourself for the next era of work. By devoting time now to upskilling and learning, you will be demonstrating to future potential employers your willingness to learn through how you used this time to better yourself and grow your knowledge base.


Regardless of the industry, a willingness to learn and a desire to stay on top of current trends and changes relevant to your profession is valued by employers both large and small – particularly in a world in which the hard, technical skills that are in demand are changing and shifting constantly.


After all, showing that you are willing to learn is key to learning about and understanding any new developments from a technical point of view, ultimately helping your organisation to progress. This soft skill goes hand in hand with being self-aware. As changes occur in your industry, gaps inyour skills and knowledge emerge. You must have the self-awareness needed to spot any new gaps, and seek to bridge them.



Emotional intelligence


Grant Torrens, Hays Singapore regional director, has outlined four questions that you can ask yourself to review your emotional intelligence (EQ):


Can you spot negative emotions in others?
Can you tap into positive emotions?
Do you listen to people?
Do you realise the impact of your own emotion?


When navigating difficult times and new challenges, a high level of EQ is imperative. This is a skill we all must possess now and in the nextera of work as, unfortunately, we’re bound to be facing more trying situations in the future. And it’s vital that you’re able to deal with these scenarios successfully.


Developing and increasing your EQ will not only protect you as you approach difficult or potentially stressful times, but it will also set you in good stead to become a top performer in your current and future workplaces.


Effective communication


It is all well and good learning something new every day and thinking of smart solutions to challenges. But these soft skills get lost if you’re notable to communicate and demonstrate them successfully to others, such as a potential employer in a job interview.


For example, stating that you are adaptable to change isn’t enough; you need to use your strong communication skills to illustrate just how adaptable you are, perhaps by providing examples. After all, employers favour jobseekers who possess exceptional communication skills and are comfortable speaking with people at all levels of an organisation in a professional manner.


It’s worth acknowledging, too, that communication has now changed substantially compared to those conversations and interactions we had with colleagues and stakeholders in the pre-crisis world. And as we transition to a hybrid working world – with team members split between home-working and office-working – strong interpersonal and communication skills are only going to become more important as we learn and adapt to building and maintaining relationships, collaborating and sustaining productivity virtually rather than in person.


Video calls, virtual conferences and online presentations also require new levels of self-confidence you might not currently possess, but will be able to develop in time.


Solving problems


We’ve all experienced first-hand how things don’t always go to plan. In all likelihood, none of us had predicted that 2020 would pan out the way it has so far. And with a rapidly changing world of work comes the demand for people who are quick to adapt and solve problems efficiently and effectively.


Hays CTO Mohit Talwar has shared advice on how to improve your problem-solving ability – one tip being that you need to try and visualise theproblem: “A simple picture diagram can help visualise the most complex of problems in any area.”



And leaders need to be involving their team in their problem-solving discussions more as we move through this crisis. So, it’s likely that you won’tonly need this skill to help you adapt to your personal career challenges, but you’ll also be brought in by your manager, and future managers, to help come up with solutions to changing organisational demands.




Also important in the next era of work is creativity. During these turbulent and unpredictable times, budgets are bound to tighten and costconsciousness will remain a focus. Employers therefore are looking for professionals who can come up with creative ideas and solutions to ensure deadlines are met and results achieved, despite limited or perhaps strained resources.


If you’re struggling to see how you could be more creative at work, follow this advice from chartered occupational psychologist Dr Maggi Evans, in which she explores the steps you can take to start being more creative and innovative, such as:


Give yourself some space; many people come up with their best ideas when they’re doing something unrelated, such as walking their dog
Be curious and playful; take fresh perspectives on a problem by asking yourself questions like, ‘What would my superhero do?’,’What if I had more time or limitless resources’, or ‘What if I had to find a solution today?’
Create a positive environment; if you’re working with a team on a challenging project, spend some time chatting or doing something positive first


And as Karen Young, Hays UK director, said, creativity isn’t just important for creative jobs: “This invaluable skill will become essential forproblem solving, strategizing and generating the ideas that will drive businesses forward.”